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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. This absolutely the WRONG THREAD!! Please post such questions regarding livestock in THIS WEEK's weekly report thread in the LFS report forum. Thank you. Moving this out tomorrow so you can have time to read this in case you can't find this thread.
  2. Woah.... again another potential flashpoint! Spiderone, please take a break from this thread if you have nothing constructive to add. You seem to be on Gatecrasher's case all this time. He is honestly seeking help here and not out for trouble. Please stand down and back off. And how about's did I get called AT&T?
  3. Possible, but you have to watch for coral aggression and be sensitive to lighting and water circulation needs of both SPS and LPS corals.
  4. You didn't add any new addition into the tank? If you did, pls tell me from where?
  5. I have no idea what you are saying. Can you rephrase that again with proper english. My apologies but I really cannot understand you.
  6. Yeah... I spend enough time aquascaping until I can get mild sunburn on my face from my MHs! I have many things in mind when I aquascape: 1. Natural looking to look like actual reefscapes and not a rockpile or rock wall. 2. Maximum water flow thru. 3. Many swim thru spaces for my fishes. 4. Maximum sandbed exposure so my DSB would function better. 5. Maximum space for optimum coral placements. 6. Minimum exposure of all intrusive 'artificial' stuff like powerheads, piping, wiring etc. Hence my black background and using rocks to hide my streams and using gray pvc pipes for my outlets with mininal intrusion into water. I think when my corals grow out, there will be need for adjustments to be made... As it is, I am gaining experience moving my SPS corals around to see how water circulation and different lighting intensities will affect their colouration and growth. Then it's time to leave them alone and admire their growth!
  7. Moby Dick/Gatecrasher, Take it easy lah. Morgan is afraid that you are looking for simple answers to simple questions and then rush to do it. Reefkeeping is not so straightforward... a lot of theory is needed. If you don't want to learn the basic theory, simple answers will do you more hurt. Like: "How to drive a car"? Ans: "get into the seat, close the door and go" Enough? How about driving theory test? How about practical knowledge? How about getting a license first?How about road experience? How about having a proper car in the first place? Understand?
  8. Tanzy will give you his classic answer: "I got a 12" d***, so what?"
  9. Hi Moby Dick! Nice to see u back! Coralline algae is not the same as Carolline (a girl's name!). There are different species of coralline algae, some do better under shade and some can tolerate bright light. I think you need to improve water circulation in your tank.
  10. Depends on drip rate vs tank volume. Only way is to use a PH monitor to test the fluctuations.
  11. Uhmm, if your biological filtration is properly cycled and established, it will have no problems coping with the production of nitrates. If a hobbyist would rather spend money on bioballs vs setting up a DSB or spending money on a good skimmer or skimp on LR... then by all means, struggle to deal with high nitrates. Ammonia and nitrite should be properly dealt with from the beginning and the only way I can see these recurring is when there is a tank crash caused by a livestock wipeout or massive & sudden overfeeding. A mature filtration system that is properly setup will bounce back faster than one which not only immature but inadequate. Am I making any sense?
  12. Usually facet design, max reflectivity (matt or shiny).
  13. The theory of dosing kalk is two fold - adding calcium AND topping up water. If you have very little evaporation, your salinity will drop if you keep dosing kalk. In a small tank, with quick increases in PH and changes in salinity, you may stress and kill your reef inhabitants. Kalk dosing in small tanks should be matched with quicker evaporation rates using a fan. Also, that also depends on what you are keeping. If you are keeping softies as opposed to clams and sps, you may not even have that much of a calcium reduction to warrant kalk dosing.
  14. Pospeh, what's wrong with you tonight? Jewels and now bioballs?
  15. Pospeh... what's wrong with you tonight?
  16. More details pls. Water parameters etc.
  17. If you are requesting advice on how to keep corals successfully and wish to have us help you troubleshoot... you have to first give us some background information on your tank setup, parameters etc.
  18. Yeah Harry does that too! He's totally freaked out when thrown into the sea!
  19. You can roughly follow this format: AGE OF TANK (AS OF DATE OF POSTING): SIZE OF TANK: SIZE OF SUMP: SIZE OF REFUGIUM: LIGHTING: PHOTOPERIOD: WATER MOVEMENT: FILTRATION SYSTEMS: COOLING METHODS: COMPUTER CONTROL/MONITORING: CALCIUM SUPPLEMENTARY EQUIPMENT/METHODS: WATER TOP UP SYSTEM/TOP UP RATE: ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS: BACKUP SYSTEMS: WATER PARAMETERS (as of date of posting) salinity: calcium: po4: ammonia: nitrite: nitrate: temp: ph: redox: LIVESTOCK LIST: Cleanup crew: Fish: Invertebrates: Corals: FEEDING ROUTINE: HUSBANDRY ROUTINE: ANY OTHER ADDITIONAL COMMENTS: ------------------------------------------------- Anyway, I suggest that you take your time to word it properly in a text document first before cutting and pasting into a new thread so it won't be too messy and you have ample time to proofread and make amendments.
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