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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. That is so farnie! I showed my wife and she had a good laugh!
  2. For those wanting a quick cycle for your new tank... hurry on down and fill your tank up!
  3. Happy New Year everyone!!! I am gonna be chionging at the NYE2002 party at the Singapore Expo tonite! Hope I can make it as I got food poisoning last night... severe stomach pains and broke out into a fever early this morning. Feeling a bit woozy now but I hope to regain strength in time to enjoy the Ministry of Sound and Hed Kandi DJs... wooohoooo!! Wishing all SRC members are fabulous holiday and a better year ahead!
  4. Perhaps it was an old batch of salt? I just drop my reeftec unit into the saltmix and it'll be dissolved very quickly... no need for stirring!
  5. Perfectly fine.... in fact you will notice normal daily PH flunctuations from as low as 7.9 to as high as 8.6. That is why it is important to have a PH monitor so you will be able to maintain a stable PH level as much as you can for the tank inhabitant's good health. A consistently stable PH at 8.3 to 8.4 is best.
  6. Bawater... you should be posting these very good 'tips' in LH forums...
  7. My pregnant male seahorse just purchased on Friday from Sealife gave birth to little sea 'ponies' from yesterday till today. I have taken some out to a seperate tank and left some in my 'sea horse psuedo-refugium tank'. Was worried that my razorfish would attach the baby seahorses but thankfully, they were more interested in BBS. I commenced feeding the Sea Ponies with live rotifers and newly hatched BBS and it appears that they have begun to take an interest in them. They will finish living off their egg sacs and should begin full-fledged feeding by tomorrow or the day after latest. After which the next few weeks will be critical in feeding them lots of rotifers and then BBS. Wish me luck! Here's the papa!
  8. I have great photos of Robe's and Morgan's tank. The only problem is that I haven't tweaked the photo gallery scripts well enough to my liking! I have to get to work on it soon... Any webmasters out there to help poor ol' AT?
  9. Some good links explaining PH, alk and other water chemistry stuff. http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/may...ay2002/chem.htm http://www.advancedaquarist.com/issues/jun...ne2002/chem.htm
  10. I have dived with TTboy in Dayang before... Redang... sure!
  11. Apollo 11 Moon Landing Footage Out-take If you're at this page because you've just seen an amazing piece of footage showing the Apollo 11 moonlanding to have been shot in a studio, then read on. If you haven't seen the clip, click the link below, and prepare to be amazed. At 4:17 p.m. Eastern Daylight Time, on July 20, 1969 Neil Armstrong was seen on television by millions of people around the world apparently walking on the surface of the moon, and making one giant leap into the pages of history. BUT DID HE? Conspiracy theories abound on the Internet. The piece of footage you just saw answers the question - but raises a lot of others. We don't know the answers to all these questions - but here is what we do know: 1) Is it real? Yes. This footage was clearly shot in a studio, and is clearly meant to represent the Apollo 11 moon landing. The attention to detail is staggering. The intention is clearly to fool viewers into believing that it is genuine. 2) Is it conclusive? No. There is no proof that because this was shot in a studio, the moon landing was necessarily faked. But we do know that the original non-digital footage was destroyed and that certain (dangerous) people are very angry that this clip has leaked. 3) How did we get it? We did not get it directly from a NASA source. Our source is well placed to vouch for the authenticity of the footage and had links with the makers of 2 recent documentaries, one for the BBC and one for CNN about the moonlanding conspiracies. We cannot possibly reveal his identity, and probably never will be able to. His position is more dangerous than you might imagine. 4) Why haven't I seen it before? The footage has been buried for over 30 years. All the original stock, except this cut, was destroyed. We have had it for over 2 years and in that time have (anonymously) approached almost every large TV network owner to sell the rights. Without exception they were interested and offered to buy it. At one point they were also Then, also without exception they changed their minds and started to try to find out who we were. At that point we stopped dealing with them. It was scary as hell. 5) How, when and where was it made? It was made in 1965, judging by the camera it was shot on - an Ikegami Tube Camera. We have evidence that the footage was shot outside the US - possibly in Europe, by a foreign crew. 6) Who is inside the suit? Not one of the original astronauts. In fact, they are totally unaware that this footage was ever shot. The guy in the suit is an actor called Symond Lewis. 7) Why is it on the Internet and not on TV? See point 4 8) What is NASA's reaction to this footage? They have refused to comment. But we have recently heard that they are stepping up efforts on a huge PR campaign to convince us all that the Apollo moonlandings all took place. http://www.moontruth.com/clips/moontruth.mpg
  12. NO!!!! I believe you'll end up with a very unbalanced water composition and potentially a snow storm in your tank! Let me explain.... Kalk will raise both PH quickly and to a lesser degree alk. Carbonate alk and PH should be respectively dripped on their own alone first and then the other coz they both should balance each other. ie. high PH will be easier with a high alk level. You need to balance one component first before you add the other. Overdosing one could see the other dropping quickly. Dripping all three is a potential for disaster as the three different fluids will cause a unnaturally saturated mix where you could instantly precipate one component ie. a literal snow storm in your water. I hope some other guru could chip in here and correct me if I am wrong about the chemistry of this... and whether this practice is advisable. AT
  13. http://www.catch.com/click/out.php?http://...TRtruestory.wmv
  14. 115 watts for the Oceanrunner.
  15. I remember when I was in Pulau Sibu snorkelling a few months ago... my friend and I saw this humongous porcupine fish... the size of the head was at least 60cm wide... the eyes bigger than a tennis ball...I kid you not! I got such a shock... Reminds me that I have to go to the gym soon... coz it was HELL snorkelling against currents that was at least 3 to 4 knots. Must get fit in time for dive season!
  16. Heard from Coralfarm that it can be imported from Brazil but they won't order from there because they can't justify the quantity and cost.
  17. What would be the easiest method would be to wait till the little monster has gone hiding in an accessible rock... and then lift the rock out and shake the him out... or use freshwater or soda water to flush him out. Then you can make him tapdance on a hot saucepan.
  18. Yes, brittlestars are known to glow brightly, and not only them but other living creatures, especially when they are exposed to intense gamma radiation eg. after a nuclear explosion... some react even more so, by turning into a brutish green monster whose clothes will tear into pieces, except miraculously, his shorts... Oh.. i miss The Incredible Hulk mini-series on TV! LOL! Actually, I didn't see any such article... where can I find it? AT
  19. Yes, hobbyists tend not to keep black long-spined urchins coz they have a tendency to knock things over and their spikes penetrate soft coral tissue. If you are careless... yours too. A compromise would be to get the tuxedo urchin. It has nicer colours and the spikes are very short, however, they still tend to 'decorate' themselves with stuff that comes in contact with them.
  20. Dun worry your head white over such trivial stuff... so what if it's grey?
  21. My chiller is on a closed loop from my main tank. I made it so that even if I switch off my main filtration pumps for maintenance/feeding or plain forgetfulness... my chilled water circuit would not be interrupted and my tank temperature would always be maintained. It is situated across my fish room next to my window for max heat dessipation... and my belief is that I won't go for high speed pumps as you should maximise the contact time between the water and the cooling coils. (But not too slow till detritus may collect inside the chiller coils). Anyway, I think it is good maintenance to 'flush the pipes' once a year with vinegar to dissolve any deposits inside.
  22. I am using the Oceanrunner from Aquamart coz I can't afford an Iwaki chemical pump. I was attracted by its price and also its capacity. I was also considering this vs the newest and highest capacity Eheim pu,p... which wasn't in yet. I am an Eheim believer... good quality stuff. Quiet and reliable. The Oceanrunner, well... if not for its high capacity and price... I would have gotten the Eheim based on the quality itself.... but its capacity is still way lacking. The Oceanrunner is probably a bit noisier than an Eheim but quieter than an Iwaki external pump. If you are buying from Aquamart and you see just one unit left, dun get it coz I think the shaft is spoilt and they need to replace it. Best is they are willing to put the unit into water and test. Dun test it dry.... you may break the impeller shaft. Good luck! AT
  23. Got this off Yahoo... i feel Friday December 27, 4:45 PM Baby girl born through cloning: Raelian cult A human baby has been born through cloning, the first on record, French scientist and member of the Raelian cult Brigitte Boisselier claimed. The baby girl was born Thursday by caesarean section and the birth "went very well," Boisselier, president of the human cloning society Clonaid, said in a telephone interview with AFP. Because the effort by the Raelians to achieve the first human birth by cloning was carried out in secrecy, it was not immediately possible to obtain any independent scientific confirmation that the baby was in fact a clone. Boisselier, a 46-year-old French chemist who is president of the Clonaid human cloning society, declined to give further details of the birth, saying, "I prefer not to say more for now." She added that a full press conference was scheduled here on Friday. Nor would she say whether the baby would be presented at the press conference. "We are very happy. It's a triumph," Clonaid spokeswoman Nadine Gary said earlier. If scientifically confirmed by independent sources, it would be the first human baby produced by the highly controversial technique -- and announced publicly. It would also mark the beginning of a new era in human reproduction -- the first asexual birth, the first time a child was produced that was not the product of a genetic mix of mother and father, but the identical reproduction of one of its parents. In this case, Boisselier told AFP on November 27, the baby born Thursday would be an identical twin of its mother, albeit many years apart in age. She then said that an American couple was expecting the first birth by cloning, a baby girl, near the end of the year. Cloning provides a genetic duplicate of another creature. The predominant method around the world entails removing the nucleus, or core, from an egg and replacing it with DNA from a donor. This DNA "reprograms" the egg, transferring into it the entire genetic code of the donor. Clonaid, which is based in Las Vegas, Nevada, was founded in 1997 by the Raelians, who claim 55,000 followers worldwide. The Raelians believe that life on Earth was established by extra-terrestrials who arrived in flying saucers 25,000 years ago, and that humans themselves were created by cloning. The movement's founder, Rael -- the former French journalist Claude Vorilhon -- lives in Quebec. He describes himself as a prophet and claims that cloning will enable humanity to attain eternal life. William Muir, professor of genetics at Purdue University in Indiana, questioned how the cloned baby, assuming it survives infancy, would develop into "a normal person." "They might have done a lot of experimentation before that," he said in a telephone interview Thursday night. "The end does not justify the means. There are things that are not ethical to do, like experimenting with humans." Muir said the cloning process involves "reprogramming of the genetic code. But in cows, pigs and mice, we don't know if their behavior is normal because we cannot test their mental abilities." The big problem, according to scientists, is to ensure that all the genes in this transferred code work properly, performing the dazzlingly complex business which is the making of tissue and the repairing of it. Wide-ranging tests in lab animals, and the experience of cloned farm animals including Dolly the Sheep, have found that -- even though all the genes are there -- many of them do not appear to switch on and off as they should. Malfunctioning genes can cause an embryo to become malformed, prompting the body to expel it in a miscarriage. Many biotechnologists are repelled by the ethical dilemma posed by human cloning as well as the risk to the first cloned babies, and many governments have raced to pass laws that ban reproductive cloning. Yet this has not prevented a race among scientific mavericks to become the first to clone a human. US fertility specialist Panos Zavos told the US Congress in May that five groups of scientists were racing to produce the first cloned human baby. In late November, Italian gynecologist Severino Antinori said a woman carrying a cloned human embryo was expected to give birth in early January. Last month, the United States pledged to work in good faith for a global ban on human cloning after delaying for a year United Nations consideration of a treaty it did not believe went far enough.
  24. But it's stomach isn't golf-ball sized yet! Someone from R* should go down and force-feed the fella!
  25. Both phosguard and GAC have their own uses. Phosguard removes phosphates and silicates. GAC takes out mainly organics. You can use both together at the same time. I believe Seachem packages both together into one product called Sea Gel.
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