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Everything posted by riot

  1. Full frontal as at end march
  2. Thanks hotlemond. They do servicing for resun chillers only. Roidan- Contacted him but need to hand carry in. Will arrange for a early day end so I can pop down- man, its gonna be tight. thanks for all the help guys!
  3. No response from cookie as yet. Any other companies able to service?
  4. Just when I am making some headway into my sps collection, my chiller does the above mentioned. Worried that the chiller might fall apart or GGGGRRRR to a stop, i have shut it down and cut off all unneccessary heatload, incld my MH and skimmer. Anyone got contacts to help this? I have also PM'ed cookie, but his thread on chiller service and repair seemed to imply really packed schedules. I dont think I can afford to wait too long. Anyone else able to assist? Sleepless and worried.
  5. 2nd hand HS. Or throw in another $200 more get a brand new Deltec.
  6. AFTER http://www.zeovit.com/forums/showthread.php?t=797
  7. Browsed through the zeoforum and found this before and after pix. Its the effect of zeospur but I figure it sort of looks like mine leh- the tissue has this funny blueish/ lightening colour BEFORE
  8. Now, I am not sure if its due to the zeovit. I am sure many other reefers have experienced colour shifts from the browned out sps before. I presume the stylo original colour is pink, but I am SURE the original colour of the whatamacallit was a deep deep dark purple. I was there when the shipment arrived. and waited for the price to drop.
  9. this flood control delay very the irritaing Ok a stylomylodunnowahto bought brown brown brown with tissue lightening to a bright pink the colour of circumcised ######!cks Colour have slowly spread to the other sections. Used to be only one nubbin now its a cluster.
  10. Another without flash. Pix appear more blue. Real life more yellow.
  11. Went back to take a look at my tank and shoot changes of sps in my tank. As it is a relatively new zeo setup, the changes are minute and not extensive. SPS bought in full colour have stayed that way, so no extra special changes there. Other browned out SPS have experienced minor colour shifts. This is a purple with green ployp dunnowhachtyoumacallit with tissue lightening. With flash
  12. So far, it has worked as a filtration agent to allow me to run a reef successfully. However, the fantastic colouration has yet to occur. My browned sps are slowly returning to their original colour.... oh wait.
  13. Hey scarab, sure no prob. Tank is no where as gorgeous as yours, hor. ;P Not sure why it looks so blue here. Is more yellow (BLV10kk) in real life. The magic of photography. But seriously, if your reef is running so well, why bother to experiment with a new system?
  14. I have been running on zeo since Nov 04. So thats about 5 months into the system. Nitrates and phosphates read zero. Hair algae growth still persists- might be due to live rock leaching PO, or perhaps carbon too. SPS maintaining itsc colour, some browned out stock have coloured up (slowly). It has worked out well for me, far better than the dsb which saw a gradual climb in nitrates. Not too sure if the current success with zeovit would continue, as there is a lack of long term (i year?) trial / experience. I might shut the zeovit down after the first year, just to see if there is any impact to the system. I agree with WL- effort is not so major. Just a few pumps now and then, give me something to do when I check out my skimmer and sump. Not critical if I miss it now and then when I am not in the mood. Cost is a bit prohibitive in the beginning- zeovit, zeofood, zeobac, plus reactor. But after the start up phase, its pretty ok as the rocks last me a few months now. But I am not sure if this is right- I dont dump my old zeovit. I store them in a large mesh bag that I lift up and shake once a week. In this way, I avoid the massive loading of zeobac with the new zeovit replendishment. I just run as per normal. It has worked ok so far, except the PO thingy.
  15. Hi Reddevils, The best/ easiest way of judging how well a skimmer is looking at the quality of the skimmate. You can tell about the quality of the skimmer by the density of the skimmate, how much is collected, etc. Of course, you could always test using a nitrate test kit and weigh out the drop/ increase in value, but thats more troublesome. You can also judge the ability of the skimmer by the bubble density in the main reaction body, and the head of foam generated. How well the beckett works all depends on the tuning. A well tuned beckett would give you a good solid head of foam, comparable to the other top end skimmers around. However, you need to take into consideration other than the skimming ability- ease of mantenance, ease of tuning, electricity cost, etc. There are many reefers running becketts and doing very well. All three fellas recently posted on foreign websites use becketts- Deep Blue, AT, Danano (although not so nano anymore). However, there are also people who have switched out to alternative skimmers (Alfa, me etc) because we lack the skill to tune properly and it didnt work so well for us. (Alfa might beg to differ on this). It really boils down to individual preference. Hope this helps.
  16. The frag will also grow better if you max the surface area facing the MH. For instance, propping the frag on its side, so buds can sprout all along the main body, instead of usual at the tips. Works ok with stags, not sure if as good with montis
  17. I differ from seamonkee's view on this. People with vices will find ways to satisfy these vices. In the past, under LKY's stalwart stance against Casinos, we already have people doing the high dive due to loan shark problems. I think the same issue applies to legalized prositution. Singapore is one of the few countries with legalized brothels, controlled tightly by the govtm, and yet we do not have much (if any) of the social problems that accompanies such activities. It might not work in a more relaxed society like the States, but under a iron tight regime like the PAP, it could be possible.
  18. I thought it was shares? the 4D scenario sounds very much like a certain Jack Neo movie...... But seriously, shares (and its less legal gambling brothers) are big boy games, with big boy risks. Dont play if you cant take the big boy pain. Gutless weaklings like me stay away and earn my money in more humble and tedious ways.
  19. But I dont quite understand the man's need to draw his innocent kids and wife into the picture. He screwed up big time, hey thats his life. It was not his children's fault. How could he have imagined that life without him could not be possible? How egoistical could he get? Sure, life might be hard, but hey, the kids have a chance of success. They dont have to die if he cant make it. Not fair there.
  20. Ooops rephrase: What the jumper did (playing with shares) was perfectly legal. Suicide is not legal in Tiger nation.
  21. I think thats a totally different issue, blueheaven. What the jumper did was perfectly legal. Besides, people will gamble and owe money, whether its Genting, local bookies, SIngapore Pools. The casino issue will not affect the situation much. At least the money stays within the local economic system and not absorbed by the Malaysian neighbours.
  22. I tend to see all email/ sms disseminated information as unsubstantiated until backed up by alternative sources- newspaper recounts or eye witness reports. One good example was the recent SMS tsunami donation hotline, that friends spread like wildfire. However, it does make me take a second look at paragon and other major shopping centres now. It raises awareness, but should not affect consumer's shopping decisions or perception of the various buildings in Orchard. Archilles personal experience, however, has made a positive impact on my impression of IKEA's ######. Way to go! But too bad their furniture sucks. ###### stands for public relations. The SRC censor machine in action here.
  23. that was a good one. You know, some people might actually enjoy that experience..... there's this one guy bwilly......
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