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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. Why black and white? I want to see colors! I think i saw the assarius butterfly?!
  2. My tank now is not dark anymore. Increase to 3 T5 tubes becos of the anemone. After it settles and lose its stress color, hutomoi look jux like any other female anthias. Not a fish tat i will buy even if i see it at LFS.
  3. Rare hutomoi. V subtle beauty. Charlenae and hutomoi are probably the two most under appreciated rare anthias.
  4. Aulacocephalus temmincki (Interesting predatory soapfish from Japan) Yellow Queen angelfish (posted before)
  5. Both flame and rusty angels are considered the more aggressive. So they're hybrids will likely be at least as aggressive. Mellow species like colini and golden if they ever produce any hybrids will be v interesting and definitely need a peaceful tank.
  6. Bloodshed!! But i wonder if the more flame looking rusty flame will be less aggressive than a rusty looking rusty flame?
  7. It is v aggressive. That is why i have to give up on that fish although i like it a lot.
  8. Blue eyes will easily be cured once u improve water quality by doing a water change.
  9. Not a shrimp goby. It stays small and hovers in water column like the masked goby from carribbean.
  10. Asterropteryx atripes (Yano's starry goby). I want it and it can be found in philippines. Hope one day CF or ML will bring in.
  11. A great substitute to the unobtainable chaetodon sanctaehelenae
  12. Beautiful! Both are v hard to find fishes. Highly recommend the guentheri to butterfly lovers cos it's cheap, rare, beautiful and easy to feed. There are two more at CF.
  13. smallest chaoti wrasse ever! And in the video i saw a orange goniopora?
  14. Yes if u define beauty as in beauty by appearance, then a lot of hybrids are "uglier" than their parent species. For example an AT is nicer than an AT hybrid, a powder blue is nicer than a powder blue hybrid, a clarion is nicer than a clarion hybrid, a maculosus is nicer than a maculosus hybrid, a flagfin is nicer than an armitagei, a goldflake is nicer than a goldflake hybrid etc etc. That said, appearance beauty is v judgemental, so while one feel it is ugly, there'll akways be another who disagrees.
  15. All fishes sold and collected. Mod pls close thread. Thank u.
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