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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. Pauci butterfly again in Japan. They sell for only S$300 or 18000 yen!
  2. Rare Gobiidae gen & sp.8 (deepwater goby found at 50m depth in Japan water, they sell for S$500 each in Japan LFS) Here is one that went to Bbox recently Some pics in the wild
  3. And lemon remember the giant annularis u posted? Here is another in a japanese tank, even more scary looking and look even bigger. But look at the amazing scribbled lines. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R36XTZizsPk&feature=mfu_in_order&list=UL
  4. Small japanese tank with 2 clarions, 2 conspics and an interruptus.
  5. Now this is something for u to drool over!! Not the ventralis, but the two juvenile interruptus. Vid from BlueHarbor:
  6. Ah one of my favourite. Was close to getting it from Dejong but it was sold out. There are almost no pics on the net. I've a few more pics of reticulatus but need to search my older laptop for the photo. Insane! Speechless!!
  7. Beautiful clarion hybrid (This fish was sold for USD6k, twice that of a normal clarion price)
  8. Nice! But it'll be good to be able to find its ID. Here is a v nice vid of a earmuff wrasse
  9. Yap not deep. But according to dejong, it's v sensitive and like all other pipefishes, hard to keep alive.
  10. The bleekeri damsel is so beautiful. Hope the colors stay. Not v deepwater. Just v difficult to keep alive.
  11. It jux died one day, wedged deep under a rock in its sleeping cave. It was eating everything including pellets but jux died one day.
  12. LCK Hybrid lemonpeel (black tail) ABT Neon goby Flame hawk punctatus fairy wrasse eight line wrasse (Pseudocheilinus octotaenia) Garibaldi damsel
  13. Juvenile Xanthotis Terelabrus sp. (One of my favourite fish ever kept! Hope it comes in again soon!)
  14. Sailfin Jawfish (the blue hue is gorgeous!!) Large Serranus Phoebe
  15. Recently those rare fishes, Pauci butterfly and semifasicatus angels to be exact, are appearing in great numbers all of a sudden. Really weird why they are missing for so many years and suddenly reappearing.
  16. Typical redsea shipment in Japan. U see redsea regals, pauci, golden, melon, eightline flasher, purple tang.
  17. These aussie rabau sp. were available at BH some months ago and sold for 400 each. I cant tell the species difference as it looks identical to those we get from philippines but coming from aussie they command a much higher price.
  18. Blue eye plec is v rare and expensive. It can cost two times of clarion price many years back when i'm still keeping freshwater. He is really a pleco collector to appreciate blue eye and willing to pay so much for a big and dull looking pleco.
  19. Turn off the skimmer. It's alright to keep it off for a week while doing the treatment. After one week do a heavy water change and then turn on skimmer again. It'll still bubble like crazy but will be less intense. The melafix can take few weeks to wear off if u dun do a water change after a week of treatment.
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