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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. If your magnesium depletes too quickly, you can get magnesium supplements to dose.
  2. These are Americans. They won't find themselves at home here... look at the standard of written english there and the singlish here! lol!
  3. Just a show of hands... how many of you are ordering flowers anyway for your darling? (or darlings for some of you! ) 1. Me
  4. guys... the sand we use in marine tanks are mostly calcium carbonate! Don't get into a tizzy for nothing! He meant replacing old sand with new....! That tank is awesome!! If only I had the time and $$$!!
  5. It's that time of the year again and De Floral Gallery has an offer for SRC members! Good prices - certainly value for money... take a look and support this lovely lady, a supporter of SRC!! So get your loved one(s) with roses, and I don't mean rose anemones!
  6. I am. I'm still getting used to it though. Upgraded from Mini.
  7. Well, no forum's perfect. As long as there are people, there will be conflict, jealousies, hatred, spite and all the multitude of negative behaviour that causes people to split apart. It's sad to see experts like Shimek, Calfo, Bourneman etc leaving RC.
  8. Time to ask De Floral Gallery for a Valentine's Day offer for SRC members! Standby for good news!
  9. Remoras are just hitchhikers! They stick to pelagics so when they feed, they can go after the scraps of food. They do not pick parasites off, they are simply too large also!!
  10. Plz!!! You gotta be kidding me right??!
  11. lol! Interesting!! For every 1 that loves you... another one thinks the opposite! Hahahahaa!!! But I'll probably fare worser than you!
  12. Ah... 2 strobes... u using macro lens attachment?
  13. I do not bear any malice against those that have a stick against BH. Sometimes, he does get annoying at times but then so does the majority of very vocal people here. If he doesn't hear the feedback on what irks people, then he will never learn and will continually get hard knocks. Unfortunately, for those who wish to 'guide' him along (with good intentions or bad), the current manner of addressing him or talking about him does nothing but casts a negative light on yourselves. Think about it. If some people can view some of you as ganging up on a boy, then that perception is there. What I'm trying to say here is that there are many ways to put your points across but choose what that doesn't inflame, incite or cause a negative atmosphere here. The silent majority would surely agree with me.
  14. The detractors and the supporters have BOTH made your points clearly. Are we all done yet???? Let the boy take time off and ponder about what we have all said. Pointless to flog a dead horse. Do you detractors want to see him leave SRC?? Are you contributing to the positive atmosphere here in SRC yourselves, with your words and actions?? Ponder about that as there are comments about how SRC has changed so much, its because of people like who beat down, talk down, insult, suan and tekan others. Perhaps an informal vote on who the public here thinks about you then?? You guys being very loud & vocal vs the silent majority!
  15. Gorgeous!!! What kind of setup you using?
  16. Sandgobies do nothing for diatoms. They need a matured sandbed with enough microlife on them. Can you pls tell us how old is your tank? I'm assuming its new? Your NSW probably has lots of pollutants in them eg fertilizer runoffs. It's the rainy season now, local NSW is not recommended as it is high in nutrients, poor in calcium and KH, low in salinity. This is contributing to your outbreak of diatoms and cyanobacteria.
  17. Those of you who have nothing better to say or have engaged in off topic matters, pls do it outside this thread. We sincerely do not wish to hear side-tracks about Joo Chiat escapades or rude comments here in BH's thread which has a serious undertone which reflects badly on those who have contributed or indirectly caused complications. Just because BH posted here in Kopi Tiam means his thread can be hijacked with the typical kopitiam nonsense. There are two sides responding to BH's dilemna, keep your comments to him and NOT at each other. I have made my comments on him and I rather have 10 BH's than one of the NACO people.
  18. Thanks Dan! Looks like you won't be diving for a while! Aren't you itching already?
  19. I have not seen this thread until now and am amazed that this was what made BH do his 'farewell speech'. I think what I see here is a undoubtedly a major dampener for someone so enthusiastic in HELPING to organize something for the majority of people he doesn't even know personally. Talk about a thankless job! Much as most of you don't know BH personally, it is so easy to pick on what he has posted and bring up his faults and express your ire on his ways of communication. He's only 16 but already unselfish enough to want to serve. If you think he wants to take major credit, or 'blow his trumpet', I'll give you the inside story... he did a LOT of work for this. I did the last Anthony Calfo visit and now he's doing the next... with my blessings and acknowledgement. I think you should all take a step back and seek clarification before painting him as a NATO fraud. FYI, this upcoming event is organized not for BH's benefit BUT for SG reefers. He has spent his time communicating with AC, come up with a proposal and even met me to discuss the event and all. I have posted a confirmation on BH's help before but maybe you have overlooked my endorsement? I may be busy but the interests of SG reefers are not far from my mind. BH is functioning to assist SRC bring AC in. For YOUR benefit! Not sure... PLS ASK! There WILL be answers! If BH cannot be made a spokesperson and to poll for response, then who will volunteer to get things done?? I'm already encouraging him to keep his chin up and take the shots but even a boxer needs to recover. Please give him a break!! FYI, the chaeto bunch was given to me by Anthony as a gift and I shared it to BH to spend time to grow it enough to do what ever he wanted with the excess growth. If he wanted to sell it, and there are willing buyers, why gripe?? Just a few months before I BOUGHT a bunch of chaeto imported from the US, spending a LOT more to get an even smaller bunch that what BH sold. What's the big deal?? For you detractors, why don't you pick up the baton and continue what BH is doing? Sigh... it's always easier to complain and criticise. As what was mentioned, he is only doing the email comms with AC. There is the fund raising from AC's book and poster sales that needs to be done. I have yet to find the volunteers to organize this. Things to do also: 1. Raising Funds for AC's basic accomodations and economy airfare from his materials. 2. Finding a suitable venue. 3. Finding the propagation tools, equipment, livestock. 4. Organising the people 5. Advertising and promotions for the event. 6. Logistics. 7. Hosting expenses and transport arrangments for our guest. 8. Finding corporate sponsorship to cover other costs. 9. Arranging his materials to be flown over, collected, distributed and sold. If you are all expecting BH to do this alone.... dream on. This is team work and the first stage of getting him to agree to come down is done for BH. PLEASE GIVE HIM KUDOS for this. I would like to see those who shot him down step up to be part of this committee & work force to see this event through. And then show the poor boy how a PROPER person should talk and behave. Do I have some hands?? IF not, just speak less harshly and counsel, not criticize and condemn. Nobody's perfect. AT
  20. On the contrary, I think the flash recharge is quite fast or acceptable enough for me. 1.5 to 2 secs flash recharge? What kind of batteries do you use? High powered ones? I had to use a universal mounting tray with the Inon macro lens attachment as a compromise as this camera is too new. It will be at least 6 mths before we see a dedicated lens for this from Inon as the housing front port is Rectangular!!! Not round!!
  21. Take a cue from the s h i t - clearing guy - ME! So many hits all this years and I'm still walking! You're probably just feeling down... just take a break from SRC and before you know it... YOU"RE BACK AGAIN!! As most of the adults here mentioned.... if you can't deal with the downs of SRC, you can't deal with society in general. Believe me, its a lot harsher out there in the real world. You're still in school but you mix in the company of adults in a virtual environment where words are not held back... you WILL get hurt. So regardless of which forum you go to, people are people, so deal with it. TAKE A BREAK.... and don't come back, even for kopitiam reading... coz you know that SRC is where the heart is, and you'll miss us terribly! Come back later... no need side door... main door got your photo there already... "BH, we missed you!!!" poster BH....hmmm..... = Battle Hardened or Boy Hopeless? The former I hope!
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