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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. For the big fish lover! Below is the common Sailfin Snapper (Symphoricthys Spilurus). Juvenile is rare and coloration is quite different from the adult. Symphoricthys Spilurus Juvenile (rare) Symphoricthys Spilurus Next is a closely related but rarer Symphorus Nematophorus (also known as Chinaman fish). It is rare in hobby but common as foodfish in HK. Symphorus Nematophorus Juvenile Symphorus Nematophorus (Gorgeous!)
  2. Wa if it eats only urchin then it will be a terrible fish to have in the hobby. From the vid it is an exact same fish. Not much info about O.Velifera on the net i can find, so for now i will just take it that it is velifera. Pylei dottyback has been appearing on LADD with some regularity and costs around USD30 per fish. I hope to see some in sg soon. Labrus Mixtus (or bimaculatus) is available to the hobby through an EU supplier. The supplier ship to sg and also has many other weird mediterranean species available. See a vid of their fish below!
  3. I dun think this one below is a flammicauda. Flammicauda pics So if u compare the weird dottyback above has different yellow pattern at both the caudal n head. Also the body and finnage shapes are also different. The one right above has more of a steenei shape than flammicauda. But i do not know what the first dottyback is either, cant find any similar in fishbase.
  4. It is excellent that the fish is eating pellets! I would be more troubled if the fish is only eating mysis and does not take pellets. There are lots of high quality pellets in the market! Fauna Marin, NLS, Dainichi, Dr Bassler etc etc. Try feeding your fish various types of pellets to boost its health and soon the ich will go away.
  5. Both blue-eye and dispar are good choice for beginners' anthias. Other good beginners' anthias are: sunburst, randall and resplendent. All of which are inexpensive, stay small and relatively easy to feed.
  6. Black clarkii (Found in japan islands like Ishigaki and okinawa) The tail becomes white as the fish matures. Pairs are occasionally collected and sells for about $100 a pair in their local LFS.
  7. This multicolor is awesome looking!! I have been hunting for one with a big crown like this because big crowns resembles nahackyi. My observations are neops have thicker red bars and lesser white than ops. Also ops have deeper red than neops. Neops red tend to be more orangy.
  8. Stunning!!!!! Multibar x venustus! Price: 780000 yen (~ S$10k) Fish is still available for sale. Who is feeling rich?
  9. Yes there are, many. In fact in this thread itself u jux do a search and there are many pics of flavo butterfly posted before.
  10. Its from a Japanese LFS. Yes new fish but whether it is pure blood flavo no one can tell anymore. In fact the gene pool in marshalls is probably so mixed up that there is no longer pure flavo. So i guess who cares whether it is a real flavo as long as it looks flavo.
  11. Love this tank! A very clean FOWLR tank with beautiful rare angels!
  12. Other tahitian rarities in the same shipment!! Pomachromis fuscidorsalis Pseudanthias Mooreanus
  13. One of the rarest of its genus, perhaps second only to the ballina angel. Its small size will make this fish a highly desirable angelfish to keep if it is ever made available. Not even a public aquarium has this fish on exhibit.
  14. Once in a while its refreshing to see nice pics of earlei wrasse to remind myself the beauty of the fish continues to hold despite the loss of its rarity A fish i m looking for so hard but to no avail has recently appeared in japan again after its long hiatus. The deepwater chromis flavicauda from brazil, frequently mistaken for a jumboo-sized yellow tail damsel (chrysiptera parasema)
  15. Have been long since a nice lemonpeel hybrid appeared The tinker-flavo hybrids are highly variable and despite now appearing with more regularity, nicer ones like the one below is still hard to come by ,
  16. Liopropoma Latifasciatum Opistognathus Lonchurus (Sailfin Jawfish)
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