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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. I know who you are referring to when you mention Paula Abdul! I do know that there is a hit list of 'hated' people but really loh, if there was serious crime done, report it to the authorities! If you kenna burnt before by such people... don't do business with that person again! Public shaming is ok but remember, you're open for lawsuits for libel if you have no proof.
  2. Fragging' is a slang for defragmenting... to break apart... and some corals eg. SPS are easily propagated or regrown using these method, mostly applicable to big specimens of coral.
  3. Interesting indeed.... I was admiring the unit displayed by Reef Depot at Aquarama. Very well built indeed - hopefully when LEDs become mainstream and affordable... I am sure to upgrade!
  4. kekekeke.... Too many pets already lah! Good luck for your sale... and I hate to do this but.... UPZZZZZ!! *faint*
  5. Cheats are not tolerated in this forum. Fair dealing is encouraged. There's always legal recourse and public shaming.... but that should be the last resort. The best is if the accused come out and clarify the matter with evidence to support and if the accusers do have proof. Then there is clarity and there should be settlement. Sometimes without hearing from both sides, lopsided comments will result in a witchhunt that will tear society apart. Innocents can also cause havoc by spreading unverified rumours. The petty thief can suddenly become a mass murderer!
  6. I see a new trend emerging in reefing!!! But 0% UV?? Corals esp SPS reacts to UV and produce flourescent colours as a result! Is there feedback otherwise?
  7. I met a reefer there who told me that he DIYed LEDs for his tank but he doesn't have a chiller yet. I thought it was you.
  8. Shrimps require careful acclimatization... not advisable to just pour in. They don't adjust as fast as fish.
  9. Interesting! Why do you call it a Historical Tank?
  10. Just stay smart and be well-informed. At the same time, do sieve out information that you hear... 50% can be rubbish or misinformation or malicious gossip. Talk can be cheap but knowledge is power!
  11. Marine12, Welcome to SRC, where we teach 'responsible reefkeeping'! Can you first tell us more about your tank specs and water parameters? We have to narrow down the possibilities. AT
  12. Pressure-rated in layman terms means the pump is capable of a minimum flow-rate against water resistance caused by gravity, turns and bends in the piping that forms a pressure against the force of the pump. For a beckett, it is crucial because you are basically forcing water through a lot of resistance to make the beckett work well... and cheap non-pressure rated pumps can't really cut it.
  13. cool... thanks for the links! Taking a look now!
  14. Any chance that you can post some pictures of your setup? It would help us to gain an understanding of where you are.
  15. There are a few factors to consider in matching pumps for beckett skimmers. Industrial quality ones like Iwaki pumps are well reputed for quality, reliability, resale value, good resistance against heat-transfer to the water, 24hours running, power vs electricity consumption etc. IMO, get Iwaki pumps.... really 'no fight' comparatively to other makes which may be cheaper.... remember the chinese saying about every cent is reflected in the value of the goods.
  16. Iantoh... that is the coolest guess yet but nope.... and nope to the rest of you too!
  17. Guys, We are here to teach and guide all who may be uninformed on the proper way to do things... Responsible Reefing is our slogan, right? So lets be humble ourselves and be nicer because he may not know better. Since he asked, let's suggest nicely what should be done... no need for sarcasm. Lionfish, our apologies... and please do continue to ask questions so you can learn!
  18. Oh.. just to let you know.. the mortality rate for baby blue tangs are quite high. They are fragile... something about their intestinal tracts being too short to process filamentous algae.... i suggest you chop up nori to tiny bits to feed them if you're really going to have a small school.
  19. why don't you test your water parameters first using testkits? That is the proper way to do it.
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