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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. T5 are can provide enough light intensity for SPS for shallow nano tanks. Silly AT
  2. He definitely spent A BOMB to get livestock of such good quality! You can't even get such stuff locally! They all end up in the US, Europe or Japan!
  3. I love to see you do the bullet-time.
  4. Phang and Woonming were at place a couple of weeks back to watch Reloaded DVD. Ok lah... the fight scenes with Neo and Agent Smith x 1000 was so long, it got boring. So was the ###### scene intercut with the dancing. Was it censored in the theatres? I heard it was but I watched it in its entirety at GV Widescreen. I got Animatrix DVD too... quite cool.
  5. A four feet deep tank... wow... I think some of our reefer boys here are barely 4 ft in height! Morgan's 3 ft deep tank is already extremely hard to maintain and landscape!
  6. Never mind... hope they will learn proper marine tank basics soon, for their own reputation's sake! Perhaps we can send down our Save Nemo taskforce to give them some guidelines .... Mr BUM???!
  7. Gee.... they are giving out info that UGF can be used for marine tanks. And.... check this out: 6th day - add one or two fishes to start biological process. After a few days, you can slowly add more fishes. Please take note that live rocks and invertebrates are only advised into the tank after 3 weeks... a little at a time.
  8. Just to clarify a bit. My nassarius snails are NOT for sale. I don't think I have mentioned that anywhere. If you see the size of my tank, you will know that the more the better. I am just happy that they are reproducing. I don't have enough to sell them off. I am not like Maxima who is breeding thousands in his huge outdoor clam fibreglass tank with mud substrate! If I am not replying your PMs.. pls understand! LOOK FOR MAXIMA!!!
  9. I dug this out from my archives... Interesting read! Click here!
  10. As tanzy always say: A tank higher than 2.5 is inviting death by drowning should you fall in head-first during maintenance. Getting stabbed in the eye with a staghorn coral is a bonus.
  11. Using that already for my Radium and Ushio Blue.
  12. The dangers of Hydrogen Sulfide is overated as no one should be disturbing a DSB in the first place. The smell of hydrogen sulfide is stronger than its toxicity! Even a plenum system will develop hydrogen sulfide if a tank is allowed to stagnate with no water circulation and no oxygen is diffused to the aerobic/anoxic sections of the sandbed.
  13. Well... I am a convinced DSB advocate coz I never could get rid of my nitrates in my newbie phase until I made one. Actually, Dr Ron has been a rather weird fella at times coz he even said that skimmers are useless before! He is now telling people that tank crashes happen coz of heavy metal buildups. So that means that sandbed and LR has to also change out every 4 to 5 years?? It happened to him and a few reefers but there are a lot of DSB users who have their reef tanks still doing good after 15 years! Perhaps that's why there are further studies on saltmixes now, to find one that contains less heavy metals in them. That should be the root of the problem and let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater! To me, throwing out LRs will be much more expensive than a sandbed.
  14. If you have the time & budget, do a plenum sandbed. Straightforward folks, just dump sand in and voila... a DSB!
  15. Projector screens are out. It's a small booth. No space to set up dark conditions for best visibility. I am thinking of at least 2 pcs + LCD (prefer 17" screens). Stacked on table top with a single tier shelve. I'll give more info on the booth space later. Need to check my email for details.
  16. Panlee... this new trend of a remote DSB being easily disconnected from the main system is started by alarmists who are worried about the potential heavy metal poisoning accumulating in DSB. For that matter... anything with a calcium carbonate body can also potentially accumulate heavy metals... so it is suggested to throw out the LRs too. Anyway for a DSB to be actually effective.. it should occupy the same horizontal surface as the main tank.... so unless you have a sump tank the same size as your main tank... it won't do its job. Still.... a tiny DSB is probably better than no DSB.
  17. You're supposed to be LOVING IT!
  18. A DSB and Plenum both ultimately achieves what it is made to do. A DSB is straightforward to setup. A Plenum takes a lot more effort to setup and is prone to physical collapse if you set it up poorly.
  19. Ang Mo portions for Ang Mo stomachs! The Mac burgers Down Under are bigger than our local Macs'.
  20. Yeah... he knows when I have my camera out and always seem to be hogging the whole photo.
  21. Service? Hahaha... sure... I need pros to teach me a few more tips! The sun corals are still there but they aren't open in this shot.
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