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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Defish/Clubfish, I take it from this post that you still defiant? Rest assured.... once you get banned... all the terminals that you have posted from will NOT be able to access this site anymore. Even if you go through the trouble to cancel your home internet accounts and get new ones... all I have to do is to ring up the ISPs... singnet, starhub, pacnet and you have to face the music from them. Likewise for your office management... even if you are the network administrator...haha... Also, I am informing all members to co-operate with me and report any unauthorised commercial sales contacts or 'special lobangs'... how do you think I know abt your commercial PMs? You have till 12 noon.
  2. Thanks lona, I appreciate it! Now, Defish/Clubfish, I have noted your IP addresses and I suspect you are on a office network for a few of them.... easy to track. Going from terminal to terminal to post doesn't help to mask your tracks. I want to see your apology before noon today.
  3. Lona, Don't add fuel to fire. Don't get involved in this or you'll be no better than him. AT
  4. Alright, this is far enough. Defish/Clubfish... I know you have been sending PMs to people to promote your products and that is after I have warned you about promoting them publicly. I have low tolerance for people who treat others with little respect and I do have a strict policy on behaviour that includes personal attacks, rudeness, being persistent in flame wars and especially one who disregards my warnings. I am giving you a last chance to post a public apology to all you have offended and to STOP pretending to 'share' your lobangs via public posts or via PM and to stop deceiving people by holding conversations with your other 'pseudo friend' to 'authenticate' your behaviour. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Failing which, your account(s) will be deleted and You may not get one last chance to start afresh in SRC (although I will still know who you are) and if you persist in such behaviour again.... You will be BANNED from our forum indefinitely. From Achilles Tang Founder and Administrator Singapore Reef Club
  5. Corals are not banned.. hahaha.... Bringing in certain hard corals without CITES permit is an offence though. So that is why many LFS which bypass this aspect of the law commits an offence which is regulated by AVA.
  6. So... you have a plague now? Has it become like Morgan's tank where every single inch of wall and substrate is flatworm-filled??
  7. Pet, I have been running DSB for a few years... no problems, only good things to report. What kind of crash are you talking about and perhaps you can give us an idea of your tank setup and maintenance habits.
  8. My opinion, The Iwasaki 20ks do not have any spectral charts and info available and no one knows the PAR and PUR values of this bulb yet. It's good to know all this coz we want to know if our corals can thrive under these lights... not just because we like how it looks. Hopefully that will change the week after next when Bernard from Eye returns from Japan with this info. The bulb still looks very blue to me compared to 10ks. There is info on the 50k bulbs and they have nice spikes in the right spectrum. They do look very purple though. I was thinking they could be an alternative to radiums but they need other bulbs to balance out the colour.
  9. You thought your baby photos were safe at the hospital? NO!!! They have your records! See for yourselves! http://www.nurseryphotos.com/
  10. > Subject: US Vs Baghdad > > > > > > > > Saddam Hussein and George W. Bush meet up in Baghdad for the first round > > of talks in a new peace process. > > > > When George sits down, he notices three buttons on the side of Saddam's > > chair. They begin talking. After about five minutes Saddam presses the > > first button. A boxing glove springs out of a box on the desk and > > punches Bush I! n the face. Annoyed, Bush carries on talking as Saddam > > laughs. > > > > A few minutes later the second button is pressed. This time a big boot > > comes out and kicks Bush in the shin. Again Saddam laughs, and again > > George carries on talking, not wanting to put off the bigger issue of > > peace between the two countries. But when the third button is pressed > > and another boot comes out and kicks Bush square in his nut's, he's > > finally had enough. > > > > I'm heading' back to Washington!" he calmly tells the Ir! aqi. "We'll > > finish these talks in two weeks in Washington!" > > > > A fortnight passes and Saddam flies to the United States for talks. As > > the two men sit down, Hussein notices three buttons on Bush's chair and > > prepares himself for the Yank's retaliation. They begin talking and > > George presses the first button. Saddam ducks, but nothing happens. > > George snickers. > > > > A few seconds later he presses the second button. Saddam jumps up, but! > > again nothing happens. Bush roars with laughter. When the third button > > is pressed, Saddam jumps up again, but again nothing happens. Bush falls > > on the floor in a fit of hysterics. > > > > "Forget this," says Saddam. "I'm going back to Baghdad!" > > > > George W. says through tears of laughter, "What Baghdad?"
  11. Phang, Precisely why I am going for 400 watts sakis (horrible colour but incredible PAR) that are switched on when I am out of the house! The 250 watt 10ks and the 400 watt Radiums should be good combo to view my tank when I get back. Hope to have everything rigged up in a weeks time... (excluding the 10ks as that will probably be bought in another month's time). Still trying to figure out how to squeeze 6 MHs and reflectors into my tank! Maybe I'll go for 10k T5s when they come out? Or perhaps rig up a Saki 150watt 20k since it's supposedly a nice white lite?
  12. Hmm... if it's soft and velvety like cyanobacteria, it should easily come off. It comes out in lumps??? as in hard lumps? I am a little confused. I dun know if you are talking abt cyanobacteria or coralline algae! Your statements contradict each other so much! Can you clarify?
  13. Hard to say without knowing how is the base supported, how level your stand is, what kind of bracing do you have, what kind of silicone is being used etc.
  14. So far there has been more positive feedback than bad ones (only a few). So what's the news guys? WE DEMAND A PRODUCT REVIEW!
  15. I also went for black. I am using black acrylic sheets siliconed inside my tank and these have cutouts for the overflow teeth and my centre closed loop bulkhead. The back of my siliconed acrylic sheet also provides spaces for my pods and worms to hide and grow. I believed if you do a search on pods and 'old men walking bent over'... you'll see what I mean. Black does help enhance the colours. My previous reef tank, I used a plastic sheet printed with a rocky background ie. those used for chilids tank to look like a rock wall... over time, due to UV... it faded and the effect was lost.
  16. I find that chili corals do better under shade as nuisance algae tend to grow on them when they are placed in the open. They are non-photosynthetic. They feed on phyto and zooplankton apparently and will shrink quickly if not provided this.
  17. I am positive that is a rare purple-tipped yellow anemone, found only in the salt water pond of the Singapore Botanic Gardens!
  18. Let me know how the refugium fares ie. any macros bleaching/crashing? Do you dose iron?
  19. Hmmm... pospeh... you are rite. I seemed to have that fact wrong... the german 10k does in fact have a good spike in the violet spectrum but are weaker in the blues. The saki and radium lacks violet and needs actinic supplementation. However, it is interesting to note that blue lights are more important than violet.
  20. That's a really cool looking anemone!!! And it eats flies???
  21. There is no iwasaki 10k (only 6500, 20k & 50k) Venture bulbs not very sure.... are they even selling in SG? BLV is more white with a tinge of blue Aqualine is more blue than BLV. Actinics are high in the violet peaks, 10k is weak in that, so you need actinic supplementation. But 6500k is full spectrum, so violet is well provided, however our human eye will see a lot of the greenish yellow spectrum.
  22. Hi Chris No prob.. but I noted that you said you have clams... they are light-loving creatures... and you should place them right at the water surface (as near as you can).
  23. You got the 20k sakis? Interesting... show us a pix of your tank after the burn-in period, okie? I hope you know that you won't see much coral growth as 20k lamps have very low par even at 400watts comparatively to lower temp bulbs. That means acros and some sps corals cannot be kept long term as they are more light-demanding.
  24. How come nobody consulted this expert? My next course "How to get your spouse involved in cleaning the tank" is starting soon!
  25. Dino... Nice pendants you got there! Did you remove the glass covers or get them replaced with clear ones? Your existing ones look like frosted glass and it diffuses the light a LOT!!! You have to get tempered glass replacements or anti-UV glass as DE bulbs need UV protection or your corals will bleach! Those are DE bulbs right? Should be coz they are smaller compared to SE. Need to add that the light spread doesn't seem too great. Can you replace with a broader bell pendant? Try aligning the DE bulb with the ends perpendicular to the tank's length as both ends do not emit light and may cast shadows.
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