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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. That's cool. You can compensate by having a good skimmer to cope with overfeeding or dead livestock... *touch wood*
  2. Interesting! It is indeed an eel but a colour that I have not seen before.... ! Beautiful shot!
  3. The coralscape is really a battlefield. Remember that... not same species = potential enemy = chemical warfare time. Give space for your coral to grow, when space runs out.. prune back... SPS is the easiest.
  4. Yes, many coral species are territorial and they 'burn' all those around them for space to expand. The only thing that overwhelms them in terms of real estate is algae which is not affected by their stings or chemicals. LPS, softies and SPS corals WILL damage each other. Unless the SPS is of the same species, they WILL also affect each other.
  5. Hmmm... trust me... this tops the cake from the stories I hear about leadership going aschewed! I guess this administrator's ego is writing his body cheques he can't cash! (guess the movie!) ABSOLUTELY shameful what happened to you.
  6. Testament, This is indeed very disturbing information... which administrator would stoop to such behaviour... absolutely shocking.... hope it ended there? This reminds me of catchng one forum administrator who resorted to pm'ing SRC members and creating mirror accounts for them to increase his own membership. When I broke news of this, he called me to meet outside to 'settle this' without going through the legal process. Luckily for him, I got too busy and KIV'ed the proceedings... for now. So much for the vision of creating utopia by any means - reminds me of the storyline of Bioshock, this computer game that I just finished... awesome graphics and solid storytelling of a man with vision to create a fantastic place for its citizens but achieved it through horrible means. All meat and all substance... unlike most other games which is all nice on the cover but inside the gameplay absolutely sucks.
  7. .... which is why most people would put a styrofoam sheet under their tanks, sump or otherwise... it helps to balance out any uneven surfaces or any debris. Sorry to hear about the mishap.
  8. Reeftask and Honzo... you have been warned in another thread. Kindly stop your attacks on each other or be both suspended from further posting. Thank you for your co-operation.
  9. Ok... you two... enough hostility already. Your posting privileges will be suspended if you carry on like this against each other.
  10. it could but if your system is well balanced, it shouldn't be a worry.. at the most, you'll see an increase in algae growth or worse, cyanobacteria aka slime algae. I switch off my pumps multiple times a day so you shouldn't worry if you get good quality ones. You can add whatever supplements you want into frozen food, should be ok.
  11. Suggested feeding is multiple times. If you see anthias in the wild, they are constantly feeding off the water column... man, I wish I can go diving again soon!
  12. A popular english song sung in mosco! check this out!
  13. Saint Sea Hat - a Transformer hero no doubt!!! Japanese Transformer song in english!
  14. Indian Thriller! Another great song!!!
  15. OMG!! You must check this out!!! I couldn't stop laughing all the way!!! Can someone interpret the REAL lyrics pls!!
  16. You must be crazy to think that I need to spam my own forum with rubbish posts and creating more work for me and the mods to monitor and delete them! Is that what you are insinuating, Honzo?? Anyway, if you fail to notice, some spam postings dun last more than a few hours... unless you are 24/7 online all the time and click refresh to see every new posts... some get deleted within a few mins of posting.
  17. harmless. if you have surgeonfish, they'll be gone soon, unless its bryopsis. cant tell.
  18. MODS - do not delete this thread for possible crime investigation purposes.
  19. 3 cheers for Ivan! Indeed, he is a rare find and a truly nice dude! Wishing him many happy returns!
  20. lol! Good to see you quit popcorn.
  21. Can't wait to see your comeback!
  22. I took away this information from what I read as a good reminder & info for my FOWLR tank: "Since marine fish must constantly expel various solutes, such as sodium and chloride ions, against an osmotic gradient, a great deal of energy is required. Therefore, anything that you can do to lower the osmotic gradient will benefit the fish in terms of energy expenditure. The simplest way of doing this is to lower the salinity of the water as much as possible, particularly for a fish in distress (i.e. diseased). This alone can sometimes be enough to ease their burden. Of course any such change must be extremely gradual and must not get to the point where the fish is in obvious stress. Another problem comes when invertebrates are added, especially the soft-bodied ones such as anemones and corals; a drop in salinity can be disastrous for them. Since marine fish produce very concentrated urine, their waste products can pollute a tank far quicker than a freshwater fish which produces much more dilute wastes. That is why you can usually put in many more freshwater fish than marine fish in the same volume of water. That is why paying attention to the water quality of a marine tank is so much more critical than in a freshwater tank."
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