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Everything posted by riot

  1. Ooops and cash does not leave an electronic trail............
  2. Its getting off topic here but its a pretty interesting discussion. Cash is considered crass (?). We do fund transfers, charge our purchases, NETs it if you dont have credit. The actual financial exchange is so much sleeker and elegant when you dont have to dig out a wallet and fish around for change. That said, it doesnt really affect your worth- a joker with $10,000 in his pocket is well worth a Gold Card holder up to his armpits in debt. But somehow, the Gold Carder has more class, even though dealing in cash is a more logical and money smart option.
  3. Hi akahoshi, good to see a young man like yourself keen to take on the army. I am sure the others are trying to impress upon you that the army is seldom fun. Think mindless drills, oppressive instructors, strict regimentation, dirty conditions, lack of sleep, restricted freedom. But I also think that the army rewards you based on how much you put in. I have had friends who aspire to be clerks and storemen, enjoying the comfort of base camp and none of the hazards of field work. But look- in the end, how much have they learnt about themselves- ability to perform under pressure, pushing past the pain barrier, doing impossible things that normal sane human beings cant dream of. Its a once in a life time opportunity to really test yourself. Seize this chance. The commando/ guardsman has led a tough life, but I think it is far fuller than the typist in the CO's office. Commando is based at Camp Hendon, Changi. Guards HQ used to be at Dieppe, but if i am not wrong, they have relocated to P Tekong. Keep up the positive attitude.
  4. WOuld it igve a larger spread? Then you run run less bulbs, assuming intensity remains the same?
  5. There should not much difference if the nipple is up or down. The 20kk is far dimmer than the 10kk. I used to run 20kks, so when I switched over to 10kks, the bulb lit my entire living room. No need to switch on the hall lights anymore- super cool. I am not sure as to the stats, but the PAR is of far greater value in the 10kk. There's an old thread linking to Sanjay's comparison of 250w bulbs. Might be useful.
  6. I used to run a top off container with kalk for close to 6 months, before I got a CR. You can dose straight from the top off, provided your hose is reduced so the flow drips out, limiting the impact on PH. I did not have any problems, as the top layer of the kalk solution solidified, choking off any reaction in the liquid area with the air. The liquid kalk remained useable for a long time. I change 100% once in a month or two or three. To prevent the pump from ###### in solid undissolved klak at the botton, I mounted an egg crate plating, so the kalk settled to the bottom, while my pump is raised up. In the time I used, my pump never seized up. Its a dyna boxer cheap taiwan made product. The actual kalk container is covered with a lid, with a small hole drilled to pass the hose through. This would limit additional reactions with the air.
  7. Thats what I was thinking- two stream 6000s at oppo end facing the front glass pane, a Wb at the corner to shirt water thru the rear. I am not looking for surface ripple, only a solid general flow of water that will displace detritus that escapes the direct blast of my streams.
  8. OK! Does it really shift the water then? the main idea of me getting the WB would be to get total movement of water all around, so detritus dont stay.
  9. Thanks. Looks like I gotta start saving my money now.
  10. Hope I dont offend anyone over this. Check out with senior reefers or people with great tanks. As far as I know, no one attributes his/ her success to the eco aqualizer. It looks cheaply made, the science behind it shady (but hey, zeovit is even worse). Try and provide a strongly research and evaulated review to share your experience. But other than that, I wont recommend it.
  11. Sweet design. Looks like it will make changing the zeolites easy too.
  12. Sometimes, I feel reefers bring the same mentality into this forum too.
  13. Seamonkee- hows the scaping now? I flipped to the previosu page and you seemed to have a flat rock structure, good for corals but no real flavour for a FOWLR. How about two mountains and a deep open space in between for the fish to swim around and through? RAV65 is right- tunze only if you strike 4d got money to spare, although they might help in over all live rock filtration.
  14. Seamonkee- multi controller with two 6000s. Should set you back $1k. Or, a wavebox is also pretty good. Not sure if it will rip the seams long term though.
  15. Happy Birthday, WL! More years of quality advice.
  16. Hey hey fellas clam down over the logo. I might have missed it, but has anyone CONFIRMED the right guy? Imagine going through all the harsh words on an innocent guy. That will be really really really low down for the speaker.
  17. Day- hows the impact overall on your system? Wavebox looks good, but I worry the wave effect will burst the silicon seams on my tank.
  18. Thanks WL, thats exactly what I wanted to hear. Great source of info- saved my Salifert PO4 tests.
  19. Looks cool - but gotta be difficult to scrape algae from both panels of glass, plus all four sides. My single pane is killing me already.
  20. Hi Achilles19, I am not an expert but this is what I would do. Place the octo in a quieter spot first and observe. If its a new specimen, it might be sick or not adapting to your tank environment. Keep it quiet for a few days until the tentacles come out, then see if it requires more flow. The previous LPSs I had did not appreciate tunzes- the flesh would be stretched out to near tearing. But yours might be a different situation. Hope this helps.
  21. Thats a really nice thing to do!
  22. Helping you out here- whats the wattage?
  23. Shame on you, Melvyn Tan. Corrupting young minds like that tsk tsk. Eh, where can I buy one second hand ah?
  24. Osim massage chair? If its a hot babe, its a dual massager......
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