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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. My young padawans... FW dips are to osmo-shock and kill off external parasites.... it doesn't kill internal parasites like intestinal ones etc. If you want to treat internal parasites... you have to feed your fishes with medicated food.
  2. lint like? It's fungus. If it gets serious, a medicated dip may be necessary.
  3. Hmmm... even an SPS tank may suffer from so much high volume of movement.... if your sandbed gets kicked up too much... you'll get the sandpaper effect on your corals... flesh all peeling from sandblasting damage. Be warned... i read in a thread somewhere about the tissue being blasted off a acro frag placed in front of a reeftec. AT
  4. NNNNOOoooooooOOOOOOOOooooooOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Awesome tank!!!! Yeah... lucky we don't have any tang police in Singapore... heh!
  6. "The Stream 6080 was so powerful, it was moving whole coral colonies 2 to 3 feet away" - WOW! It's an overkill if you ask me... but Tanzy's got a Porsche 911 while I got a Humvee... heh! Cheaper and does the job well... but lacks the 'style', heh! Sorry to hear that it can't be used on a wavemaker.. I feel that is an important part... to be on timers to simulate tidal movements.... oh well...
  7. On a side note: I am surprised he got voted as Tank of the Month... considering the number of the Tang Police in RC... who must be foaming at the mouth now at the number of tangs in his very crowded reef tank!!! 300 gallons with 5 yellow tangs, 1 powderblue, i purple, 1 chevron and 7 regal tangs.... *I can picture them foaming and rolling on the ground*
  8. I like his closing statement very much: I consider that it is the people who set up 'death tanks,' or do things at a whim, who are a danger to the good name of the majority of reefkeepers. These are the people who set up tanks with little research, and see their set up as little more than a 'pretty thing at the edge of their living room.' It may start off looking attractive, but after replacing the dead and dying stock a few times due to incorrect equipment, inappropriate livestock, rushing ahead and not allowing things to mature properly, it soon becomes an expensive, and all too often, an algae infested mess. I feel that retailers should stress the responsibility their customers have to the creatures in their charge, and not see it as an opportunity to make a quick buck. Although saying that, there are many retailers working very hard to insure sound guidance for their customers and who have high ethical standards.
  9. Light shit brown to light shit green?
  10. Noticed that Tanzy's avatar started wearing the santa claus hat, then mine, then Phang's! LOL!!!
  11. How should I put it? The hobby is always progressing because hobbyists are constantly experimenting, tweaking and testing all the known theories and going where no hobbyists have gone before. Equipment and setups are tested, compared, and knowledge shared. Many years ago, acropora corals were considered impossible to keep. Today, with technology improving eg. HQI bulbs, high wattage MHs, skimmers etc, we are able to keep them! Constant studies in biological and natural processes, have seen the Berlin method being modified to Jaubert systems, to DSBs... tests are still going on and who knows... there may be a new method of filtration and setup being shared soon! Because there are so many schools of thought, and old knowledge still being taught or the attitude that "if it has worked for me in the past, I am not going to bother learning or risk changing to newer stuff" ... the debates on what is good, what is better... will still go on. IMO, it makes the hobby more interesting! AT
  12. Well, if you are coming for the SRC x'mas gathering, then bring along the dual pump...
  13. You will fail miserably as a car salesman! Maybe out of pity I will consider buying your dual airpump... for my plankton factory.
  14. You just got reprimanded by our Resident Sea Turtle. A committee will now convene and review your posting privileges and determine how low you should relegated on the Darwinian evolution timescale. What's worse than a bristleworm?
  15. Got some acros a few inches under my lights, mostly brownish... hoping to see colour in a few weeks, (months? She'll probably buy me a few cans of flourescent pink, purple and green spraypaint and say it's much cheaper if I spray my corals instead!!!!
  16. Uhhh.. I have not posted any thing about my sump... it's just a sump, a place to collect the overflow water and for my equipment like pumps and protein skimmer to be in. What you see is my refugium. May I also add that for a refugium, it should be a macroalgae tank, preferably without any livestock that will prey on the pods and worms. So as the name implies, it is a place of refuge for the micro fauna to grow and produce micro zooplankton and plankton to feed your main tank. The refugium is also a filtration system - mostly natural and biological. As for Phang's refugium, it is like a mini coral tank... My refugium has a seahorse & some razorfishes.... so technically, it is no longer a refugium.
  17. Hmmm.... you will need a lot of flys to produce that amount of ammonia. Perhaps if you have a dozen lizards drowning...
  18. Grrrr... didn't you read the posting guidelines for product reviews? http://www.sgreefclub.com/forums/index.php...4ea227a9f16536e Prepare to drink my skimmate when you come on Sat!
  19. I got my PVC from Hai Cheong Plastics. For my reefracks, it's four pvc tubes welded to two flat PVC sheets. If you use acrylic, its a lot of expensive.
  20. Hi Rumour! Welcome to the Singapore Reef Club! Thanks for the compliments, we have only just begun! Anyway, I am going to be doing a series of articles on setting up a marine tank for beginners. I know there are many online articles on doing it as well as books but I guess many newbies lack the $$ or time or know how to search... and would prefer something with a local context. I will not really go on a budget-oriented approach as I feel that it provides a false feeling of affordability, less than ideal short-term sustainability of livestock, and mostly feelings of regret later on. I'll rather go hard on providing the best equipment you can early on so hobbyists won't have to upgrade later as they find that their expectations increase, or wanting to keep more sensitive livestock as they advance in the hobby. But I appreciate your contribution and from others too! There is so much to share in this hobby! AT
  21. I think its a problem in tropical Singapore. I noticed an increase in flying insects in the house ever since I got a reef tank... especially when I upgraded to HQIs! Flies, moths, flying ants... aiyoh! If I see an '8-legged freaks' coming... I quit!!!
  22. That's a nudibranch. I have a lot of these in my reef tank too... and they seem to love eating diatoms/microalgae off the glass... any fish that pecks at them will spit them out instantly... bad tasting I presume... chemical defense. They seem harmless, I don't see them on my corals.
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