Told you the picture in the book is not a good representation of the fish... But P.Brasiliensis is not very reefsafe compared to P. aculeatus(which I think also suspected to be non reefsafe too)...
Serious if cheaper than interruptus, I am still able to take it.. But more than 1k is kinda difficult to fork out for me...
I also only buy the fishes i like mah... But not alot..
LOL... Those are really showfish quality.. LOL.. Mine will be Genicanthus semifasciatus pair or a Conspicuous angelfish if I can fork out the money for it..
LOL!!! Will be damn frustrating to come home and first thing is flood tank with food and see if they feed and do a head count in the morning before leaving for work/school.... LOL..
It is very greedy one... Last fish becos of the aggressiveness? No problem for me becos this is probably the only tang in my tank... Get a small ones, they will be easier to feed than bigger ones...
I had 3 living in one tank before.. 6 months and above... Didnt have the chance to try golden becos I have more than 9 angels in the tank already... No point getting liao..
That cycle might internal parasite or effects of cyanide poisoning which we have no control over...
And true, feeding is not a sure win with these angels..
Colini might be difficult to find... Maybe seasonal?