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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. I took the trouble to meet up with VanDeam at his place. He does have about 5 tanks at his home. Interesting chat and his story to me matches what he has claimed to the complainers here. His regret is that he did not keep the paperwork from the US supplier for the zoos. Whether I believe it or not... no comments. Maybe he is a rich man's son, maybe he does own the whole stretch of property and maybe his 3-storey house belongs to him... so what? Whatever his background, I told him in life, people only care about how sincere & genuine you are... and whatever he is doing now to make 'small money' here and there is not worth damaging his reputation because your reputation is all you got. Whether it is in this business or not eg. if he is going to take over his father's business, his actions will return to haunt him later. He gets the message and says that he is no longer going to be doing what he is doing. Perhaps that is the reason why he kinda disappeared from our radar. Nevertheless, I told him to come out and defend himself and show some proof... let's just give him a chance to explain himself as he genuinely seems that he wants to clear his name - maybe he did do some dodgy stuff, maybe it's just being misunderstood or misinterpreted? He is a young man and people can still change their ways. Oh, and if you are a satisfied customer of VanDeam, perhaps you can say your piece too so we can all hear the two sides of the coin? Right now, it is so easy for us to condemn him on what we hear, with the salt and pepper thrown in to spice things up... don't make a judgement on him yet till he appears, ok? BTW, I have just banned a 'scammer' already... anyone noticed that I have banned him/his multinicks already? This story is much uglier but lets just say that I cannot stand someone who constantly breaks his word, gives excuses, turns the table around and counter-accuses and is downright rude. Good riddance to bad rubbish! AT
  2. I've met VanDeam and I suggest to all that there's always more than meets the eye...esp with hearsay being passed around become gospel truth. I would like all those who have had dealings with him - good and bad, to pm me your experience.
  3. A lot of information is available here on the internet and even in SRC on the merits of a sandbed vs barebottom. Both got pros and cons and both have limitations. Use the search function and input keywords like DSB, Sandbed, barebottom, NNR etc... a whole wealth of information is there!
  4. Tanah Merah??? SANDFLIES!!!!!!!!! RUNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Snorkelling = watching snow falling behind a window Diving = playing in the snow, skiing, building snowmen, having snowball fights!
  6. Nobody will give your FOC fishes if you are a newbie to marine aquariums. We preach responsible reefkeeping and we also frown on unrealistic demands. How much do you know about fish species that you are confident about keeping them and do you know the limitations of a 2ft tank? Since you are 'new' here, suggest you also try to give as much information about yourself and your tank before you come here and expect people to be charitable towards you. my 2 cents, AT
  7. Achilles Tang


    Closing this thread. does not belong to swop shop.
  8. Can you cut and paste the info here? Have to log in.... and its a freshwater forum right?
  9. See the latest QUICK TIPS on the left column > got info on feeding nori
  10. Kun faeng ayoo thao rai - sip kao? Narak poo ying! Pom taeng ngan laew! Leaw Jer jun!
  11. What I said was: yes, i do speak thai but only a little! and yes, bangkok is uncomfortably hot!
  12. Bio528 - Pom poot pasat thai nit noi! Chai, bangkok ron mak mak! Mai sabai!
  13. Actually the paper made a mistake... my company that I set up is an Intergrated Marketing Communications company - besides PR, I do marketing, branding, advertising, media planning, events and interactive stuff. Public Relations is just one of my services provided. I left my last job as Marketing Director of a small brand consultancy to set up Jetstream Marcom, before that I was with Mediacorp as Marketing Manager. Errr... we really off-topic liao! Who wants to go diving this weekend, its special because its a reef conservation project as well! I'm giving a talk onboard to divers as well...
  14. Believe me... that would be his next acquisition!
  15. Try cyclop-eze.... small bits of food that it can pick off the water column.
  16. Your photos is TOO LARGE!! Please resize it to within 700 pixel width in future. This looks like the yellow-tail cleaner wrasse - Diproctacanthus xanthurus The juvenile does clean parasites off other fish but the adults apparently eat coral polyps!
  17. Sabai dee! Kun chop SRC? Jing jing orr? Kup kun mak! Kun poochai or pooying?
  18. Heheh... true true! :puke Yes, that is my company's name... last job was marketing director with a brand consultancy. And yes, market is booming now... too bad never invest in property... if not can shake leg for long time...haha!
  19. Puffers are fishes which have a toxic slime! Seperate the pufferfish immediately into its own pail!
  20. Naz, we arent the only forum affected by spambots. Question is: who sent them here and why? But because we mods can't be 24/7, there will be some hanging around when we are away. We delete them as fast as we can. Just don't click on those links if the topics are suspiciously ###### or unrelated to reefkeeping and if you see that the name is suspiciously weird and has only 1 post. Once we upgrade our software soon, these should be cut down by a lot. Potentially we could also ban IP addresses but we have a lot of international guests here, as well as from around the region.. don't want them to not view the site again!
  21. Tang73, A burst tire doesn't mean the value of the car drops to 5%. A part that is broken and can be replaced doesn't mean the whole skimmer is useless. Suggest you take a nicer tone of voice too. Jas7 > suggest you post pix of the damaged part... and give a better description of your skimmer... perhaps $50 is even too undervalued!
  22. Yeah, I damn free now! Free now but not free later! Just set up my own Marketing Communications company... been working for people for too long... 13 years! You quickly realise that no matter how hard you work, what position you attain, you're just a number to the board of directors... no such thing as loyalty from the company towards employees now, bottomline needs to cut = retrench staff, cut budget equates to overworked stressed survivors. Enough suffering liao! Now is the quiet phase so SRC has my attention first... coz next month going overseas for business! Yes, some reefers saw me again in the papers again recently... I was in ST Urban April 26 issue - brought a celebrity friend to the Singapore Fashion Festival, this is the only year I wasn't involved organising something!
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