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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. I remnber seeing once or twice at most. But is a completely dark brown ugly one. Could be plesiops corallicola or female coeruleolineatus.
  2. All are labelled coeruleolineatus. According to fishbase, coeruleolineatus is quite wide range. But seems like only some pics of coeruleolineatus found in Japan has the yellow cheek, while most others are the drab black color forms. Do u think it's a color difference between male and female? And i search other related species like plesiops insularis and plesiops verecundus also have yellow cheek.
  3. Just realised i made a mistake in the spelling. It should be plesiops coeruleolineatus and not plesiops coerulineatus. Anyway, plesiops (also known as longfins) are close cousin of grouper, but they stay small and their temperament is also not like grouper but more like assessors. They are cryptic and rarely available in our hobby although it can be found in our indo shipment, i dun recall seeing any until now. Here is the famous xanthic plesiops coeruleolineatus from LiveAquaria. The common form of plesiops coeruleolineatus is drab and looks like this:
  4. It'll morph also?! It'll be sad if it morph back to normal. Beautiful. Mine dun flash so often anymore cos it's alone, no one to flash to. I miss my terelabrus sp. The kiri is only 3", so tiny!
  5. Tinker butterfly is a fish u can get here in singapore, if u order for it. There is no need to go HK to buy. LCK and M3 will be able to bring in the fish for u. Price range from 300 to 500 depending on the size, smaller more expensive.
  6. I will when the fish settles and starts eating. My leucozonus anthias is breaking down. Feeding but still get thinner and thinner, typical of those v hard to keep anthias like PQ and ventralis. I take a vid b4 it dies.
  7. There is also one black cap basslet at CF, and two male naoko fairy wrasse.
  8. Yes it does. The color was already not stressed when i collected it.
  9. It's in my tank now. Swimming out in the open with the sailfin anthias. They enjoy each other's company, jux like how hemathias vivanus and martinicensis swim together in carribbean ship wreck. Not a brightly colored fish and pale easily under bright lighting, but v rare and it was on offer at half the original price. I'm so lucky and i hope to keep it alive for a long time to come.
  10. CF Many tiny clown tangs 4 golden angel, all not eating. Many blue and yellow neon gobies Many medium size powder blue and yellow belly regal angels 2 very healthy blue reef chromis Many insolata chromis Queen, french and grey angels. Unknown blenny from carribbean. and for the gobies collector, there is one and only one piece of atlantic blue head peppermint goby, Coryphopterus lipernes, kept in the same box as the yasha goby.
  11. I like lennardi and feminus more. Recently a fresh batch of lennardi from west aussie was sent to Japan again, when are we gg to see lennardi? I hope soon. Between lennardi and feminus i choose lennardi as it's hardier and ship way better than feminus. Feminus is as difficult as chrysocephalus, and worst still much rarer.
  12. If there's anyone who can appreciate the anthias more than me i'll gladly give up on the fish. It has always been a fish i dream of seeing and keeping. My biggest hope was for RB to bring in last year. But sadly they soon closed down and my hope fell. It came as a big surprise and we're counted lucky to be offered that price.
  13. Yup v deep! They were mostly caught by submersibles and carefully decompressed to bring up alive for public display! Amazing collection skills. I'm always fascinated with deepwater fishes. And i'm so excited i'll be getting the super rare and deepwater (in excess of 300 ft) protonogrammus martinicensis also found in carribbean.
  14. And the ever popular carmabi basslet. Still deep at 200ft but is v shallow compared to the rest posted. All these fishes are now currently on display at Curacao Sea Aquarium.
  15. Another undescribed deepwater scorpion fish. (0.75" adult size! A pgymy scorpion. Captured at 600ft depth!!!)
  16. The new undescribed deepwater dragonet! (3" long, captured at 550ft depth!!)
  17. New photos of deepwater curacao fishes! Lipogramma Evides (Captured at 400ft!) Gonioplectrus hispanus (Captured at 450ft!)
  18. I can see a bit of black rim, but too little to say it's a hybrid. Much rather they label it as aberrant declives. Now i doubt the previous one is a hybrid also.
  19. Frembli imo is the most unique butterfly worthy of a single complex of its own. Not v rare but one of the most beautiful. Good job at keeping it so healthy and stress free.
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