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Everything posted by hamannbmw

  1. Keeping FW for 18years, arowana, discus, goldfish, guppys etc etc jus started marine yesterday...
  2. OIC.. , meaning when choosing anemone , try to get to most striking color one..
  3. what does bleach means.... u mean the LFS bleach the colour of the anemone... how they do that... , sorry for my ignorance..
  4. Aiyo... put the dry ice in the fridge mah...... freeze liao put into tank... , anyway i dun think it will last long..
  5. feed every 2 days..... this is what heard from fellow here...
  6. I would suggest u buy dry ice, minimum 2 piece, so that u can change everyday, cos dry ice comes in a container... only a suggestion, maybe it works.. who knows .. .... it it does...............haha ... chiller sales will drop liao
  7. i also arofan one leh... starting a new tank soon..
  8. Hi hammer, I have a 4ft X 1.5ft X 2ft (H) tank cabinet for sale, its 8mm all round, not too sure about the base... can call me at 96233990 for viewing
  9. Went to Reb**n today, trying to see a real peacock mantis, but cant find any..
  10. me 2 min..complete fresh water w/o any salt ........den haha u know
  11. I thought only cat fish makes lots of noise, cos i use to fish lots of cat fish in Tioman Island.....
  12. cant wait to see the pics
  13. I had use fresh water to treat my blue tang before, it only tooks 2 min...n the fish died , maybe this methods is not advisable .. Any experts out there to coments..
  14. Thanks Crab for the explanation, hmmm.... I think egg crates will worn off after some time, due to salt water... anyway egg crates able to hold LR ? also, first time come across using glue to glue rocks together.... anyway i'm new in this hobby
  15. Hi Bros, What is egg crate ? those seling at wet market one isit ? or modern type (plastic) housing eggs ? ANd what is epoxy.... pls enlighten...
  16. Meaning everytime i introduce new corals into tanks, have to do some shifting.... hope it wont collapse..
  17. Thanks for all yr precious comments, My concern is after i have cycle the tank and starting to place corals into the tank, it might not fit into the gap in between the rocks, meaning i have to shift it again ??? cos, some LPS comes with thick bone, some with small bone structure, it may no fits into the gaps of LR, den how ??? Really HEadache
  18. Hi all, I was helping my bros arranging LR in his 3ft tank today, really takes up alot of time., I have arrange it in such a way whereby there is lots of channel , holes etc... for future space for coral etc... Is it a must to to arrnage it such a way whereby lots of hole n channel inorder to accomodate corals etc..??? but if yes, I believe it still requires lots of shifting right... cos the coral might not fit into the gaps in between LR.......... Need expert advise.
  19. Hi spiderone, thanks for the message, contents noted. But, I have recently seen someone selling Kalk reactor together with auto top up. If let say, water evaporates every 2 litre per day, that means the auto top up will be topping up kalk/water every day at the same rate. Would it be harmful to the reef if overdosing, it seems to me it would be overdose cos at any time water is added , kalk is in it too.
  20. Can someone tell me what is it ? and what is it for ?
  21. can i start with a sump tank with bioball and another compartment for DSB.....n on top of this....running a eheim canister together? seen some places using a calcium reactor? what's that for? to control the dissolve calcium into the water as supplement for coral??
  22. Thanks, so now i know that....for the start, i would need bioball n alsi the DSB....n bioball will not be needed only when i have a matured DSB with micro algae.... is that right?
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