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Everything posted by Terryz_

  1. They claim that is easy with frequent feeding of food......
  2. The precise reason why I like Chilli Corals so much...
  3. Yes, I am still going to add more species to this post.. Just that, I need to get the correct info as not to mislead the reefers who are trying out NPS...
  4. Yes, GBTA dying, you can remove it liao... Red slime, can try use red slime remover from Ultralife or siphon it off as you scrub lightly... Another way is to increase flow in that area...
  5. Eibli Hybrid...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dnsfpl


      is it aggressive?

    3. Terryz_


      Haha... I know common.. Normally they dun attract my attention.. But this one is so small..

    4. Terryz_


      No Pic for the moment... It got attacked by my other angels...

  6. Upz... Updated.. Starfire Zoas @ $6 Kix N Koral Zoas @ $15
  7. Upz... Updated.. Starfire Zoas @ $6 Purple Death @ $80 Kix N Koral Zoas @ $15
  8. 8000l/h will require a 40 mm overflow according to the calculation by RC calculator... So it is up to you..
  9. This is just a misunderstanding and obviously the deal is not communicated properly... I will just close this thread since the deal is already settled...
  10. Upz... Price Revised... Hammer @ $35 Elegance @ $40 Pearl Bubble @ $35 LPS Combo @ $10 Thanks.. Take the 3 LPS free LPS Combo @ $110...
  11. Upz... Updated.. Starfire Zoas @ $6 Purple Death @ $80 Kix N Koral Zoas @ $15
  12. Upz... Price Revised and updated... Hammer @ $35 Pearl Bubble @ $35 LPS Combo @ $10 Thanks.. Take All @ $70...
  13. Upz... Starfire Zoas @ $6 Purple Death @ $80 Kix N Koral Zoas @ $15 Yellow Submarine @ $15 Eagle Eye Zoas @ $8
  14. Upz... Price Revised... Hammer @ $35 Elegance @ $40 Pearl Bubble @ $35 LPS Combo @ $10 Thanks.. Take the 3 LPS free LPS Combo @ $110...
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