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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. Yes v rare, along with A.Guezei are two angelfishes that have never been kept before by anyone. But C.Ballinae are soon to be displayed in public aquarium for the first time. Guess i'm asking too much. Lower my expectation a bit, i wan a pair of C.Tricinctus instead:
  2. Nice venustus pair. But i wan the following pair instead:
  3. I use RIO for both chiller and return. V silent, at least it's silent enough for me. Heat wise think ok not hot as chiller and temp are all normal after i startusing RIO. IMO rio is the best among the cheaper pumps.
  4. Yes, but the most sexual dichromatic pgymy is perhaps interruptus. There are variations in individuals and i guess lighting also cause a difference. Not many pics on the net for comparison though but i like it more orangy than blue. The female look like hotumatua.
  5. When u sms Terryz sms me too can? Cos i also interested if they are healthy and no brooks. Anyway not to dilute Terryz thread so i post it here: realise debelius looks like the reddish orange version of multicolor, wonder if they can hybridize. Below is the RCT pair and a common multicolor.
  6. Debelius nice, interruptus nicer.. Interruptus rare, debelius rarer..
  7. I saw the Aurora goby, but Aurora only come from Maldive? LCK has quite a few shipments w aurora goby last year or early this year i remember. So sad, cos i tot the nigripes are so nice and i wan to try a pair. But if they're so difficult guess i'll pass.
  8. Butterflies are ick magnet and are v susceptible to ick. My tinkeri, declivis, marcellae before all cannot fight off ick on their own and require copper dosage. A v troublesome family of fishes. Actually the most amazing coloured fishes are nano-fishes. But they are so tiny and require a dedicated tank so i never took any interest in them. It looks like an color enhanced Trimma Tevegae
  9. Different degree of rare ba. Jocs and hybrids like lemonpeel flame etc are obtainable rare while debelius, resplendent and hotumatua are unobtainable rare. Nahacky, Abei, narcosis and peppermint are way beyond wat the word rare can describe. Anyway terryz u going for a sand bottom? Cos i thinking of adding sand bed (need recommendations on the best sizes and brand) but scared will distort the the stability of the tank and jeopardize the existing fishes.
  10. Is this fish available to us from philippines? Valenciennea Bella. Cos i always only see Valenciennea Strigata. Bella is so much nicer and makes a good sand sifter as well.
  11. My first guess was blue ring(annularis), but after u said earspot i find it's a more correct answer as well.
  12. So my intial guess it's caudovittatus is right. Ya prob cos the eye give me a feeling of caudovittatus and not other genicanthus. So 12 is not earspot?
  13. May be the head of griffis or kingi angelfish. Wa number 9 is so tough..
  14. May be due to lightings or variations in individual specimens. I got evidence as below. Both the original and the head close-up:
  15. ML also got two batches or Joculators recently. I got one of mine from ML.
  16. OMG our tastes are so different!! We cannot go LFS together, sure quarrel one!
  17. I've a feeling it's female G.Caudovittatus or male Genicanthus Watanabei?
  18. Let me correct: 1.Joculator 2.Colini 3.Golden 4.Hotumatua 5.Nahacky 6.Interruptus 7.Queen 8.Personifer? 9.caudovittatus 10.Scribbled? 11.Heraldi 12.Blue Ring 13.Flag Fin 14.Personatus 15.Clipperton 16.Potter 17.FLame 18.King Did i pass?
  19. I vote for Asfur, v nice fish and v hardy. Emperor of asfur go in first depend on which is bigger. If u plan to keep a bigger emperor den asfur go in first and vice versa. I kind of disagree. There are many HK tanks which keep so many big angels in a not so big tank and they can maintain healthy and fat fishes. To each his own i guess. Tat said i personally object to keeping big angels in 3ft and below tank unless u can find small ones.
  20. RB is so smart to think of taking the fish video under actinic. I saw the fish this afternoon again and although it's still nice but the dots and scriggly lines are not as impressive as the video posted. Let me try: 1.Joculator 2.Colini 3.Golden 4.Hotumatua 5.Nahacky 6.Interruptus 7.Queen 8.Personifer 9.caudovittatus 10.Personifer again? 11.Heraldi 12.Blue Ring 13.Flag Fin 14.Personatus 15.Clipperton 16.Potter 17.FLame 18.King Did i pass?
  21. This baby conspic will cost at least 5k! Is this Nahacky wrasse or tongan flame wrasse. Can never distinguish the two for i feel they are in fact the same fish of colour variants. Hah? That multicolor is so dull, RB got 2 right now which look exactly the same. A nice one should look like this w big crown:
  22. I dun like mitratus as much as other raops. The two mitratus at RB are quite ugly imo. Fishes in the wild are always more vibrantly coloured like the pair of full-grown mitratus in your photo attached, RB mitratus are far from the pair in the photo!
  23. I never like pyramid, they're ugly. Yes the C.Wiebeli is much nicer. Ah Boy was not in the shop when i went there, if not will really like to know why their marcellae is priced at 300 when LCK only sell 70 a piece.
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