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Achilles Tang

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Posts posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Researchers studying ancient rock samples in South China has found that the first animal fossils in the paleontological record are preserved in ancient lake deposits, not marine sediments as commonly assumed. The research gives scientists a glimpse into where some of the early animals lived and what the environmental conditions were like for them -- important information for addressing the broader questions of how and why animals appeared when they did.

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  2. Acoustic tags and numerical river models are two technologies that are helping improve salmon passage at the Columbia Basin's hydroelectric dams. An average of 76 percent of juvenile Chinook salmon that pass through the lower 100 miles of the Snake River and its three hydroelectric dams survived the trek in the spring of 2008, according to a joint study between PNNL and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Portland District.

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  3. Sea lampreys, which arose from the jawless fish that first appeared a half-billion years ago, dramatically remodel their genomes during embryonic development. This is believed to be the first recorded observation of a vertebrate reorganizing its genome during normal development. Evolutionary biologists are interested in how and why the lamprey re-organizes its genome because the animal is a living fossil with millions of years of evolutionary history. Its closest ancestors were among the first vertebrates on earth.

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