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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. Really resembles the pseudocoris u hav in your tank. Both have tiger stripes.
  2. Clean up the tank a little bit. Did a water change and most important i added a blue seafan which i find it v special. Although according to an NPS expert it is quite common at CF, this is actually the first time i saw it and it immediately caught my eyes. It resembles the carribbean blue seafan (one of my favourite coral ever kept) that came in thru LCK long time ago but is a different species. Hope to keep it alive.
  3. Should be the same one. It's small. Pic makes it look bigger.
  4. Still ok? Do u know they are pale looking when they hit adult size! Look like some food fish in the market. Here is an adult piece also from absolutelyfish: Anyway from absolutelyfish also the famous blue porcupinefish which u like a lot:
  5. S.phoebe is not a good fish to keep unless u can get juvenile. Becos they can grow v big.
  6. Rare Japanese pterogobius elapoides Rare and deepwater Brazilian chromis Rare juvenile Anyperodon leucogrammicus grouper Dunno wat wrasse. Lemon can chime in? It was labelled Yashiro rainbow wrasse, so i assume is some japanese fish?
  7. Rare fishes from famous US LFS absolutelyfish. They frequently carry many rare fishes that we cannot get. pristigenys niphonia aka Japanese bigeye. V rare and ML suppose to get it but sadly till now no news yet. Small Spanish Flag grouper. This fish costs upwards of 3000USD. V rare and deepwater Serranus luciopercanus. Caribbean moustache jawfish Rare juvenile serranus phoebe.
  8. Coral farm New red sea fishes: sohal tang, purple tang, caudovittatus angels. V rare aberrant coral beauty angel. LCK New shipment of CB ocellaris clowns: platinum ocellaris, picasso ocellaris with some v v nice patterns!!
  9. I vaguely remember the price was 8k for the pair. But it was v v long ago and this pair i believed is no longer around.
  10. The latezonatus clowns u seen in the video are one of the "rarest" clowns you can get here. Captive bred by Karen Brittain and imported by CF. These CB clowns has lots of stories to tell and is famous becos they are the first success full bar latz to be bred! Sadly my two latz are not really pairing, but they r not fighting either but probably tolerating each other. Does it mean if they are a pair they should always sleep in the same anemone and stick to each other? How can i pair them if they r not a pair? Otherwise i'll soon have to remove one of them as they r growing bigger quite fast.
  11. Dusky heraldi. They call it panda angel. I dun think the name fits, but still is a nice fish.
  12. Dunno wat hybrid is this. Flame x bicolor they labelled but i dun agree.
  13. Sustainable Reef Suppliers Vanuatu (SRS Vanuatu) angels. They are the company that caught the one and only one alive nigriocella angel in the whole world now! Beautiful spotted lemonpeel hybrids
  14. Here is a close up on the beautiful chrysiptera traceyi.
  15. Lots of algae growth on the sandbed. Need some cleaning up.
  16. Iwarna's fishes as of 3pm. Rusty flame hybrids(rare) x2 philippine flame angels(rare) x3 Swalesi basslets x2 susumi basslet x1 sepiacaudus hogfish x1 hasselti goby many wheeler's goby + fine stripe pistol shrimp pair many whitecap goby + rubro pistol shrimp pair(rare) x1 Bogo shrimps big size many Many other assorted fairy wrasse, pipefish, rare shrimps, etc.
  17. No. Iwarna has clingfish now. But not too sure if it is the yellowstripe ones.
  18. The most expensive fish to ever appear on LADD. 5k USD. I wonder how long it'll be stuck there.
  19. I agree the snyderi are v nice. And unobtainable. Looks like mcc with stripes. Here is an ultra expensive pair of platinum polymnus.
  20. Amphiprion Snyderi, a clarki variant found only in Ogasawara islands, Japan.
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