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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Any Filter feeder food would be good..
  2. They will appear to do well for the first few months... But slowly it will drop the polyps and become botak.. It would be good if we can have reefer who can keep them long term and share their experience..
  3. Still too early to tell if it is doing well, It could be starving and reaching out for food..
  4. Can Always check with Iwarna.. But from what I know most carmabi is order if there is request and orders
  5. Nope, My max was 6 months.. It is very unusual... The only case i know of surviving and growing is in US and it is growing to the point it can be fragged for sale but the frags didnt make it.. I tried using the food recipe he have for this seafan but it didnt work out very well, Max I could get it to survive and opening up well is 6 months after that the health start to go downhill..
  6. Looks like peanut worms.. Sipuncula sp. Most will eat detritus and any food in the substrate when they burrow in the substrate..
  7. It has been discovered long before 2012 just that there is no collection of the fish due to locality and very few picture exist before it was being collected in few months back in a new locality.. I know of a source for one but the price will be hard to swallow for most reefers...
  8. Get a gate valve which gives you very precise adjustment... Herbie method is proven to work you just need to moniter and make sure that the water level when you first change to herbie, and for herbie, it is best to have 3 overflow pipe, 2 main overflow and 1 emergency overflow, if you have 1 overflow then you need to be extra careful..
  9. Anampses caeruleopunctatus Where you got it?
  10. If you are still cycling and have not done the 50% water change, then moniter after the water change and off all the light while cycling..
  11. The common name for most of the fishes is uncommon or unheard of.. You will get a better and clearer photo if you search the scientific name on google..
  12. Breams (Great for FOWLR tank) Pentapodus setosus - $10 Scolopsis ciliata - $10 Scolopsis lineata - $10 All are at least 4-5 inches Take all for $25 Damsel and Clownfish Amblypomacentrus clarus 2pcs - FOC Pomacentrus pavo - FOC Percula Clown without tail stripe - $25 Tang, Triggerfish and Filefish Acanthurus bariene - $20 Naso tuberosus (PNG) - $50 Xanthichthys auromarginatus - $10 Cantherhines pardalis (PNG) - $25 Acreichthys radiatus (Rare) -$40 Others Pair of Bird Wrasse (Gomphosus Varius) - $20 Neovespicula depressifrons - $10 (Uncommon Goblinfish, VENOMOUS) Acanthopagrus Schlegeli - FOC Diploprion Bifasciatum - $15 Fishes not caught yet..
  13. Can go for other genicanthus familly if if you are looking for reef safe angels..
  14. Common name and some info.. Sacura margaritacea - Sakura Anthias Zalanthias azumanus - Should be Zalanthias kelloggi azumanus, if not wrong is a sub species of kelloggi Muraena pardalis - Japanese Dragon Eel Monocentris japonica - Japanese Pinecone Fish Omobranchus elegans - Elegant Blenny Asterina pectinifera - Bat Starfish, very interesting colored and shaped starfish Pseudolabrus japonicus - A species of Scarlet Wrasse Hypodytes rubripinnis - Red Finned Pygmy Waspfish(only from japan) Centropyge interruptus (sold)
  15. This is sooo cute like from some cartoon... But dun think can get..
  16. Too big for captivity and not seen in trade before.. It is one of my want to get fish..
  17. The spanish flag is so cute.. But the bigger one is nicer..
  18. There was a smaller one before this one.. But I dun think we can get... They have a much nicer color as young..
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