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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Maybe will take a look this coming weekend.. LOL.. Hopefully not too ex... Your Gorg is already very big and its shape is very nice...
  2. Got a very bad feeling... Hmmmm...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. lcf425


      which one? my bad feeling is scare my removed carpet pollute my tank =.=

    3. vt_snowman87


      i also keeping my fingers crossed..

    4. Terryz_


      Expected... Two of them went MIA this morning...

  3. I NEVER SAID LEATHERS ARE UGLY... But that day was looking for zoas, so dint look at the Leathers.. BTW where you got the Gorgonian...
  4. If can find den we can get it from local waters.. Hahah..
  5. Hope so can see Chrysiptera tricincta soon but the price hopefully is not too ex like the Starcki...
  6. It is very possible I know seahorse and crocea clams was $5 each 10-15 years ago... So relatively it should be around that price for bandit...
  7. This is one of the damsel I like but so far haven seen any if can get in Singapore water... HMMMMM...
  8. NICE TANK... Love the corals and the Gorgonian.. Next time must ask you to help me choose softies... LOL... All the leather turn out healthier than in CF tank.. LOL...
  9. Try waiting for reborn's shipment... So far I only seen them there after ML stopped bringing in... Btw the one on the left is a female and the one on the right is male... Be sure to make sure you get one of each gender... Same gender will fight..
  10. Keep your tank fishless for a month or longer for the ich to finish its life cycle and die off after hatching as they have no host(fish) to attach to... The UV will help in preventing outbreak but it is practically difficult to eradicate all ich from our tank as they might be present in new corals or new fishes we add...
  11. Bro... Thats a Valenciennea Wardi... Not the Valenciennea helsdingeni that we saw previously...
  12. It is so nice... I dunno if I should go that way... The dying seafans are giving me second thoughts... although i still have 3 healthy ones...
  13. ??? Is coradion in season now??? Should i go get another... Thanks for th update and photos
  14. :snore: Maybe personal preference bah... Of course it is unique but for tat price, I wouldnt buy... Actually it is also becos of the bars thats why I dun like it...
  15. Totally a flame with abberent marking.. WHY DID YOU BUY IT????
  16. Terryz_


    Depends on the color of the yumas.. You will have to play around with them.. From what i see, Pink and Blue require strong light but they are very easy to get "light shock" and cooler the water the better...
  17. This is the last straw, going to epoxy every frag on the rock...

    1. Show previous comments  14 more
    2. Terryz_


      I need the seahare for algae control...

    3. vt_snowman87


      yea.. its too late to drill holes into my rockworks now.. but good idea nonetheless..

    4. Terryz_


      Just epoxy everything... Now only to wait for them to spread... Hehe..

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