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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. 3 interruptus angels available for pre-order thru RB. $1500 to $1600.
  2. OVERPRICED! My past bluelines had not problem feeding and weaning onto flakes and pellets. They're also one of easiest angels to pair, not to mention we can get two vietnam bluelines at S$150!
  3. Wa your eyes are so sharp! I can only dream to hav kingi, on the realistic part i only hav this..
  4. Kingi together with all other fishes from the local south africa waters are not allowed export out of the country. Furthermore kingi suffers the same fate as bandit angels, they jux wither away when not properly collected. According to SouthAfrican Reef forum, kingi's are rare to see even in their local LFSs and those that occasionally turn up are not in good condition and usually die off in a few days. Gem tangs on the other hand are more common and cheap.
  5. Haha ya i know i can fool no one on this fish. Anyway the south african who caught this fish off their own waters doesn't know how rare it is to the outside world and jux simply dump the fish together w several other of his catches of the day into a holding tub! He jux not know how lucky he is!
  6. My new angel currently residing in my sump tub waiting for transfer..
  7. My guess is lanceolatus as well. Such an amazing wrasse. U can stop mulling over your rhomboid.. Go get a roseafascia or nahacky wrasse or majorie, they can be found in fiji and cebu shipment, some new targets for you!
  8. CF colini is normally from philippines. I personally will prefer coral beauty over nox and flavicauda. Especially those bali deepwater coral beauty with unusual colouration.. The venustus pic is from a website. It's not uncommon to see variations in venustus, some has more blue while some more yellow. I've seen many varaitions but jux none as much blue as the one shown. Below video of a japanese tank contains an even more amazing aberrant venustus:
  9. flagfin x goldflake (it's looks jux a juvi goldflake to me?!)
  10. Most angels are fine with SPS corals. Take a look at this video and his tank:
  11. Holacanthus has very strong mouth. They're more destructive than other angels. My 14 inch queen angel use to be able to bite of big chunks off the live rocks and crush it to tiny pieces. There're many triggers that will not touch corals at all. Like bluethroat and crosshatch. They move liverocks however and will topple your rockscapes.
  12. Sad to hear your loss of the rhomboid. On a brighter side rhomboids are easily replaceable and perhaps u should sell away all your fairy wrasses and focus on jux a fewer species. Fairy wrasses need a peaceful tank. Maybe your tank is too small and with so many fairies in a small tank it became too crowded and too much competition and stress which lead to the demise of a few alpha fairies when they start fighting over territories. But hard to say also cos fairies often die of no reason or the slightest reason. Last time my scotts fairy wrasse also mysteriously died after i did a minor change to the rockscape. It really sucks to lose a fish, esp one that u like and love so much. I've had too many of these experiences, too many for me to recount. How's the declivis whitespots? Butterflies are ick magnet also.
  13. This list will always remain a dream.. TOO MANY fishes! Furthermore a lot of them are very difficult to acquire healthy specimens. Like venustus, golden, colini, multibar etc. BTW dun u find nox and flavicauda ugly?? Philippines specimens are often not handled as well as the fiji caught ones hence always doesn't do well. But its cheaper, remember LCK fiji colini not too long ago was 140 each, so much more expensive but i think it's worth the money if the fish can do better than the cheaper philippines ones. Venustus is still my favourite dwarf, still hoping to find a healthy and small specimen one day:
  14. Quite?! I think it's very ex. Can get a clarion with surplus enough for a conspic. However i cant deny the fact that hybrid like this has rarity way beyond clarion and conspic. Well let's hope some angel crazy big spender will buy this fish so that we can see it in person at RB.
  15. Something like this (coral x flame) will be offered to us soon. But at 5k i find it v ridiculous!
  16. Yes but nothing special since tinker is not like first time. 18 blue for the pair.
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