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Achilles Tang

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Posts posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Yes, there have been an influx of beautiful crocea clams last Thurs.....

    Would it surprise you if I said I didn't buy any because they weren't good enough for me? Hahahaha....

    Anyway, I am pleased to know that you two didn't rush out to buy them because you knew that your tanks weren't suitable.

    In the past I would have bought first and worry about lights later.... especially when good grade clams are hard to find.

    Good example guys! ;)

    But I hope eventually you'll have the means to upgrade to enjoy keeping clams in a suitable environment soon!


  2. Please be advised that the shop there doesn't do over-shaped cutouts for overflow teeth.

    I went across the road diagonally to the first glass shop at Kelantan Road and they are able to cut glass, acrylic, plastic for you. They even do aluminium framings.

  3. Hey Robe!

    So you're a diver too! Heh!

    Guys, it's true what Robe says... diving is a serious sport. You need to be in good health. Secondly, you need to have a good brain, as you have to always alert and expect the worst to happen so you can react quickly and save not just youself but your buddies underwater.

    I used to be pretty gung-ho myself... my wife and friends always complain that I only buddy with my camera! Once I nearly ran out of air because I was so insistent on chasing fish and became excited ie. consume more air... luckily I located my friends in time and ascended together... I literally took the very last drop of air molecue from my tank as I broke the surface. Whew!

    Go with a good school. Take the lessons seriously. Refresh yourself with the theories. Talk to your buddies and remind them of the procedues.

    Once more of us get certification, we can organise a SRC dive trip one day!


  4. If you don't want to use the above... just make sure your bristleworm and pod populations have a chance to grow. Don't get gobies, shrimps or wrasses that love them to wipe them out. Grow them in a refugium, enough will get into your main tank.

    They will do the job for you.

    Try to get hold of a brittlestar but get the reefsafe type. Some are known to catch small fishes when they are asleep.

  5. Interesting idea.

    Not effective IMO. Input and output too close to each other.... you are inputting CO2 and it won't have any chance to dissolve the media and will be shunted out into the tank too fast, causing a massive drop in PH and algae blooms as CO2 is a fertilizer to them.

    Flow will be too high. Hard to control.

    Any others care to comment?

  6. So is it LCK we are going to tomorrow? Need to get send in my acrylic board for cutting. My contractor is coming in tomorrow to rectify an error in my renovation. It's gonna delay my project a couple of days as the weekend is here.

    Tomorrow is a very very packed day for me... I dunno if I can go along.

    Can someone be the head organiser and PM his handphone?

    Just let indicate who is going and exactly where.

    I will be there provided nothing crops up for me.

  7. Achilles, its possible for me to keep a tang in my 2x1x1 tank meh? I like to have a yellow tang very much... but I've read that its not really recommended :( What do you think?

    What are some recommended beautiful cleaner shrimps besides those red stripes running along the body kind?

    No, not recommended. Tangs really need a lot of space. Put them in a goldfish bowl and they will die very fast.

    It's like putting a cheetah in a cage.

    And if you buy a baby tang... baby tangs are not recommended as they seldom adapt as well as the adults do.. meaning at least 3 inches long for the body (excluding tail)... but even that is no guarantee...

    Those are the skunk cleaner shrimps.

    Other recommended cleaner shrimps are the coral banded shrimp or the blood/fire shrimp. One is very fierce and can attack fanworms and small fish. The other is very very shy and unless you put it in a big group, they won't venture out. They are also very expensive.

  8. I think the blue-legged hermits are more reef-safe than the red-legged ones.

    There is a variety of red-legged ones which come very small... i think those are reef-safe. Are yours very tiny?

    But I find that hermits are more trouble than they are worth.

    Forever knocking my corals over. But they don't seem to attack snails except once in a very blue moon. Either that or they were cleaning a recently departed snail.

    They do however need empty shells (bigger than their current one) as they will outgrow and change 'clothes'. Sometimes they will kill each other to take over the shells.

    I have 2 in my tank now and I used to follow the americans who say you must have X no. of hermits for X no. of gallons.... that's rubbish IMO.

    If you have enough herbivourous fish like tangs you don't need too many hermits or snails.

    Snails are good for cleaning glass walls.

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