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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. 2013 July Okinawa fish collection Beyond 200m Odontanthias Katayamai becomes abundant and can be fished easily using hook and line. However pulling them up from them depth will only end up with a dead fish... Other fishes caught at the same depth Odontanthias Unimaculatus callanthias japonicus Plectranthias sp Seleanthias Analis
  2. Oh no. That is not new. It's an old pic and that fish was a freshly caught piece but was dying.
  3. Opistognathus Decorus aka Tattoo Jawfish (100m Okinawa) An update: The Tattoo jawfish caught by deepsea challenger is still alive and doing very well. Here is the fish
  4. Small Dr Seuss fish 7cm I have seen one of this fish in Japan with decompression problem. They feed well but they are collected deep in Marshall and can develop major decompression maladies.
  5. Two deepwater oddballs caught at 100m depth in Izu Island Japan Helicolenus Hilgendorfii Scorpaena Nelgecta
  6. Small Clarions everywhere in japan (We can find one at LCK too!)
  7. HK Sealife Rare Dolosus butterfly fish Not one but 3 hybrid Mac x Koran angelfish
  8. So beautiful! But after seeing a huge alpha male roseafascia at iwarna, i think it is just as nice!
  9. Super cool deepwater nano fish from indonesia. Max length 3 cm. But yes so deep that it's out of diver's collection depth. RB posted a v nice pic of this fish in Jun 2012.
  10. During the visit at doctor's clinic. His liopropoma aurora was having decompression problem and koji took the chance to show me how he needle the fish (this is the 3rd time the fish is being needled). A badly bloated liopropoma aurora Here is Koji doing the needling with so much confidence. I held my breath when he pierced the needle into the belly. And here is the fish after the needling. Swimming back to normal.
  11. Doctor also kept three very impressive SPS tanks. One of which (the smallest tank) house the resplendent angelfish. A wild caught and one of the oldest living resplendent angelfish.
  12. Next up koji brought me to one of his customer's tanks. The famous doctor's rare fish collection! He has a specialised setup to keep ultra rare deepwater fishes in the best condition. The system is comparable to the standard of public aquarium. Very expensive and innovative. This is my favourite tank! I spent over an hour watching this tank.
  13. Blueharbor Shop Tour II All the deepwater and rare fishes. Clarions, wrought irons, squirei harem, chromis sp, guyanensis butterfly, tosanoides pair, lipogramma evides and klayi, peppermint hogfish, sagamiensis basslet, lipogramma sp, narcosis and peppermint angel etc.
  14. Lots of juvenile clarions and wrought irons at BH A very old prognathode guyanensis butterfly A big changing female tosanoides anthias (eating all kinds of pellets) An unusual import with the clarions. Lactophrys trigonus boxfish
  15. BlueHarbor shop Part 1 Some rare fishes seen in this video includes juvenile old woman angel, clarion angel, Suezicthys gracilis, carmabi basslet, sanguineus hogfish, Lactophrys Trigonus, fuscipinnis anthias, juvenile bandits etc etc
  16. Can be found regularly at Ah Beng, Coral Farm, Aquamarin etc. I don't think it will eat mysis. But you can try market prawn chunks. Cut it into small chunks and feed at night when lights are out. It's nocturnal and a scavenger. I use to keep a similar fish in my sump tank for months so that its easier to feed them chunky food and with no lights the fish feels safer.
  17. Orange spot filefish is very difficult to keep alive. Local death rate of this fish in captivity is 99.99%. Adding an emperor angelfish will accelerate the demise of the orange spot filefish. I would suggest removing the orangespot filefish and keep the emperor angelfish instead. Emperor angelfish is easier and more longlived. Emperor will do ok with the duncans.
  18. I visited BlueHarbour and Osaka aquarium last week and I thoroughly enjoyed myself! Here is a sharing of my trip. Not fish. But when i entered the shop, Koji just received a box of deepwater inverts from the local fisherman. Trawled up from 200m deep japan water, these creatures need to be kept at 18 degree to survive. Giant Isopod and hermit crab Hermit Crab and Hard coral!! Hermit Crab with an anemone attached to the shell (My favourite piece) Sea spiders, lobsters, hermit crab Deepwater anemone and hard corals put in the tank
  19. Nice!! Love the fishes especially the kamoharai blenny pair and paraleucostictus hogfish. The bellae is so bold. Mine i got from you is hiding in my tank all day.
  20. Lemon there is an anthias in tat collection bottle in tat second pic. Wat is it? Looks a bit like a tosanoides!
  21. Juvenile clarions flooding the whole world. It's great to see them being collected smaller. Taiwan Maze angels New Maculosus x koran at HK Sealife 2 True Hawaiian flames at HK Sealife. I like the first one without black stripes! Aberrant black longnose butterfly (reverting)
  22. Obliquus is one of the deeper inhabitant in St Paul's. Getting there is already a logistics nightmare and not to mention diving deeper and catching one. These are ultra rare hybrids! Attach the photos here to archive it in case Waikiki change their website in future. Potter x fisheri Potter x flame
  23. Sadly these are extremely rare hybrids and are very difficult to obtain in sg. I was lucky to have the help of a kind reefer (you know who you are haha) in order to get these rarities. Please pm me regarding price matter.
  24. The two new angelfish in my tank. Ultra lemonpeel hybrid Small Tigerpyge
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