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  1. moron

    My DIY stuff

    Hope your livestock would overshine your DIY workmanship otherwise its damm .......he.he.he.he
  2. Not tonight but can try and get some shots. Anyway the tail part is yellow, shape is all the same like other chromis
  3. inside the sand should be ok, I guess..its natural. Personally, I think it should be kept that way with all other inhabitants which again have some natural cycle. Perhaps a bit unsightly, thats why I maintain my surface only.
  4. If I am not mistaken there is. Bought 3 from CF, its ok to mix them with your tang. I have sailfin and purple tang and they are not bothered. Its just like green chromis..characteristics and behaviour are the same..love to swim in group.
  5. I disturb only the surface once a while but not too deep. Gobi would be good alternative to do the work. Also had to control amount of food and light to reduce dirt/algae
  6. CF has some when I went there.yesterday...very nice
  7. Surely its a parking offence, stomach ache excuses are common. Try to be honest otherwise technically it is an offence of parking...so Pay lor! Should be TP, LTA is dealing with technical offences not traffic issues. Shenton Way - should be TP but could be URA too.... Good luck
  8. Alternatively your outlet is not too deep in your main tank. It should be at a level where such power failure happens the water will continue to drip into your sump until the water flow is break by the air that enters your outlet.
  9. Nice. Can it withstand the weight? Is your MH heavy?
  10. My 2.5 ft deep tank may not have enough 150watt light for certain hard corals. Bad set-up tank with overflow in the middle. Used ot have 4 angle viewing but chnage it when I shifted my place. Difficult to have strong current with additional flow from power head. Cant have cables hanging from the ceiling rite..looks ugly. How long is your rocks like that? Nice keep it up.
  11. Just love your rocks..full of coraline algae. WOW mine is slowly coming..for a very long time he.h.e.
  12. Seems to have alot of soft corals in your tank (same as mine). Easy but I prefer those corals that moves and sway compared to the hard corals (not only its X) Does your powerhead always drop off from the galss like mine...had problem with one of mine for a while now. It even kill some of my soft coral branches.
  13. Nice colour. Does your Tang eat those green grasses. HAd that before..with my Tangs, it would not last long..Yours seems to be there for quite sometime leh!
  14. I guess seller has to have some responsibility on his/her products for the sake of newbies.eg.cookiemunster's bad experience on "live" rock. Thought all of us are into the same hobby and interest. At the end of the day we should be friends and make some exchanges not only in goods but idea and experienced too. This should be a healthy trade. I do give away guide a heavy load of used to be live rocks for free to one of our members. As I redo my landscaping, decided to throw half of my rocks.....don't think that making 20 or 30 bucks out of it would make me happier. Responsibility lies to all members to SRC as well esp our Administrator who has made this possible...he...he..h.e.h.e Not sure whats best but as long as everyone is happy with the trade it should be a happy and lasting transaction. Those who got good lobang, why not sharing. This will then keep price down for all of us. My personal opinion.
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