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    Hawaii/ Simei

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  1. hi are they still available please. where in Simei are you located. I also live in Simei many thanks
  2. looking for 2 sets of HME core XP new or used thanks
  3. I'm looking for 2 HMEcore xp lights new if possible, any hints where to get from. freshn marine out of stock. your help is greatly appreciated.
  4. any idea where to buy Bonsai reef scape done with marco rocks please
  5. Hi I have plenty of rocks for sale. all cured sun dried. from aquaroche to caribsea good large pieces please pm me at 96665370. Location is Simei.
  6. thank you for sharing your beautiful tank and your great knowledge with us
  7. would you be so kind and post your specs please. awesome set up
  8. @ Harlequin Mania many thanks for your expert advise. I'm not a beginner but I have never had a Potter Angel before and I don't buy a species before I'm 100% sure that I have all basis covered. People must be humble and ask their more experienced Reefer Friends for advise I have a Hawaiian Flame Back ,Coral Beauty, 2 Tangs and 2 pairs each of designer Clown Fish in a 5.5 x 2.5 x2.5 FOWLR Tank. That will be my last addition as they must be able to roam freely Many thanks again Warmest Aloha Horst
  9. May I please ask which would be the best diet for a potter Angel Fish as they are very difficult eaters besides Mysis which Algae would you recommend would very much appreciate your expertise Warmest Aloha Horst
  10. I use white vinegar but not the artificial type and mix with hot water it's economical and safe especially if you have small children playing on the floor the best method is if you are the proud owner of an (can't mention brand) Vacuum Steam Cleaner
  11. looking for tank bread sea horses please

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