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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. Johnsoni Pair (These rare fairy wrasse are collected small and dull and does not necessarily ship well as seen in the last pair at CF. But they quickly color up as the male grow bigger.) Small Joculator
  2. I think diet plays an important role in keeping the color red. Orange carmabi can turn deep red in captivity given a red-color enhancing cyclopeeze diet. So perhaps the red flame and deep orange clarion can be retained with a protein and cyclopeeze heavy diet.
  3. It's good to note that xmas flames can also be as red and having thinner black stripes as the rarer hawaii ones. So it is rare but can be indistinguishable from some v red xmas flames.
  4. And typically they have thinner and lesser black stripes.
  5. Pls refer to TS post #41. He claimed he HAS TAKEN the pic during the tank maintenance! It is very obvious what he is up to now. We all know the biggest black tang over 8" brought in by LCK is not even sold near 1k. To sell at 2k he can still make a big profit after minus all the freight charge. But u r right, no need to conclude so soon. I like to see how this story develop from here onwards. It'll be interesting if the TS can come up with a satisfactory explanation.
  6. It is v obvious the whole thing is a scam! Don't see any need to wait for reply as there will probably be none. Hope MOD can do something and ensure this kind of thing don't happen again.
  7. Too much of a coincidence isn't it? The blue background, no sandbed, the copperbands, the coradions and the lone black tang. Yes an explanation is required.
  8. Oversupply. No wonder LCK US supply can get helfrichi in great numbers.
  9. Their quantities are crazy! The number of waiteis, catalina, flame, multicolor, helfrichi are shocking! Maybe they are wholesale centres that's why so many. The helfrichi so cheap. We are paying double here!
  10. How much is their waitei? Is it expensive? How bout the price of the other fishes? Like WI and conspic.
  11. The baby venustus has so much yellow. I've seen one as small at CF. Also has so much yellow. Wonder how's the small venutus doing now. Most likely dead.
  12. Genicanthus Semicinctus (Anyone know where else these vids were uploaded pls let me know as i forgot the source)
  13. CF also hire foreign workers. Cheaper.
  14. U call that nothing rare? The hulafish, the waitei anthias, the WI, Conspics, tuxedo damsels, blue devil, lunula trigger, white bar macs all are v rare and to appear in big numbers all in one LFS makes QM v impressive! Waitei and lunula never came in b4. I'm most interested in the undescribed trigger! It is gorgeous!
  15. interesting the americans spell angel wrongly as angle like CF aunty. An international mistake.
  16. Rinecanthus Lunula for the pic on the left? The pic on the right shows a rinecanthus cinereus?
  17. With your open scapings, u can keep up to 4 or 5 tangs depending on the species and size of tangs u buy. Tangs are well known for their ich (marine whitespots) problem and many reefers who spends thousands on their setups were beaten by this dreaded marine disease that usually come along with your favourite genus of fish, Tangs. You have a beautiful setup but if u dun plan carefully on your choice and rate of stocking you can be one of those unfortunate reefers who fell victim to ich. On the worst scenario you can be so beaten that you may even quit the hobby or shift completely to a FOWLR copper tank which will be an utter waste on such an expensive and beautiful setup. The regal blue tang is a v popular and common fish in our hobby especially after the show finding nemo. I'm sure u know well about the fish already, so i'll touch on other tangs instead. Three popular genus of tangs here: Zebrasoma, Acanthurus and Ctenochaetus. Among these three i recommend u AVOID acanthurus family at the beginning. It is the most troublesome genus and also the most difficult to keep alive. The tangs under this family are achilles tang, sohal tang, powder blue tang, atlantic blue tang and clown tang. They are beautiful and popular but are difficult and problematic as they succumb most easily to ich, especially achilles tang. So although u like them a lot, i would discourage u to try them. Maybe after one year when your tank is v stable and established, then i suggest u to try one in your tank and start with powder blue as it is cheaper and not as tough as the other two. And from there restrict yourself to one or two only to keep ich under control. My favourite is the zebrasoma family. They are colourful, hardy, stay smaller, easy to feed, and most important of all, least susceptible to ich compared to the other genus. The tangs included in this family are yellow tang, purple tang, scopas tang, black tang and gem tang. One thing to note is zebrasoma can be rather aggressive, especially purple tang. So if u can add them all at one go or use the betta box method. Not more than two to three zebrasoma tangs in your 4 ft is recommended. Lastly the Ctenochaetus (also called bristletooth) family is good for algae control. They are moderately hardy, easy to feed but grow up ugly. When they are smaller they are cute and colorful, but they quickly lose the cuteness and color at 3" and above. Luckily many bristletooth tangs are collected tiny, about and inch or slightly bigger. Some bristletooth includes the popular chevron tang, tomini tang and kole tang. If u buy them small, keeping two to three bristletooths in your 4ft is not an issue. Stocking slowly and wisely will keep ich under control.
  18. Carribean Rarities from BlueHarbor!! Juvenile Aya butterfly (900) Guyanensis Butterfly (Priceless) Carmabi Basslet (2000) Liopropoma Aberrans (Priceless) (This is not aurora) Alpha male Vivanus Anthias (1200) Deepwater Callionymus bairdi (Priceless) (Is the name really bairdi??)
  19. Flavocoronatus Butterfly (Posted b4 but repost cos it's too beautiful)
  20. But he is not upgrading to hold his beloved fish. He is selling them now so that he can decom and get a bigger tank and start all over again. That is another fickle move. I think my words alone is not enough. Other reefers who feel the same are persuading him not to sell too. There are ways to hold his fishes until his new tank upgrade. There is no need to sell becos it is NOT A DOWNGRADE. Anyway at the end of the day it is his decision to sell for watever reason there may be. Up for his fishes but be prepared the fishes will be quite hard to sell, as i've tried before. All the best.
  21. No u did not remember correctly. U missed out a few more stages. Here is the chronological order: 2ft mix reef > 3ft LPS tank > 4ft LPS tank > 4ft SPS tank > 4ft NPS tank > 4ft FOWLR. All these happen within plus minus a year. Knowing Jon since he started reefing, each time his new concept i only get to see it less than 5 times before he shift concept. Next would be a 6ft setup with the most expensive fishes beyond your imagination!
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