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Achilles Tang

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Posts posted by Achilles Tang

  1. My family went to a weekend holiday and when we returned, half of my anemone was stuck in the power head. Poor chap was MINCED! Got to spend hours to suck out the bits and pieces of luminous tenacles. This anemone was with me for 6 months and was really healthy and happy in the tank.

    Question is how do I prevent my next anemone from commiting suicide.

    Did you take off the filter strainer off your powerhead? They help to reduce the suction effects from just one inlet point into multiple inlets. But of course, if the anemone decides to wrap around the whole strainer, then the point is moot.

    Perhaps a filter sponger over the strainer might be the best protection against anemone suicide... but you'll have to clean the sponge often.

  2. Here's the evidence that this species of anemones should be avoided at all cost unless you are setting up a species-only tank.

    *Sob sob!* :(

    The most heart-wrecking victim was my powder-blue tang that was doing well after getting over the ich infection after a few days... and then he went straight into the green demon's mouth...

    Here's the last victim before I spent more than an hour trying to remove this green carpet anemone from the bottom glass pane coz he sank his foot all the way down the sandbed.

    I think in total he ate 2 tangs and 1 butterfly... all at night when they were blind and must have stumbled into the GREEN DEMON! :angry:


    He was bought off a Sri Lankan exhibitor at the last Aquarama exhibition.

  3. I used to have 3 bubbletip anemones in my tank, I slowly got rid of them as they became too much trouble... they were fighting with my corals as they are expanding and overshadowing them.

    I won't keep another anemone in my tank unless I can get hold of a rose anemone but even that must be a small one. Anemones grow very fast...

    From my experience, they prefer cooler water.

    Oh... never ever get a haddoni or carpet anemone... I got a very unusual one that was BRIGHT FLORESCENT green... but it was a MONSTER!!!

    It was so sticky that EVERYTHING got stuck to it... my fingers, my tongs, and any fish that bumped into it at night. It was a real killer. I lost a few tangs and one long-nose butterfly fish to it.

    I must say that I should have gotten rid of it earlier... but its rarity made me hold back... and i paid the price.

    It grew from a 8 cm specimen to a 20cm monster with all the good expensive food it ate... sob sob!


  4. My freshwater tank was 3 ft x 1.5 x 2.

    I kept a school of cardinals and a betta inside... of course, lots of snails and yamato shrimps, yes.. i did like the carpet of bubbles... but got sick of everyday scooping floating bits and pieces of plant leaves etc. Also got tired of cleaning the glass of algae... so when one day, i couldn't see through the glass anymore... I decided that this jungle took too much of my time and I wasn't admiring it anymore... and then it became a chilid tank... kept mostly blue and clown loaches in the end... was very sad to give them away as they were very responsive and active... like mini dolphins.

    I also had a rare catfish and freshwater eels.

    But once I moved on to marine tank... whoosh...!

    "A whole new world!!" - song by peabo bryson & regina belle... :lol:

  5. Achilles, i also still holding on to a 2.5l CO2 tank. Can it be easily converted to a kalkreactor? What else do i need?

    LOL!! :lol::lol:

    Chanbi... you can't convert a C02 tank into a kalkreactor!!

    You can however use it for the kalkreactor!!

    You need a kalkreactor! I am using the Korallin Kalkreactor right now for my tank.

  6. Sure thing dude!

    Now, I will have to ask you the same thing they ask me...

    1. Glass thickness and type (ordinary float, starphire, tempered etc)

    2. Overflow box - internal/external - dimensions

    3. Where you stay and do you want it built at home..(affects delivery, door size, corridor turning radius, lift opening, height etc)

    4. Bracing - what type, thickness, how many?

    5. Stand dimensions, plywood and styrofoam protection?

    6. Silicon type

    7. Number of holes to drill... diameter dimensions

    The best is you make a schematic drawing... and he will understand at a glance... measure, measure, measure and remeasure EVERYTHING... you don't want to have the tank built and realise that your main door is too small... or the lift entrance is too narrow... or there is no space to maneuvour around the staircase... then you can just break your tank into pieces and quit this hobby! Hahahaha!

    Seriously, take my advice... you can pm me or email me.

  7. Actually dive season/fishing season ends around mid November... only the brave and gungho will still go out during the pre-monsoon weeks, where the winds are already gusting...

    The best time to fish/dive is actually around the monsoon season, as the big fishes come... just that we humans can't take the battering.. heh!

  8. There will come a day when the supply of liverocks will be so restricted that we have to settle for cultured ones or DIY our own.

    As it is, supply is dwindling already as a few LFS got fined for liverock importing.

    I believe the supply is regulated by the AVA but demand is growing as I see many newcomers to the hobby.

  9. Go there and wave a fistfull of hundred dollar bills in front of the bosses' noses, and declare that you intend to buy EVERYTHING.... walk around and then comment that you can't find what you want... tell them what you want and to give you a call soon... write your contact number on a $50 note and slip it in their pocket before walking away into your limo... watch them scramble to pick up the phone to call their supplier... and in a few days time... your reserved corals should be there for your collection. If you want to maintain the act of a rich dude... try to act stingy and bargain for a few dollars off every single item, no matter how cheap!

    Just j/k!


  10. Damn! Maybe that's half the price!

    Oh well... you can bring the 'clone tong' along during my tank-warming party and we can do a comparison and product review!

    If we can save money... it should benefit all.... and I have to be the sucker for buying the 'Original'... hahahahahah!! :D

    What a happy Monday morning... sigh! :lol:

  11. Yeah I saw it too..... but denitrators are kinda redundant these days ever since it was found that the NNR method is effective and is as expensive as the amount of sand you buy.

    Denitrators need to be maintained regularly and is expensive.... perhaps they are better used for HUGE aquariums with no sand beds or other forms of NNR and have massive predatory livestock and need artificial assistance in nitrate reduction.

    BTW, I have a H&S Euroreef skimmer and it costs me around $500 plus... so I know its gonna be expensive and didn't ask how much it will cost.

  12. holothuroid is sea cucumber (for those who are scratching their heads right now)... ;)

    Anyway, the only reef-safe holo.. ur... sea cuke, is the donkey dung sea cucumber (totally black) or the tigertail sea cucumber (seldom seen in LFS).

    In most of my dives, you can find the black sea cucumbers on sandy bottoms... but they do not grow as big as the more colourful ones... which can be as thick as from your middle fingers of both hands joined with both thumbs... as thicker than a firehose...

    In nature, the more colourful the creature, usually the more toxic it is...

    What colour was yours, Coelacanth? Btw, I have never seen a living coelacanth yet... and probably never will... heh heh!

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