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Everything posted by hamannbmw

  1. nice videos, its seems like the anthias are happier
  2. aiyo, next time jus say hello lar... ok kopi next time
  3. I didnt know the quality of LR is the same. Are u sure what u listed is all from the same source ?.... wahahaha ... hey dude, do yr maths first ok. kns btw, kns people is plenty here in SRC recently, not surprise u r another. Let me teach u, buy a squid, pull out its head when its alive... den place it in yr 8888, tell me how u feel dude Please leave if u do not have constructive comments.... Here is all your bloody lame comments : http://www.sgreefclub.com/forum/index.php?...sult_type=posts
  4. this is a good price in my opinion... its already 50% +- discount
  5. Maybe Panzz would like to specifically name the skimmer and T5 brand. Cos it could be very misleading ... eg. brand new 3 X 2 X 2 10mm + sump + hood + piping cost about 750, and if it comes with a weipro skimmer (cant see clearly from pic), a taiwan pump and a DIY t5, it wont cost more than 1000, hence I doubt u would be about to sell at 750 range. No offence It will be good if you could list yr equipment, age and the conditions of yr equipment etc to boost up yr sale. However, Mr HateMe price, can surely get a 2 X 1 X 1 6mm tank + equip for sure
  6. http://www.msn.americangreetings.com/view....m=1652&rr=y&sou
  7. Selling the above, dunno still have the bracket or not.. tentatively selling w/o brackets. Around 9 -12 months old Please PM me yr offer and state yr mobile phone no. Collection at Jurong west on weekends. Please note that i may not reply to yr PM, especially when the price is way below my expected selling price. " DUN ASK ME MY EXPECTED SELLING PRICE, JUS OFFER YOURS"
  8. I want $10-20 can get meh... I dun mind to buy spare.....
  9. Hi Ian, Thanks for the pic, I doesnt look like one. In fact i've never seen a shrimp in any LFS, forum or here in SRC that looks like what I had. I'll try to get it out one day and post a pic of that, this fellow really looks weird to me... I had posted my drawings in RC, but seems like there isnt any ID yet.......
  10. thanks guys for all the pic, it doesnt look like one..... thats why I'm posting here after I did numerous search in the web, what I can say is, it does looks similiar to anamone shrimps, but of slightly different shapes and colours And yes, Fuel, it does looks alittle like the squat lobster, but I cant see its claw........and the colours seems different
  11. did a search again, suspect it could be some sort of anemone shrimps..
  12. No it doesnt look like it at all. Its eyes is almost like crabs (with short protruding stem and eyeballs) and it had a very fat and round body(not flat)
  13. yesterday when lights off, use torach light and found one bugger hiding inbetween my red mili branches, sharing its home with 2 other acro crabs. Serach the web, since can find an ID for this creature.....this is what I have drawn, as close as possible to what I saw last night. Its body its super fat, looks like it had a very soft shell. Can someone advise what the hell is it ?
  14. Welcome back, very clean n neat tank...
  15. ty all for the nice comments, Yes, the tank is much cleaner now after going BB, detritus is getting lesser and lesser. My current tank parameters as of today : NH4, NO2, NO3, PO4 - undectable CA - 465 KH - 10 MG - 1300 PH - nv measure Temp - 26.4-27.0 Lighting hours MH Left, Centre, Right - 6, 3, 6hrs Addictives - CV and AA Will try to update some pics soon.
  16. u can made an PM too if u wish give the seller a break... if I 'm u, i bod $500 inthe open forum, den no Q asked
  17. Simple : dont bid, solve all the problem..... when u see something nice, and wanna act bravo and bid, den go ahead.. anyway "TAM" doesnt cost $500 bucks nowadays... even "LV" can go as low as $100 Bid : like it, ok... carrot head ??? U like to be, dont blame anyone ... got it dude ?
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