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Everything posted by Digiman

  1. Iwarna has many flame wrasse pairs, potters, multicolor, bartletts left. Left three ventralis anthias, one declives butterfly, a few lemonpeel.
  2. These are wild caught? They look so ORA picasso to me. Anyway here a rare pair of naoko fairy wrasse. The rare one if the female. Female naoko are v hard to get in the trade.
  3. Why is it so? Your fish is a borbonius anthias. U still can keep many anthias. Borbonius anthias rarely disturb other fishes. They are solitary fish much like sunburst. There may be occasional chasing but it will not eat or kill other fishes. Borbonius can range from 1 inch to 6 inches big. They have this mean face but they are actually gentle giant.
  4. Iwarna hawaii in the morning tmr. Angels flame, potter, multi, lemon, fisheri, hybrid lemonpeel, sixbar, goldflake, flavicauda Butterfly Declives Tang Yellow, AT, Kole Anthias Bartletts Wrasse Flame pairs
  5. There is a genus of anthias, Luzonichthys, that i've always been wanting to keep but never have the chance becos none has appeared before. They are small, although fragile looking but reportedly quite hardy and easy to feed. All the species look quite similar to each other and there is still many waiting to be discovered and described properly. They are peaceful and like to stay in a group and thus make a great schooling fish in aquarium. A few species here that we may possibly see from vanuatu or philippines shipments: Luzonichthys taeniatus Luzonichthys whitleyi Luzonichthys waitei
  6. No and unlikely to get them as they are from Japan. Blue eye goby CF may still have. Call them to check.
  7. Cyprinocirrhites polyactis An uncommon hawkfish from indo shipment. Seen a few times at Irene and Ah Beng but never in big quantities, usually about 2 to 3 inches and in captivity rarely exceeds 4 inches. Not entirely reefsafe becos it'll eat small fishes and shrimps but is a cheap and beautiful hawkfish for the home aquarium.
  8. Hawaii biotope. Most of the fishes in the picture frequently appear in our hawaii shipments.
  9. Carribbean biotope. Most of the fishes in this picture will appear in LCK today!
  10. Up for u, a challenging fish indeed but hope u can find a trustworthy and experienced buyer who can keep the fish.
  11. Pls tell him patience is the key to success in this hobby. 2 weeks add one fish. If he's gg to add big angel, den one fish a month!
  12. Dear Bro tijou, First of all your friend's verdict is the most ridiculous thing i've heard of in this hobby ever! Pls do not take truth in watever he told u, the fishes are not cyanide caught since they are not from philippines and bali and even that fishes cannot "vomit" the cyanide poison out of their body to kill the fishes. Even if they are down with cyanide, it takes a concentrated amount to wipe out a whole tank in one day, so how can a fish harbour so much cyanide in its body and still surviving for so long to reach our LFS? Second i've also kept a heavily stocked FOWLR tank and has encountered many kind of diseases tat infect large angelfishes and other fishes, and i can tell u i'm 99.99% sure it's not disease tat wipe out the whole tank overnight! No disease can do so, not even brooklynella as his tank is not a clownfish only tank! Pls buy a test kit and measure your ammonia level. If not do a 50% water change and tat should alleviate the problem temporarily.
  13. Yes angels and wrasses can mix in a tank. Angels almost never eat euphyllia corals (torch and octo) if the corals are healthy. Lastly yes pls google the names of the wrasses, there are tonnes of info out there regarding the fishes u wan to buy. Reading them before buying will save u a lot of trouble in the long run.
  14. No angels will eat torch and true octo. These corals taste bad! Angelfishes always leave them alone unless u dun feed your fish and they are starving to death and have no choice but to eat them. A lot of wrasses can be aggressive after a while. For example mystery wrasse can be v fierce after some time in captivity. Some flashers can be quite aggressive too. Fairy in general are more peaceful. However some big ones like scotts can also be quite fierce. Angels and wrasses mix v well.
  15. Yes, it is a popular fish in Japan, but v expensive! Local reefers will never wan to pay so much for a fragile fish. It is deepwater and undescribed.
  16. All collected. Mod pls close thread. Thank You.
  17. Two beautiful cardinals, both i never see before. Aureus looks common, but dun think see before. Apogon apogonoides Apogon aureus
  18. Deepwater and rare Ptereleotridae.Sp (V expensive in Japan, 2k for a female fish!) A female: A male:
  19. Gorgeous randalli anthias male Do u see any diff in this diadema dottyback? Look at the tail.
  20. Super rare pair of goby, Lubricogobius dinah. Only the Japanese can get this fish, and yes it is super pricey, cost the same as a conspic angel!
  21. It is every reefer's dream to replicate a schooling group of fish in our home tank. But sadly v few fishes school in a small confine environment. The best options being leptacanthus cardinals and parvulus cardinals. And for the nano tank, aioliops megastigma. However for the Japanese they are v lucky, they are able to get another great schooling fish for the aquarium, Rhabdamia Gracilis (Luminous cardinal fish). The fish is also found in Fiji, but is never exported from there. Japanese get the fish from their own waters.
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