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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. It's amazing how there is no ick problem w so many big angels, butterfly and tangs. Also equally amazing is how fat and healthy the ventralis are. It can only be achieved through heavy feeding but how is it possible in a SPS dominated tank? I'm v interested to know the system specs and the husbandry and maintenance regime of this amazing tank!
  2. LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS LITUS......... LITUS everywhere. There are so many of them! Like WI restricted to a small island but is locally abundant.
  3. ORA Mccullochi clowns! With ORA now breeding the clowns, soon it's gonna hit our shore.
  4. amazing dottybacks.. Unidentified dottyback from Raja Ampat V rare Pseudochromis Pylei, a deepwater dottyback in Palau and western pacific. V rare forktail dottyback, Pseudochromis dixurus, a redsea endemic. Male and female shown.
  5. Agree. False shepardi is a nicer name than rusty flame, and that is why it quickly became popular and became the name to call the fish.
  6. Fly past us and all the way to Europe... Even if another appear it'll fly to somewhere else like Japan or HK.. Sigh.
  7. Alongside the roa excelsa is another deepwater hawaii endemic, Hollardia goslinei (Hawaiian Spikefish), photographed at 300m!
  8. Photo of a roa excelsa in Hawaii taken by during a research deep dive. Look at the surroundings, it is devoid of life which shows how deep the fish is found.
  9. LADD do get exotic japanese fishes like modestus. So it could be from Japan. The reappearance of shepardi may no longer be exciting or anticipated after the influx of cebu false shepardi's. Flavocoronatus will be "the" fish to catch from Guam but it is deepwater and rare so even there is collection again at Guam flavocoronatus may not appear.
  10. I believe so, otherwise how they got the endemic guam damsels? Also wont their katherine fairy wrasses collected from Guam too?
  11. Also from PIA, v rare Pomachromis Guamensis (Guam damsel), endemic to Guam, Marianas islands.
  12. Deepwater coral beauty. Will turn back to normal overtime. Semifasciatus female 5 stripes hogfish dusky heraldi hybrid lemon hybrid koran? Look at the yellow in the tail.
  13. This fish is TOO RARE! And good to hear that it'll be gg to a public aquarium where it'll be receiving the best care.
  14. Haha den u wont die peacefully as u'll never have a chance to get this fish. But like u after seeing this pic i guess i also wont be able to die in peace!
  15. Should be the same piece that is stuck there for v long. Now i remember v clearly there is one piece that is stuck there for v long. We could be talking about the same piece, and that is the only piece i can recall. On the whole plesiops is still quite rare, not many has appeared.
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