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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Tanzy, would this new 50,000k bulb be comparable to radiums? In terms of PAR and superior in terms of having the right peaks?
  2. Unfortunately, such creatures are protected under CITES. You will not be able to import such creatures unless you are a research institution, a marine park, Underwater World etc. And yes... in the black market... they will be more than $10,000 each.
  3. My tank is finally going thru a hair algae and mild cyano bloom now, so dun look too closely!
  4. Check the last post in this thread
  5. Hi everyone... I just realised I did not attach a photograph showing my entire tank yet, just the left, right and centre views. I didn't have time then to do a proper tripod assisted shot... so.... ahem... here it is..
  6. Yeah the reeftec propeller is a boat model screw. You have to get the right type too... you dun want to pull water into your DIY reeftec. You can call it a Reeftic.
  7. And to celebrate the end of the flatworm-nuking ###### new tank arrangement party... one of Morgan's clams spawned for more than a good 30 mins!!! Ah...ahhh.. ahhhhhh..... ..... CHHOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!
  8. As we started filling the tank up with about 2 tons of NSW... It was time to clean the Precision Marine beckett skimmer... Being placed outdoors, we could see algae growing inside the skimmer! It began to rain as we began placing the corals back into the tank. It was a difficult task as the NSW was rather silty and we could hardly see 10 inches deep into the water. We placed all the frags on the top shelf where I am sure they will enjoy stronger sunlight. His tank being so deep...3 ft deep... we had to drop some of his corals and clams onto the sandbed... which was even harder coz we could hardly see the bottom. MURKY!!!
  9. Knowing that the NSW delivery truck was coming at 2pm... we applied speed and was surprised to finish clearing the tank by 1pm. So we took a break and after a delicious Hokkien Mee lunch, we placed Morgan's new DIY Reef Rack using PVC pipes and egg-crate into the tank. The NSW arrived on time, and we had to hurry with our landscaping. We washed the liverock again with FW to rinse out any flatworm carcass and any pistol shrimps. Our masterpiece!
  10. Wah lau eh.... siong man! All the liverock was taken out and left to bake in the sun... and then given a freshwater hosedown to rinse out the dead flatworms. Morgan was willing to risk killing most of the bacteria and other microlife, pods etc in his quest to ANNILIHATE flatworms. The anti-flatworm medication was also administered to the main tank... and once we were sure the flatworms were all dead.... it was time to wash the coral chips sandbed with freshwater... an Eheim pump was used to pump all the flatworms and silty water out. Guys watching Morgan demonstrate the horse-stance.
  11. We swirled, dugged and shook each coral fragment to make sure that no flatworms were still alive as they were transferred from 1st pass Dip tank, 2nd pass Dip tank, 3rd pass clean SW tank, and to the big fibreglass holding tank. Dip tanks with the anti-flatworm solution. The final holding tank. As we cleaned, we removed pistolshrimps, a mantis shrimp, several crabs, big bristleworms and other undesirables. We saved helpful creatures like sea cucumbers, peanut worms, snails etc.
  12. First step: Transfer tank water into containers where The anti-flatworm medication was added. As we did not have the recommended time (5 hours) to soak the corals and LR in, we administered a double dose for a half-hour soak in each container. Each coral was carefully taken out of the main tank and dipped into the dip (haha) and dippity-dip dipped to (hee hee) to kill the flatworms. As they died, they released a yellowish-brown stain as seen in this pix:
  13. The gang... morgan, pacificbetta, tanzy, rumour & dodo. I am not in this pix.
  14. Morgan's tank before nuking... Morgan's tank after nuking... And the story and photos for the in-between coming soon!!!
  15. You better make sure that your ballasts are off the floor.... don't wait for water spillage to give you an instant hair perm. Also ground your reflectors and are you using single core wires with adequate insulation? With that much of voltage going through your system, you should have the best precautions.
  16. maybe you can shield your MH with perspex or something... cloth?
  17. MHs should be raised high up and gradually lowered to about 8 inches off the water. All this should be done over a 2 week period, I think.
  18. Actually it looks like a turtle head... hmmm.. Tanzy.... did you take a dive inside Phang's tank? LOL!
  19. Anyone saw a creepy looking alien head in this picture?
  20. Sweet. If I were him... I would raise the saki much higher so the banding problem wouldn't be that obvious. The light spread will be wider and help to blend the blues and yellows better. And maybe angle the reflectors for the blue so more blue will fill the centre. I noticed he put a glass pane under the lights? Be careful, it could crack under heat. I had a glass pane for my PL lights and even that cracked! Also... I couldn't stand the amount of cleaning I have to do due to dust and water spots and salt creep.
  21. LOL! Well... my new acquisition looks quite nice.. but I will be eyeing the newer MMS phones and make this my backup phone... now I will make it a policy to bring my 'lousier' phones out for clubbing, fishing, diving etc where you'll get a higher chance of damage or being lost. The upgraded SIM cards can hold how many contact numbers, anyone knows?
  22. Uhm... last requests.... those of you who know me and have given me your HP nos before.. could you PM me handphone numbers? Thanks!!!!!!
  23. I admit I am stumped. No idea whatsoever what it is... it could be some strange form of sea slug, it could be a very large egg mass... maybe you can go to reef central and seek opinions from the gurus there...
  24. Whoa! What is that?? I can't help you ID it without a side profile... and a description.. Does it move? Does it have a head? Feelers? Eyes? How big izzit?
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