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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Tried everything... It is not the problem with the pump... The vibration is causing the pipe and sump to vibrate and the sound sort of resonate out from the back of the cabinet and from the overflow box and not the front where the pump is...
  2. Thanks, I tried everything.. The problem is not with the pump... It is the vibration caused by the pump.. The sound is coming from the back of the cabinet and not the front which the pump is at... Worse come to worse will replace the pump...
  3. Hi, Need help on reeflo pump.. Just want to see anyone is using Reeflo now and perhaps can go and have a view on how the piping is done... THanks...
  4. Pods... Leave them.. Food for the fishes...
  5. Yup.. Or you can get all female lor.. Spam with BBS, copepod and cyclopeeze... I realised they react very well to cyclopeeze actually most fish do...
  6. You will get to that stage again very fast..
  7. They exist in low oxygen area such as Deep SandBed.. Bro, sorry... Just now click wrong button...
  8. I am still wondering if you have enough hiding space for your fishes?
  9. I know!!!. You can pee in your tank!!! :sick:
  10. Reefing is siong to start with... LOL... The relaxing part is when your tank is up and running... LOL... :yahoo:
  11. Good to see a reefer coming back... I am not really sure leh.. It is best to wash everything becos you have to cycle it again anyway..
  12. I think the only difference is that cycling longer, the bacteria population will be more stable(IMO) and will take better to new bioload... Got no prove but tried it, cycling longer does help with your stocking but of course not like 4-5 large fish at a time lar... 1-2 fish medium size is still fine... And also the population of the Pod will be higher too..
  13. I am not sure if phytocure will cause any algae bloom, But the old times, DT phyto will cause abit of bloom...
  14. Simple English easier for new reefer to understand mah... LOL...
  15. All these Biology lesson are giving me headache... All I know and keep in mind is, Ammonia and Nitrite zero.. Can stock liao... As for the bacteria population in the tank, bacteria reproduce and die in the tank... It is not possible that all the bacteria will die leaving your tank "bacterialess". As long as there are living things in the tank(Even bacteria) the bacteria population is there but whether it can handle more bioload from your fishes.. So stocking slow is the key, the bacteria can slowly grow in population and handle the new amount of waste...
  16. Was running carbon and Rowaspho at that time... Din work... LOL...
  17. Cauliflower is able to keep healthy.. They need "dirty" water or nutrient laden water... You can spam Phytoplankton, Zooplankton, Cyclopeeze, Rotifer(???)... I used to spam Phyto and Cyclopeeze for my old tank with Cauliflower/Dendro and the "Pepper" Seafan... All openning and growing... Plus growth of brown algae and green algae... LOL... So it is difficult to get a balance...
  18. HUH... Really ah? You have Pm... LOL..
  19. As stated, I normally use tap water with water conditioner... So thinking of switching to DI/RO filter..
  20. It is around $450 if I am importing from Fish-street.. Including Shipping... But I am still comparing the prices... LOL..
  21. Okay, Becos I am getting some dosing pump from BRS.. So might as well get the DI/RO filter from them also if the price is not very high......
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