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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Cut up pieces of prawns to feed clams???? Who told you that??!! You'll kill them!!!!! Pls pls research more before you do anything to your livestock!
  2. If you don't see any of the nuisance micro or macro algae on them, then you don't have to scrub them.
  3. Rectified! Sorry, I must have flipped the wrong switches at 3.45am this morning!
  4. What?! You don't feed brine shrimp to clams!!!! They have gills inside which process phytoplankton!!!
  5. This is so farnie... that I think Rumor's gonna get really pissed at somebody real soon... Phang "Nuclear Bomb Detected"
  6. Hmmm... I wasn't aware that the upgrade would affect individual settings. Sorry!
  7. Anyway, what amazes me from this HK reef club is this: A DSB in a jar!!! I wonder how they run the circulation and filtration for it!
  8. Ahhh... you just picha alvy's lobang!
  9. Spade, Making good use of the new smilies huh? I was wondering when we'll start using this... lol! May be the next flatworm session?
  10. You never know! It might happen sooner or later!
  11. Hi Polarie, Welcome to SRC! It's refreshing to see a lady in here! Sure, perhaps during the next SRC gathering, I'll bring my dog! Do have dogs? AT
  12. Aluminium foil and Aluminium sheets are two different things! I think you meant 'sheets' right?
  13. Any comments on speed? Izzit slightly faster than before?
  14. Chanbi, A good reflector is MORE important that the bulb itself, IMO! A good reflector will bounce a LOT of light back into the tank and also helps prevent wastage by restrike (eg. all the light reflected back into the bulb)... take a look at the spiderlight... it has a V shape where the bulb sits under, the V prevents light from hitting the bulb but is deflected off the V to the sides. It is a good investment and one should not ignore try to put every light atom into your tank! Light is precious and expensive!
  15. Ouch! Now you know, Wedgee....!
  16. Guys, go the market... go and buy those sea snail, locally called 'zhoo zhoot' or is it called 'lala', it's those type where you have to use a toothpick to dig out the foot of the snail and once you can grab hold of the claw-shaped hard protective 'opening cover', you can pull out the entire sea snail... slurp!!! Yum!! The shell is white in colour. Sorry, that's the best I can describe!
  17. Use a toothbrush, it'll do a good job in snagging hair algae and stuff. You will want your rock nice and clean and free of rotting debris eg. dead sponges, algae etc. Leave the coralline algae alone, you want that!
  18. Subject: Fwd: englishs,frenchs and poles jokes > > >The English, The Frenchman and The Polish > >(Part 1) > > > >There was once an English, a Polish and a Frenchman. > > They were explorers and they were in the same boat. > > They came to a Pacific island that was inhabited by cannibals. > >The cannibals were not hungry that day and the > >chief was in a good mood. > > He decided to let them live. He said, "Alright, I'll let you leave if you > >get whipped on the back, > > however you may choose what to put on your back before I whip you." > > > >The English said he wanted some sand on his back. Sand it was, at the whip > >came down hard on him. > > It waspainful. > > > >The Frenchman then asked for oil on his back. > >It too was very painful. > > > >Lastly, it was the Polish's turn, he asked, "May I have the Frenchman on my > >back?" > > > > > >The Englishman, The Frenchman and the Polish > >(Part 2) > > > >They both luckily escaped with their lives and went back to their > >respective countries to bring up a family. > > As their sons were going abroad to study in the universities, they > >decided > >to go on another sea voyage. > > > >They met each other on the boat and while sailing through the Pacific > >Ocean, they encountered the same tribe of cannibals. > >The Chief that day was not to happy as he had lost three boats during a > >skirmish with another tribe. > >He chanced upon this opportunity and said, > >"You will live no longer than today for I am going to make three boats from > >your human skins. > > However, as Fate have directed us to meet twice, I hereby allow you to > >choose how you would die." > > > >The Englishman voted for a gun, exclaimed, "God save the Queen!" and blew > >his brains off. > >The Frenchman unsheathed his sword, shouted, "Viva La France!" and died > >too. > > > >The Polish had to die but he asked for the most painful way of dying. > >He said that he wanted a fork. > >The Chief seeing no harm in doing so gave him one. > >The Polish then poked himself everywhere until he bled to death, but just > >before he died, he muttered to the Chief, "So long for your boat..." > > > > > >The Englishman, The Frenchman and The Polish > >(Part 3) > > > >The three died, their sons still lived on > >They all studied archeology and make major breakthroughs in their country > > > >The Englishman's son dug 100 metres into the ground and found tar. > >He said,"100000 years ago, the English had an efficient road system." > > > >The Frenchman's son, not to be outdone, dug 200 metres into the ground and > >found lines of wire. > >He said, "200000 years ago, we had wires networking the whole of France." > >The Polish's son had to do something of course! > >He dug 100 metres but could find nothing. > >He dug till 1000 metres below the ground but still could not find anything. > >He concluded, "1 million years ago, the Poles already had wireless > >networks." > > > > > >The Englishman, The Frenchman and The Polish > >(Part 4) > > > >The Englishman, the Frenchman and the Polish dies and went to Hell. > >On the road, they met the Devil. > >They bargained with the devil on why they should go to Heaven instead of > >Hell. > > > >The Devil agreed to release them to Heaven if they could ask him a question > >that he could not answer. > > > >The Englishman thought of a question and knew that the Devil would most > >likely answer wrongly. > >He asked, "Who is my favourite football club?" > >The Englishman secretly smiled as he was seen supporting Chelsea but deep > >down he supported Tottenham. > > > >The Devil calmly answered, "Tottenham Hotspurs." and the Englishman was > >banished to Hell. > >The Frenchman tried a trick question. He asked, "Who is the man in the iron > >mask?" > > > >The Devil answered, "Leonardo DiCaprio, he was the only man in history to > >be in an iron mask." > >Poof, the Frenchman was banished to Hell. > > > >Last of all, the Polish stepped up, demanding a chair and a drill. > >He drill seven holes on the chair, sat down and farted. > >He asked the Devil, "Which hole did I fart from?" > > > >The Devil, thinking that all seven holes had fart, had just need to pick > >one. > >So he confidently said, "The middle hole." > > > >The Polish said, "Ha Ha, I'm going to Heaven, > >I farted from my asshole, stupid!"
  19. The Advantages of Breast Milk A not necessarily well-prepared student sat in his life science classroom, staring at a question on the final exam paper. The question directed: "Give four advantages of breast milk." What to write? He sighed, and began to scribble whatever came into his head, hoping for the best: 1. No need to boil. 2. Never goes sour. 3. Available whenever necessary. So far so good - maybe. But the exam demanded a fourth answer. Again, what to write? Once more, he sighed. He frowned. He scowled, then sighed again. Suddenly, he brightened. He grabbed his pen, and triumphantly, he scribbled his definitive answer: 4. Available in attractive containers of varying sizes.
  20. >Subject: Quick Eye Exam!!! don't cheat > > > > > > > > > > > > Quick Eye Exam... > > > >This will blow your mind...! > > > >Just do it - don't cheat!!!!!!!!!!!! > > > >Try this its actually quite good. > > > >But don't cheat! > > > >Count the number of F's in the following text: > > > >FINISHED FILES ARE THE > >RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC > >STUDY COMBINED WITH THE > >EXPERIENCE OF YEARS > > > >Managed it? > > > >Scroll down only after you have counted them! > > > > > >oK? > > > >How many? > > > >Three? > > > >Wrong, there are six - no joke! > > > >Read again! > > > >FINISHED FILES ARE THE > >RESULT OF YEARS OF SCIENTIFIC > >STUDY COMBINED WITH THE > >EXPERIENCE OF YEARS > > > >The reasoning is further down... > > > >The brain cannot process the word "OF". > > > >Incredible or what? > > > >Anyone who counts all six F's on the first go is a genius > > > >Three is normal.
  21. Canon G3!!! A fabulous range of cameras.. the G series! Take a look at this digital camera review site. My fav!
  22. I know my current H&S is an aspirating venturi type. The aspirating skimmers are the H&S Euroreefs and other US made brands like DAS, turbofloaters etc. These skimmers utilize a very unique impeller which "aspirates" (draws in air) and chops it into microfine bubbles, creating very fine foam. They are also much more energy efficient, Then there are the beckett types, requiring a powerful pump to drive them (downside). A Beckett fountainhead (which is a venturi valve), produces very good fine foam. They are known to be good enough to 'over-skim'. Beckett skimmers have shorter water dwell times (unless you get tall ones). These tend to be rather big. There is a new skimmer range from Germany which I am waiting for more info on.... supposed to be better than schuran & H&S... trust the Germans to come up with great technology... I WANT MY MERC SL!!!!
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