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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. OMG, Bro, you still keeping... Haven seen you in the marine scene for sometime?
  2. Who say regenerating receded seafan is impossible.. Below is a part of my blue seafan that didnt make it when I off my chiller accidentally for 2 days... Not very big but still a example of regenerating receding seafan is possible..
  3. New left side scaping for dendros...
  4. Price Revised... Hammer @ $50 Elegance @ $50 Pearl Bubble @ $40 LPS Combo @ $20 Thanks..
  5. Nevermind, wait for it to grow... Can get from you anytime...
  6. NICE!!!Should have jumped on it when I saw it,,,
  7. Left with the following.. Starfire Zoas @ $6 Purple Death @ $90 Kix N Koral Zoas @ $20
  8. Yellow Submarine and Eagle eye taken... Thanks...
  9. LPS Combo Cup Coral Favia Green Cyphastrea
  10. 1 - Green Stem, Pink Tip Hammer Corals (6 Head) - $60 2 - Pink Tip, Green Body Elegance (Fully Expanded est 8-9 inch) - $60 3 - Lumi Green Pearl Bubble (Fully Expanded est 6 inch) - $40
  11. Yeah, Next time must take note liao.. LOL..
  12. Nice... I like your Kenya tree... So nice...
  13. Can see the color is quite bright now...
  14. Regal is 50/50... I had my previous one which is not eating zoas... Although I fail with a few before that ate zoas...
  15. LPS Combo Package - Brownish Favia, Green Cup Coral and Green Cyphastrea - $25 Or take all LPS at $150.. Thanks..
  16. Upgrading Done, Waiting for the corals to settle down...

    1. Eniram


      Did a BTO for your corals?

    2. Terryz_


      LOL... Rescape lah... Now they recovering from the overdose of epoxy... LOL...

  17. 1 - Green Stem, Pink Tip Hammer Corals (6 Head) - $60 2 - Pink Tip, Green Body (Fully Expanded est 8-9 inch) - $60 3 - Lumi Green Pearl Bubble (Fully Expanded est 6 inch) - $40 Photo will be posted tml when the corals are opened... Price can be further nego.. Collection at Jurong West Ave 3...
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