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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Back of the tank, The butterflies are so happy that they a always there..
  2. It seems I haven lost touch with my DIYing skill.. Cheapo Stand...
  3. KK, Just see that it dun melt.. Maybe stress...
  4. I dun wan to know the dimension lar.. LOL... Not a good sign if you can see a hole... sometimes it might just be stress..
  5. Ya... Like got noodles dropping out... So you can see a hole???
  6. LOL... Sometime they are just yawning... If the mouth is open and they are spewing intestines out den more or less it is a goner...
  7. I just hope it is not the real zebra shark!!! Becos that shark is not meant to be kept in captivity.. THEY GROW UP TO 8.2 FT!!! I am talking about bamboo sharks, they are not that difficult to keep and can be kept in a BIG fibreglass tank although still not encouraged...
  8. I guess it is still fine as these sharks will only get to a length of 2ft in captivity(If I never remember wrongly, Lazy to go and search)... It is still possible to keep them in a fibreglass tank or a 5-6ft tank without any problem...
  9. Cant see... As long as not melting i think should be fine...
  10. It is really slow leh.. Yeah, it is better to get a commercial ones..
  11. Just very sian, Not very often you will find 1-1.5 inch venustus... And I really mean not very often...
  12. BIG or OPENED??? Different leh...
  13. Nah, It will come out when I feed my homemade food... So confirm gone liao..
  14. All was healthy what... See lar, ask you put on sandbed you put on the rocks...
  15. Super sian lor.. Time to get a small tank to pump that new fish up... It is reef safe lar...
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