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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. My firefish eats nori!! He can stuff a piece of nori as long as him into its stomach!
  2. Tanzy... LOL!!! Yeah that was funny! Am gonna start building my DIY MH after X'mas!
  3. A leopard shark can live up to 24 years in captivity and grows up to 6.5ft long (about 2 m). IMO, unless you have a humongous tank... forget about keeping sharks. I used to have a bamboo shark(they stay small).... and it kept knocking my corals down. That was when I was a newbie. I have long since given it away to a friend with a FOWLR tank but it jumped into the overflow and died... so sad.
  4. FYI, it's actually the same unit as the Korallin Kalkreactor... The literature says after your nitrate drops to zero, you can convert it to a kalkreactor immediately. IMO... it's extremely strange. Guys, You would be better off building a sump.... with a 6 inch DSB... and just pump water in and overflow out... it's much much much cheaper and it works the same way. DSBs reduces nitrates, why waste money getting a denitrator?? LFS would kill me!
  5. Hi folks, Notice that a lot of people love to discuss about the right/proper/best/cheapest equipment that goes into supporting our marine tanks in the Newbie and Reef Forums. In order to not detract from the topics of reefkeeping, I decided to create a forum that caters to such equipment only. If you have DIY plans to share... do it in the DIY forum. In accordance with our policy on commercial postings of promoting people to buy equipment/products from... I am afraid that I will have to put a stop to that. Thanks! AT
  6. Steno... would you be able to give me a frag too? I have a staghorn that is supposed to be green but was brown when I bought it. It hasn't coloured up yet. I can exchange a frag with you. Tanzy's coming back... I like to stroke the turtle's head!
  7. Every 2 weeks, I get free zooplankton for my corals and fish to eat, courtesy of my mated CBS and CS. Here are some shots from my old tank: Shrimp fry: My always pregnant CBS
  8. As an ex-PL user, I believe you can keep clams provided you max out the hood with as much PL as you can. I had 9 in my old tank. And place them close to the water surface as possible, especially the brighter ones. IMO, once I switched to MHs, I noticed an increase in colouration. MHs rox!
  9. I guess I would say it's a good PS. I always get thick almost black gunk from it, even without using ozone with it. The bubbles produced by the venturi is very fine, making the water white and foamy. It's expensive though.
  10. Believe me, I think flame angels are really nice... I may risk my corals again if temptation makes me get a flame again.... Or he can go into my refugium... heh! I love queen angels... sigh!
  11. I doubt if you can get someone who can give you a review on all the different brands and models unless they are super rich and fickle enough to upgrade and experienced each of them. Noise levels??? Gee.... line them all up in a row and listen carefully?
  12. http://ani.daum.net/ani/151/188/flashmovie...ingding_ep4.swf Turn up your speakers
  13. Featherdusters, coco, x'mas tree worms are all plankton feeders. The larger ones eat tiny zooplankton as well. Because not many people bother to feed live plankton to their tank, such polychaete worms seldom have a long life. Read this about Christmas Tree worms
  14. I think Hon is still playing that game... Me? I used to.. now I dun even know what version is the latest. Can I update my original box CS to the latest version and still play? Pls advise... and maybe I'll show you a different kind of fragging!
  15. PS is one of the programs I can use. I dun use roti-rich actually... I use live phyto to feed my rotifers. You can get some from me to start your own culture. AT
  16. Tanzy, If you ever post such an ugly fish in this forum again... you'll be downgraded to a bristleworm!!! *Bleurgh!* - LH!!! Guys... angels are not reef-safe, juveniles and adults. Even the genus Centropyge ie. dwarf angles are not to be trusted. I used to have a flame angel and he was well-behaved until one day he decided to start pecking at my clams.
  17. Dun panic! Those ant like creatures are good for your tank. The more the merrier. They are called pods... copepods, amphipods etc. They help process detritus and are very good fish and coral food. The hair-like particles could be cilates, also good for your tank... as coral and fry food. Are they moving?
  18. Hi SRC members, With the keen interest in culturing plankton and zooplankton to feed our corals and invertebrates, I will launching a 'How-To' series. Although there are excellent sites out there already with good explanations, I will compile concise points and my own personal experiences and tips in our local context. Be patient as I will be taking some time to compile photos and procedures. Bawater and Chanbi has recently gotten their own culture kits and will undoubtedly set the trend going with PacificBetta's rotifer culturing and my phytoplankton and rotifer culturing. I will also go over the artemia culturing procedure too. AT
  19. Is there a Malaysia Reef Club over there? How is the marine aquarium scene over there?
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