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Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. Full Blue Sympodium.. Hehe..

  2. OMG!!! Hopefully is the former... I dun wan bobbitworms in my tank... :cry2:
  3. Basically, Softies are quite hardy but cloves and GSPs will normally closed for a period of time when added to the tank and it will require good water parameter to prevent algae from growing on their stalk... Temperature will not need to go down to 25 deg... 26-27 deg would be sufficient..
  4. Yummy food for NPS corals... This is my daily mixture for my NPS corals... Half will be dosed in the morning and half will be dosed in the evening... Consist of FM Ultra Seafan, FM Ultra Min F and Nannochloropsis, Will be adding more stuffs as it goes on but currently the NPS still doing well to this diet...
  5. That bird is with my uncle.. Will try to take photo.. LOL... Used to keep parakeet but not now... I dun mind... Will change the topic too..
  6. Any reefers keeping Parakeet also? Or have kept parakeet before... Trying to ID the breed of the parakeet that my relative have... I know there is unlimited mutation parakeet out there, but the one he have seems like a cross breed? The feather is like Neophema splendida, Scarlet chest parakeet but the beak is orange/red unlike Neophema splendida which have black beak..
  7. Alien Explosion Look alike - $8
  8. The last two is not common lor... LOL...
  9. Nice but you are going to have a backbreaking experience with 2.5ft height...
  10. Hahaha... No problem lar... Take your time.... Just joking around... Dun mind holding it... It is opening very big directly under the LED...
  11. Yellow Submarine all taken...
  12. Bro, your paly still with me... LOL!!!
  13. All Prices Revised... Please allow me sometime to let the zoas settle before collecting... To safeguard yourself too... Thanks..
  14. Nice collection of sps... Luckily I gave up the idea of keeping sps... LOL...
  15. Sold... Pending collection...
  16. Going for ICT, Hope nothing goes wrong when I am in camp...

    1. LaW


      try to break a bone there.

    2. pokmingsheng
    3. Terryz_
  17. Protein skimmer is to reduce the amount of DOC in the water or in layman terms wastes.. And for a 4ft tank, I dun think a fan unit will be able to cool down the temp for your tank... so a chiller is preferred...
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