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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. It doesn't look like air bubbles caused by cyanbacteria/red slime. These look like green algae... tangs and algae blennies will be happy to feast on these. If they died because you changed your sump, I would deduce that your newly sump/refugium was the cause of it. The stress caused by a newly cycling biological system + ich introduced from the liverock/plants could have caused your fishes' demise.
  2. PS - you're also making the classical mistake of putting such corals on rocks. In the wild, there are found only on the sandbed. Their soft fleshy tissue will be less stressed from abrasion. They will also be closer to their food sources found nearer the sandbed. Cheers, AT
  3. Well, i can tell you for a fact that it is not considered a rare morph, inspite of what you're told! Normally the skeleton shouldn't be so easily seen through the flesh. I suspect that the coral's been stressed and fishes do nip at stressed corals, but I may be wrong. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder... you may just get a buyer... just don't declare it to be rare when it really isn't... you'll pass on the frustration! worse still, you'll be accused of conning gullible reefers. I've seen too many flaming episodes happen.... just my two cents!
  4. Errr.... LCK110?? Who from there told you that its a rare breed? It's this one on the right?
  5. It's nice to do so... they do shoal well together, especially when they are small and find protection in a school. Do note that if they feed well and grow larger, a 6ft tank with 10 blue tangs (even if they are the only inhabitants) will change their behaviour due to limited space eg. aggressive fighting from lack of swimming & hiding space etc.
  6. White may not necessary mean its rare. You may have a specimen that has lost its zooxanthellaea. Try feeding it and see if the colour comes back. It probably got stressed but will recover quickly.
  7. Great meeting up with about a dozen or more SRC members during the last couple of days! We had many brochures on reef tank startup tips for interested aquarists taken up with our SRC banners placed at our sponsors booths at Aquarama 07. Thanks to those who helped out too!
  8. Hi and welcome to SRC! To answer your questions - if your concerns are merely aesthetic ones eg. if you find air bubbles on your liverock ugly... and you want to address it.... then you have to understand that its the algae, nuisance or good, that you want to get rid of. (actually, those air bubbles are oxygen bubbles - which is good) Algae in a reef tank is part of the natural balance - nutrients in the water sustain them and they can also be part of the inhabitants' diet. You can test your water for excessive nutrients in the form of nitrates and phosphates - the two main causes of excessive algae growth. Control methods are: 1. attacking the source - overfeeding? overstocking? 2. mechanical export mechanisms - good skimming, regular waterchanges, wet/dry system? 3. natural filtration/export mechanisms - DSB, refugium? You didn't say if you have a new tank... maybe you are not over the natural cycling period yet. Go slow and read/study fast! Did you read the links pinned up in this New to the Hobby forum? AT
  9. Fret not, not all purple tangs look like that. Fishes do have individual colourations.... mine has dots all the way mid-way to its body and barely any stripes. Fishes change colour when its 'night-time' too.... see if the spots/lines are more noticeable then.
  10. Reminds me of my old chincilla who died of twisted intestinal problems. We were so sad!
  11. I'm the tall skinny dude with white SRC T-shirt and red/black framed glasses.
  12. Nice specimen.... why are you selling?
  13. Hi guys, This year, SRC did not taken up a booth at Aquarama like previous years. Thought that I would have been busy with a project so did not commit our involvement but I ended up free enough now! Was down yesterday and today (short while) for the Trade Days and I will be there for the next two days to do what I can to promote the marine reefkeeping hobby so newbies or SRC members who just want to come up for a chat please do so! I will be moving about the Aquamarin booth and crossing over to the Reef Depot booth and DE lighting booth. Would like encourage SRC members to come and do a bit of volunteer work in giving out flyers and starter-kit information for those members of the public who are interested to learn more about the hobby! As a token of appreciation, those who are committed to stay for at least a 3 hour shift will be given a free limited-edition SRC T-shirt! Just PM me before 10am tomorrow or meet me inside. Unfortunately, I will not be able to give you free passes for entry. Cheers, AT Founder, Singapore Reef Club
  14. Trade visitors are people who are in related trades eg. aquaculture, marine hardware & equipment etc or who are invited guests of the exhibitors. You can try your luck if you have a business card on you and just register to walk in through the door but be prepared to receive letters, collaterals and emails from future event organisers in your corporate account! joking.... after all... you are a potential trade exhibitor!
  15. who say Mod is missing?? We are aware of the scammer and I have posted warnings to all already.
  16. We fixed some tables in the database and if you happened to be using the forum at that time, things may not get posted or displayed properly. Please let us know if there are errors which happen. Our database grows at an exponential rate.... and maintenance is required
  17. Everyone, While I encourage the exposure of those who blatantly cheat fellow reefers on the basis of warning your fellow reefers, I will take strong action against those who use this opportunity to attack other reefers whom you have a personal agenda or grudge against. This will not become a witchhunt and I do not want to see a mob forming. Say what you have to say as facts related to THIS person and all can judge for themselves... the mods and I will delete posts which are not in this spirit or topic or those which only serve to inflame others. On that note, again... to all, esp newbies... be smart in your dealings with people. And do enough homework to recognise a bad deal and reject any hard-sell tactics and not succumb to greed or haste. AT and the mods.
  18. Frankly, I have zero tolerance for cheats and especially one who preys on SRC members. It's disgusting how they can think they can get away with it, especially when Singapore is so small! I say you guys should contact him for a full refund and compensation if not you'll expose him publicly and see how he deals with the damage control later on! Your time of deceit is up.... whoever you are!
  19. At your service.... Happy Reefing, guys!
  20. Geez, be patient guys... tech support is on it. It's the public holiday and over the weekend, would you like to work during this time too?? I guess some people miss the Pasar Malam section MUCH MORE than others... SRC's mods are always around... we are all busy people, all who are volunteers giving their time to help out. If you see ###### spam not being cleared on time or instantly (as some of you wish)... do your part to report them direct to mods instead of complaining all over the house. Thank you for your understanding and your co-operation. AT and the Mods.
  21. Don't worry, we are doing our best to cope with the influx of spam. Just report it as you see it. Cheers, AT
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