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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Thanks guys... no frag party, but I spend many hours fretting over SRC to be restored back. Does that help?
  2. That's a batfish for Pix #1, #2 looks like some kind of tuskfish or wrasse, third is a remora. Anyway, pls let us know how was the dive? Enjoyed yourselves? I heard you had a japanese lady instructor? (Dodo's gonna take up diving soon! )
  3. We did cover jellyfish a while back here. When you do a search... check that search goes back to the beginning.
  4. Your anemone looks fine in the above pix. What happened after that? Why did you circle the mouth?
  5. ----------------------------------------- Next, take a given Acropora species. Frag it, leaving the mother colony and daughter colonies in the same tank. Because of increased tissue mass, the mother colony will have more energy stores available in case of stress than the frag would. Bathe both of them in water that contains a stressor, the frag would succumb to the cumulative stress before the mother colony would. Reason fragging the coral would force it to shunt part of its metabolism into repair/growth, rather then energy storage. Also, as chemical warfare starts, the coral will slowly ramp up it's own defenses and offence- meaning it will also start producing secondary metabolites. In a coral already short on energy reserves, having to heal and work hard on producing chemicals, the coral will be stressed. This is why I believe that the fragment checked out before the mother colony. You also can keep in mind here that the frag/mother colony are genetically identical. ------------------------------------------------------
  6. It's not a LFS.... it's just a friendly advice from a distributor friend who used to run a LFS. It's based on feedback he got.
  7. Sounds like the oxygen level has dropped drastically. I hope you have ample water circulation using powerheads. Do you? For LR to turn black.. sounds really scary. Did you accidentally dose some poison into your tank? Spray baygon near your tank? Used copper to treat your fishes? The smell is probably hydrogen sulfide. I suggest you tell us your tank setup now so we can help you properly.
  8. A heartwarming story of the advances of women in achieving equality throughout the world. I, Barbara Walters, did a story on gender roles in Kabul several years before the Afghan conflict. She noted that women customarily walked about 10 feet behind their husbands. Barbara returned to Kabul recently and observed that men now walked several yards behind their wives. Ms. Walters approached one of the Afghani women and said, "This is marvelous. Can you tell the free world just what enabled women to achieve this reversal of roles?" "Land mines," said the woman
  9. If I am not wrong, the HWZ forums also got lots of feedback on shop experiences... and not all of them are GOOD!
  10. I understand that defamatory comments can be proven if the TRUTH wasn't told and CAN be determined. But if posters speak the FACTS as they have experienced it themselves. How does the plaintiff decide whether it's defamatory or not? Yes, as a board owner, if someone makes an outright defamatory remark: eg. Phewbacca is a hairy slimeball because he cheats people by claiming to be a real wookie... and I KNOW for a FACT that that is so untrue... coz he's a NOT real wookie and can be proven with DNA tests... and I allow the posting to continue, I understand that I may be abetting the accuser's statement if I choose to ignore a legal notice from the Wookie's lawyers who CAN prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Phewbacca is a bonafide wookie. Ok ok... to make it simpler... I walk into a shop and bought a book... I was told by the sales person that this book is so rare and good that he charges $100 for it. I bought it because I was convinced. I walk into the next bookstore and I see the same book at only $20! I went back and confronted the owner and he was extremely rude to me... told me to fly kite. I got so mad, I went back to my Book Club and told everyone of my bad experience. The $100 bookstore owner is furious I did it... what are his legal rights and what can he do?? As a board owner, does this mean that everytime I received a legal notice, means that I am obligated to take action to appease the offended party/lawyers? Do board owners get arm-twisted so easily just to avoid the hassle? I don't mind the inconvenience of going to court to support the poster (if what he says is the truth). The easy way out for me to avoid hassles, of course, is to simply amend all the names mentioned to obscure code or vague descriptions. But I forsee that this will cause even worse damage to the LFS reputation as people will still KNOW who that is... people are not stupid.
  11. Great! Lunchtime entertainment!
  12. The first option is for below 15 to 19.
  13. ? I dun remember deleting any such post. Pls PM me to refresh my memory. Thanks!
  14. Divinesloth.... Luohans are not kept in marine tanks... but we get the idea.
  15. In the phone conversation, I was asked to put myself into their shoes! I mean... if we chat in the Straits Times Forum... do you see SPH being called up and told to edit/delete those negative threads? I am sure there are much much more people reading those forums (hee hee... including ISD). This is a hobby site for hobbyists. If we have an actual clubhouse, and we have a notice board where people can give their feedback etc.... it's the same thing! The argument was "its the internet - the WHOLE world can see the negative comments." Yeah but... if you get GOOD comments - the WHOLE world can see it too! Besides, we only have a few visitors from USA, Indonesia and Malaysia and New Zealand... they won't even know these LFS! It's just Singaporeans who know! And this is such a small country... are they gonna prevent us from physically meeting and calling each other up as we have been doing all along? I understand that your comments made are affecting their ricebowl but that should highlight the ROOT of the PROBLEM. The LFS should solve THAT and IMPROVE their shop's reputation and they'll be praised till thy kingdom come! The government has been trying to improve the service quality of retail outlets and service outlets in SG for a long time... courtesy campaign... haha... remember the lion? Courtesy and etiquette should be from within. Rudeness and charging $1800 for a sump (example) will only beget negative feedback! What say you?
  16. Ok guys... those who wish to share their bad experiences here, pls read this post here first!
  17. Cool thing to do in other countries but in SG, you need to apply a license for it... lol!
  18. Actually what Tanzy said is true. What mother nature has taken thousands of years to create... she can destroy in a few minutes. And this has been happening for many many many years. The main cause of reef destruction in order of magnitude is as follows: 1. Storms, typhoons, hurricanes, tidal waves - Mother Nature - massive destruction in a flash. 2. Global Warming - Mother Nature and Mankind - mass bleaching of corals. 3. Pollution of water by ships discharging wastes and chemicals at sea, chemical runoffs from land to sea from fertilizers, factory wastes, trash etc - Mankind - poisoning of the seas. 4. Destruction by land reclamation, overfishing, shipping activities eg. harbour works, ship anchors, water traffic, sandbed drilling, naval activities, trawler fishing - Mankind - destruction by human activities. 5. Illegal harvesting and fishing methods like dynamite fishing and use of cyanide - wrong practices - Mankind - greed. 6. Overfishing of certain species, allowing their prey to overrun the reefs due to no more predation eg. crown-of-thorns starfish - Mankind - greed and ignorance. 7. Lastly, careless diving protocols and practices - Mankind - carelessness. 8. Picking up corals while snorkelling, walking on tidal flats etc - Mankind - greed/ignorance? I cannot say that the man who carefully picks up a frag or two is more guilty than the one who accidently breaks an entire colony by dropping an anchor on it, or is more guilty than one who throws trash into the drains, canals or at sea. It is really, in all fairness, a lesser evil than other more destructive forces out there. My 3 cents... as a reefer and a diver. I keep things in a matter of perspective.
  19. Come on, there are 400 over members.... let's hear what the PEOPLE have to say about this!!
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