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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Francis, You're too right, the Singapore reefing scene CAN and HAVE always lived with more than one forum around. FYI, local marine forums have existed in their own right and at peace with each other for many years BEFORE that other forum came up and the ugly war began. You ought to know how all this started or have you forgotten. We sow what we reap. I think sometimes being too nice and passive for too long makes people think you are a walkover. How can there be a truce if the aggressor admin & disgruntled gang from the other side is seen to constantly discredit us by spreading rumours, saying nasty things and doing actions which REALLY hurt this other forum and all this side has ever done is to just take pot shots back? If this side chose to really retaliate, it could have been a big lawsuit because of all the hard evidence gathered, and you entirely forgot how nasty their words & actions were. Where were you when the name-calling and false accusations were flung left right centre at us? Only now you retort and only at us?? You ought to know which side was the victim and you ought to know what we have done to retaliate is NOTHING compared to what we went through all these years. Anyway, I recall you chose a side, so you aren't the most neutral of people to give such harsh comments on SRC without doing the same for the folks over there. Maybe Gouldian is right... only time will heal. The wounds have run too deep. Anyway, I'm prepared to talk if the warmongers over there wants to. Do you want to put your money where your mouth is and help make this happen?
  2. Yeah, its an ABSOLUTE shame how some reefers can get overly ambitious in their quest to get the best stuff and end up decommisioning their tank after only a short while. Worse still, their drive caused them to be become nasty, greedy and become someone they shouldn't have to be.... its just a hobby after all. So sad. Seen so many cases... their passions have been vanquished. Burnt out?
  3. Aggression, testosterone and nepotism don't necessarily help one climb the social ladder, but the support of a good female can, according to new research on the social habits of an unusual African species of fish. View the full article
  4. You should consider bristleworms as good citizens because they help clear up uneaten food or dead fish unless they grow to plague proportions or start eating your livestock. No need to target them unnecessarily and Salifert Flatworm Exit may stun them but won't kill them unless you use a lot of it.
  5. Awesome? Wait till you see my Hammerhead shark in my FOWLR tank.... JUST KIDDING!! Nah.... please!! Nothing awesome here.... I still think the most awesome thing to ever happen in my reef tank is to see two yellow humilis corals spawn simultaneously in my tank with clouds of ahem... you know.... life-giving white liquid.
  6. Do a search in our forum archives using the search function... many many good suggestions been put up over the years.
  7. Can you try to be descriptive in your topic in the future... no one will respond to you quickly because of the obscure post title. And yes, it supposedly does but you have to have lots of it to see a difference.
  8. California Central Valley fall Chinook salmon stocks appear to be undergoing a significant decline. The low returns are particularly distressing since this stock has consistently been the healthy "work horse" for salmon fisheries off California and most of Oregon. View the full article
  9. A tough early life turns out to be a good thing for a fish, according to scientists. They discovered that fish larvae that survive a long, rough, offshore journey eventually arrive at a near shore reef in good condition, and that they thrive afterwards. The research is useful for the planning of marine protected areas. View the full article
  10. I've seen yellow dyed brain corals in LFS before. They are usually of the fleshy type which has bleached white and the tissue will readily absorb the dye.
  11. Commercial fisheries play an unexpected role in the decline of water quality in coastal waters. The study, the first to examine the world's 58 coatal regions, shows how failing to maintain ecosystems in a sustainable manner has wide-ranging consequences. Using data provided by the United Nations, the researchers found that commercial fishing has played an important, yet declining, role in removing man-made nitrogen from coastal waters. View the full article
  12. New research led by a marine microbial ecologist is showing for the first time that the roles played by bacteria in coastal waters aren't nearly as specific as some scientists suspected. In fact, these bacteria are generalists in how they get their nourishment and may have the option of doing many different things, depending on what works best at the time. View the full article
  13. LOL!! You're right!! I should just scrape them off at the grill part only!
  14. Hahaha! Thanks! But I consider coralline algae a pest. I have used a lot of effort to scrap them out of my black background and walls until I gave up. Thankfully, they now only encrust my LR and Tunze Streams. And frankly, I've not done anything to my water parameters to keep it optimal. It's actually shamefully quite 'dusty'! '
  15. The coralline algae actually diverts the water flow downwards now as you can see that the plating coralline algae has grown over and downwards over the nozzle!
  16. A good diet helps most fish to naturally overcome most illness. Try improving this.
  17. I should bottle up coralline dust and sell them.... hehehe!
  18. Coralline algae just loves plastic. I got sick and tired of taking out my Streams and scraping them/soaking them in acid that I kinda left it like this for a quite a few months.... I wanna see how much the coralline algae can plate out like plate corals.... haha!
  19. Again... pardon the bad photography.... this shot taken in blue MH light only. Don't they look like coralline-encrusted liverock sticking out of the wall?
  20. I guess its time for me to do some maintenance of my tunze streams.... they are functioning at 50% coz the intakes are half covered by coralline algae in my FOWLR tank! Pardon the bad photo... i am using a very cheap camera! And just realised the camera date is wrong also! It's just taken today! The amazing thing is that i have not changed water in years plus not dosing or using my CR at all! Also I don't use a skimmer and I only grow chaetos in the tank itself as a food source and a biological filter!
  21. OOps! That may be true... because I have 3 Hons in my phone and I always call one of them coz he's a good friend!! SORRY!!! Congrats on your new frag! I mean baby girl!
  22. Hon, We havent chatted for years.... and its a very sad way to see your hobby end. I guess reefing catastrophes tend to be very sudden and very demoralising and heart-breaking. You have my condolences. Take care and see you in a few years time hopefully! AT
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