Becos it is not fitted with durso so it is empty from the bottom to the top... So might add a short durso and add block wool on the top of the durso to muffle the noise..
I thought the color is more distinct as in the red and the orange on the body...
This abnormal Cirrhilabrus aurantidorsalis, Like a female Cirrhilabrus cyanopleura?
Managed to reduce the noise by a bit... As suspected by Henry, the noise is amplified by my empty overflow box... Added 2 full packet of block wool and it reduce a bit... But still can heard some humming sound...
Just found out the problem is not with the pump... Even when I on my chiller pump... There are also vibrating sound that is coming out from the rear of my cabinet.. Time to move the sump and fill up the overflow compartment with bio home or bio balls...