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Achilles Tang

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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Grrrrrr..... *struggles to take finger away from the BAN USERS settings*
  2. You already have fishes in there?? And a mandarin fish too??? This fish requires an established tank with loads of liverock to sustain a large enough population of copepods for it to survive! What other fishes do you have in there now? No wonder!! You are constantly adding an ammonia source.. when your biological filtration population is not even established yet! Please remove your fishes and house them somewhere else... you'll end up heading for a crash and death of your livestock.
  3. You lost your cat?? How? I think cats do wonder out from time to time but they always know how to return home right? Unlike dogs... Sorry to hear about this.
  4. I can't really predict your tank's cycling period... as every tank is setup differently. In general, a typical cycle will take about 32 days.. give or take a few days. Right now, bacteria is processing your high ammonia to nitrites... and you have to wait for them to process enough nitrites to nitrates... the next phase. Please read up as much as you can about marine tank setups and the nitrogen cycle. You have to evaluate your own setup esp. the filtration aspect. For a marine tank, it's life or death or long-term suffering. A crash is a tank 'wipeout'.
  5. Readable level?... it should read '0'!!! Do you know anything about the nitrogen cycle? There are some links in the newbie forum... go read it first.
  6. ? The market is an eyeopener... there's a lot of things to see. And its full of pickpockets... my backpack was opened countless times... nothing of value unless they want to steal a water bottle, tissue paper, rubbish... haha... My wallet was in a pouch slung around my waist facing front...
  7. If your tank was just set up last Thursday... and you still have very high nitrites .... chances are ... or the fact is.... you are still in the midst of a cycle. It's barely a week... and a cycle should be around 30 days before it ends. For a small tank... please be very careful.. crashes can happen very easily. What do you mean by external filter? Pls explain in detail. You have to hold back your stocking, unfortunately. Speak to the LFS and say that your tank isn't ready yet. If they won't hold it for you... change LFS.
  8. One in the centre? I don't think you should do that... the centre brace!! You would be better off just moving your 2 lamps closer to the centre so the overlap will cover the centre. Are you planning to keep SPS soon?
  9. Sounds just about right.. I would love to be in your tank tonight... *takes out fragging tools*
  10. Hmm... if you don't know what SPS corals are... why ask about lighting for them? Lighting is just a small part of keeping SPS... You have to read up more about corals and their requirements before attempting them... esp. SPS. I recommend you start with keeping easy to keep corals like soft corals first... and progress to LPS corals later on.
  11. the mantis shrimp before it grows bigger and become a threat to your inverts and fishes. Brittlestars, especially if they are greyish brown, are more or less reefsafe. Don't keep the green ones... they are fish-eaters.
  12. 150w of MH vs 150w of FL vs 150w of PL vs 150w of T5 vs 150w incandescent vs 150w of LED = All have different intensities of light due to the inherent design and efficiency of bulb. Intensity is key to depth penetration. A deep tank will typically require a higher intensity bulb or your lower placed inhabitants will not get enough light. For SPS, intensity is crucial if you want to make sure they don't remain dull and brown.
  13. Chaktuchak market. Wonderful place...eyeopener! Just extremely warm and full of pickpockets.
  14. Bum... your lights seems to be rather high up.. you gonna lose a fair bit of intensity... anyway to lower them slightly? Wow.. your tank has changed since a lot since the last time... I was there.
  15. REMINDER: Hi guys... please follow up with a PM to me once you have made the money transfer. The bank account details are in this thread's first post with the order information. Also, I need to point out that since everyone is cutting, adding in their names and order and pasting back into a new post... there may be a time lag... where two or three replies may have been made before yours. Therefore, it is possible that your own name may not be in the list as others post after you (because they will follow the lastest list). Therefore, PLEASE CHECK THAT YOUR NAME/ORDERS ARE IN THE LATEST LIST. Thanks, AT
  16. Hi, And Welcome to SRC, where the algae is green and the mermaids are pretty!
  17. Why don't you guys check out the car-sharing schemes offered around? They sound very good... check out www.cityspeed.com.sg.
  18. There are many different harvests of brine shrimp, and from different locations. Just like wine! You pay a premium for really good quality BS eggs. I remember paying for a bomb for 90%> hatch rate BS eggs from www.brineshrimpdirect.com. Really good stuff! What you see at LFS is usually poorer in quality and have poor hatch rates. And the sizes are usually very big. AT
  19. I think calling this snake oil is a little too harsh. It's just fresh frozen food. When you call something 'snake oil'... it's supposedly to give miraculous results that is somehow unexplainable, either intentionally via vague marketing claims or scientifically/logically.
  20. Editing thread title as it is unreflective of the thread content.
  21. I believe it's just Edmund's responsibility to speak out on behalf of his principal. He would be considered negligent if he knew of imitations passing off as AquaC skimmers. I doubt if he really cares about DIY projects anyway. I personally encourage DIY projects to save costs but you have to know where you stand in terms of legality of copyrighted stuff. Imitations are prevalent in the market but you can't steal someone's intellectual right and profiteering from it. I don't think the AquaC imitations are anything like the real thing anyway...
  22. Dino... you first time in SRC ah? Be more descriptive in your title can?? Grrrrr!!
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