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Achilles Tang

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Posts posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Fish in US waters from Cape Hatteras to the Canadian border have moved away from their traditional, long-time habitats over the past four decades because of fundamental changes in the regional ecosystem, according to a new report. The report also points out the need to manage the waters off the northeastern coast of the United States as a whole rather than as a series of separate and unrelated components.

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  2. Biophysicists in Germany are leading an effort to develop and apply models of the so-called lateral-line system found in fish and some amphibians. This sensory organ enables an animal, even in murky water, to map its surroundings and recognize other animals. In a new study, the researchers report mathematical models that capture essential elements of the system, agree with experimental data, and could be easy to implement technically, as in robots.

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  3. Marine biologists have shown that young lemon sharks born in Bimini, Bahamas, tend to stay near their coastal birthplace for many years. Knowledge about these intermediate-aged animals -- the breeders of tomorrow -- has been limited. Thus, tropical island-nations that sacrifice their nursery habitats to coastal development are therefore likely to lose both babies and much older sharks, with potentially dire effects on the surrounding ecosystem.

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