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Everything posted by hamannbmw

  1. 2nd unofficial CNY outing Venue : Duxton Blue at Duxton hill(tanjong pagar) Objective : Talk C*ck Sing Song Topic : Reefing and anything under the sky Time : 6+- later in the night if decided to go elsewhere, I'm fine with it Venue : Will decide at Duxton Objective : Topic : History of Vietnam and China Time : Will decide at Duxton Participants 1. hamannbmw - Simon 2. anonymous reefer - W(lol) 3. anonymous reefer - H (to be confirm later) 4. anonymous reefer - Wa(to be confirm later)
  2. U can always bring yr oc to the first venue , but 2nd venue errrr ... hmmmm....
  3. 2nd unofficial CNY outing Venue : Duxton Blue at Duxton hill(tanjong pagar) Objective : Talk C*ck Sing Song Topic : Reefing and anything under the sky Time : 6+- later in the night if decided to go elsewhere, I'm fine with it Venue : Will decide at Duxton Objective : Topic : History of Vietnam and China Time : Will decide at Duxton Participants 1. hamannbmw - Simon 2. anonymous reefer - W(lol)
  4. tonight more healthy menu : around 6pm+- talk c*ck session/meet up at Duxton Blue at Duxton hill(tanjong pagar) later in the night if decided to go elsewhere, I'm fine with it 1. hamannbmw - Simon 2. anonymous reefer - W(lol)
  5. CNY too boring, going drinking tomolo, venue not decided yet.........anyone interested
  6. bro, yesterday u and aquanoob pass me $50 each, still got change for u U take yr change already ? Yesterday drink too much cannot remember liao. Please PM me yr account no.
  7. too bad she didnt sing us a song, good luck in "jio-ing" her out, pls ask her to bring along Sun yanzi
  8. jus came back from our JC outing................. though its nothing to shout about, but, I guess most of us enjoy ourselves............ ONE MORE NEXT MONTH, glad to know u guys ......... Who's the next organiser maybe should make a poll
  9. 7pm firm at 88 pub along joo chiat. if u come by geylang serai, it should be the first few pubs on the right side of the road CHIONG ARRRR
  10. Hello dUMDUM, Already PM u my no. For those who is free earlier, you may wanna join me for a drink at Duxton Hill, PUB NAME : Duxton Blue TIME : Will be there at 530pm (den heading to JC around 7) Give me a call if you are coming
  11. but i cannot jio other racer in the blacklist even though I have the money ?? BTW, there isnt any option button for me to jio
  12. yes, Its a blue humilis more shots taken some time back
  13. Hello, those who had played this game, please assit me on the upgrading part. I had sufficient points eg. 900 and the performance upgrade is only 600, why is it so that I cant upgrade ? it shows "Part is Locked". Or must I purchase all the 15 cars b4 I'm able to upgrade my ride ?? Lastly, How can I toggle between the cars I've purchase ?
  14. Firstly, whether or not am I a trouble maker, u cant make a choice> It's the admin or mod to decide whether my post is "appropriate" or "unhealthy" Seriously, I'm not upset at all, cause its an open forum, but becos u mentioned " my middle finger to u " and it is "sort of" directed to anyone here in this forum, hence I felt that its not right to say"the word" it in this forum, maybe at "Sammyb** will be more appropriated. I'm not an expert here, nor am I a favourite here. So let it be, and a word of advise " no middle finger pointing again" PEACE, I SEE U AT DUXTON FOR A DRINK WHEN U R FREE
  15. hello, u dun "jiao4 kia4 em3 putt4 last1 teck4", u like to point har, I'm at Duxton Blue, Tanjong Pagar tonight ask for Simon, come find me I let u point. kns nah "let u bite"
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