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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Acros are poor shippers. They produced a lot of slime... and basically what happened was that it choked on its own slime. And the water that you put it in became devoid of oxygen and became toxic. The smell is from dead tissue which sloughed off... its called RTN. Rapid Tissue Necrosis. If you took a tiny frag from a colony, IMO, it's ok. When you go fishing, it's amazing what you can pull up... I have thrown back lots of corals and gorgonians.
  2. I wonder if CASE has anything to say abt this. Pet shops or any shops for that matter can be liable for criminal prosecution if they are blatantly cheating/shortchanging people. Again, how many people actually bring shops to court? The majority keeps quiet and spread the word around. Only if they don't deliver the goods, or sell defective goods, or do poor workmanship etc and a huge amt of $$ is involved, then they seek legal action. So people get pushed around by the shops, and go complain to the newspapers, it becomes a nation wide thing... the shop's reputation takes a beating... they should have settled out of court in the first place! And what happened to the maxim that the customer is always right? Service from the heart begets good response. The fact that is why many of us consumers give negative feedback is because there is SOMETHING wrong in the first place, unless we are totally unreasonable, kiasu and kiam kana.... and we pushed the LFS sales people into a corner with our demands... however, in reality... it's never the case. They want me to 'regulate' your negative comments, do I owe them anything. Am I obligated to comply? Am I going to put each of you through a lie detector test?
  3. Erhm... yes... names of some LFS were mentioned... be in good or bad feedback.
  4. Hmmm... is that Pacificbetta's room?
  5. I have actually dealt with this issue before as I also moderate other boards as well. The issue was settled between the offended party and the individual poster. I merely assisted in helping to locate the contact particulars. Perhaps an analogy would be that if someone sends a defamatory SMS to his phonelist... M1 or SingTel doesn't get sued... but the relevant person only. My priority would be to protect the interests of SRC members first and then my own backside. Hence, my warning.
  6. The mantis shrimps we find in our hobby is overated in terms of their capability to break glass tanks. I think when they get to that monster size, then it's a worry. I saw a video of a huge one spearing a fish as it swam by and boy, it was lighting fast. Saw another one it smashed a crab to pieces in two strikes. But they were all huge ones.
  7. It doesn't have to be airtight. What should be done is to prevent air interaction with the kalk solution water surface. Your drip container can be an open pail. All you need to put a closely fitted piece of round styrofoam sheet to float on the water surface... that's it!
  8. Guess what? Today I got a phone call warning me to control you guys abt your comments. Seems like a few LFS are quite unhappy abt the sharing that has been going on here... ie. bad experiences like being overcharged, sold defective or inadequate stuff, given bad advice, being treated rudely etc. So the issue is how do they determine what is truth? How do we determine truth and hearsay or lies? How can you and I, as consumers, protect ourselves and others from experiencing what we went through? By keeping quiet?? How do we protect ourselves and our wallets? We, as Asians, usually do not like to confront the LFS owners directly. So we speak amongst our friends and we warn people to avoid unpleasant encounters in future. Nothing wrong with that. So feedback is a double-edged sword - the shops can choose to improve themselves after listening to feedback here or they can choose to be upset and make things difficult for everyone here. Likewise, when a shop gets good reports & recommendations from our members here... do they say anything? We are all entitled to free speech, you only need to worry if you can't prove beyond a reasonable doubt what was experienced, heard or said with your experiences in our LFS, if they so happen to want to bring you to court. That is... you are out to defame them by telling lies or mistruths. Out of court, it's a matter of looking behind your shoulders. Hee hee! If there is any legal counsel here in SRC, I would appreciate your input on matters of defamation and damages, especially with online postings. I know my rights as the owner of this forum and I have posted the terms and conditions for use and disclaimers necessary ie. everyone is responsible and liable for the content they posted. The issue here... where does commercial censorship lies, who has the right to determine it, should we allow it, what are our legal rights are as individuals, what are our freedom of speech rights are and what would be the most prudent course of action. Pls speak out! For SRC! In the meantime, perhaps it would be prudent not to name names... use code or 'vague descriptions' if you must give negative feedback on LFS experiences. AT
  9. That is a good suggestion that I have always wanted to implement! Ok... r$ch$e, for lurking for the past few months... I appoint you the weekly report thread updater!
  10. Oh come on, Wookie Dookie... we mean you no harm! *hurt look*
  11. Actually, the SRC photo gallery is already installed... hee hee... I just didn't publish the link up yet coz I haven't configured the new content managment system yet. Been busy and have also been putting it off during my free time. Ok ok... will get on it. AT
  12. Achilles Tang


    ? I read somewhere that they can last up to 2 years!
  13. Bringing dKH to such a level would be tottering dangerous on calcium precipation ie. snow storm!
  14. hmm.... define warping... because of the length of the glass? Without a centre brace... I see the possibility of it happening. But 12mm glass should be rather stiff, shouldn't it?
  15. OMG! Tanzy!! That was hilarious!!! Hahahahaaha!!! Nice work bro!
  16. Errr... you mean Spade and Phang are....
  17. Sigh! I give up! again... Hmmm... how I define sexiness... Intelligent, confident, humourous - inward qualities Tiny waist, nice butt, great moves - outward qualities
  18. Darth Archie? I am Emperor Palpatine Tang!!!! *ZZZZZZzzzzzaaaaaapppppPPPPPPP* And put down that stupid Luo Han Flourescent 6500k Light Tube!
  19. Phang, You still need to ID your lights better... these are BLUE RAYS.... it's the Deadly Dark Jedi Radium Rays 1000,000,000 watts!!!! *Zaps the furry slimeball again for the fun of it*
  20. *sparks leaking from fingertips* What did you call me?
  21. *ZZZZzzaaaaaaaaPPPPPPPP!!!!* What's my name again?? We are not in Riverdale!!! This is not Archie, Jughead, Betty and Veronica land! *ZZZZzzaaaaaaaaPPPPPPPP!!!!*
  22. Hmmm... talking abt the fairer counterparts are we? I thought you like them furry?
  23. Welcome, young Jedi. I have been expecting you. I'm looking forward to completing your training. In time you will call me Master. Your first task is to shave yourself completely and take your place by my side, next to my hairless dog.
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