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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. You just got Joe_p's dream tank! Looks beautiful... I am sure the rockscaping will be a fun and challenging task! *envy* - I want another tank like this too!
  2. Unfortunately, the powerpoint file is too huge to attach. There are a lot of photos on it! If you like, I can attach a transcript of what I spoke about?
  3. "Hi everyone, it gives me great honour to represent the Singapore Reef Club in coming to Aquarama 2003 and sharing the marine hobby with you!"
  4. A group photo of those who helped out at one point.
  5. Another shot. Notice the clean table is no more.
  6. I had a baby moray eel that came as an unexpected hitchhiker... guess what... I lost about a dozen dispar anthias within a week. Unagi's gone now.... !
  7. Cool... everything's cool. Hi Reef-life and welcome to the Singapore Reef Club! First off, I must say that you have AWESOME zooanthids!!! Care to share the average price of the nice specimens you got? Achilles Tang Founder and Administrator Singapore Reef Club
  8. Marine LFS should carry them. Don't go to those LH converted to marine LFS.
  9. Of course...! It's an important part of the the typical marine aquarium fish's diet! Fish's do appreciate fresh 'meat'!
  10. Hi... can i suggest that you be more descriptive in your thread title? Rather than just ' 2ft to 4ft tank', how about 'Upgrading from 2ft to 4ft tank, transfering livestock question.'
  11. IMO, 29 degrees is on the edge of danger for such corals... they will melt away once the temperature spikes. At the least, they will bleach and lose their nice green colours... which is also something you don't want. Be good to your corals and see if you can give them a constant cool environment of around 25 to 26 degrees by using a chiller.
  12. Hi pls be more accurate in your thread title and description. I thought you were referring to the eight-armed variety.
  13. Who's your sifu? Is he in this forum?
  14. Guys... if I am slow in replying to you regarding confirmation about receiving your individual orders... pls forgive me. I have a whole week's backlog of emails and pms to clear. And I have to sort thru my bank statements vs your individual orders. Plus I just finished with Aquarama yesterday and was also busy & stressed getting the website back up. Please give me a bit more time to respond and confirm your orders. Thank you for your kind understanding. AT
  15. *in steps the administrator* *shakes head* Sigh! And I thought I will have some rest after Aquarama!
  16. Not instant. Maybe a slightly faster cycling period given the bacteria count in NSW is much higher compared to sterile saltmix water. That will help kickstart the populating of bacteria on the surfaces of the liverock, sandbed & other types of biological filters. Bacteria can spread very fast anyway... so its really a theory. Bacteria in a bottle may help kickstart the cycle... but Tanzy would disagree and say its a waste of money.
  17. Hey, look on the bright side... you could have gone shopping at the shop next door!
  18. Coral Clams, You have to know that there are different grades of pumps out there for different applications. True Pressure-rated pumps are a lot more expensive and solidly built than the typical aquarium pump made of plastic parts. The Iwaki pumps are external pumps, air-cooled, made of metal and pressure-rated. Back-pressure won't faze it a bit compared to even the highest capacity aquarium pump in the market. I tried, believe me. These chemical pumps are made for industrial purposes... like in semi-conductor industries. My beckett skimmer could not function well with the Oceanrunner pump rated for 6500l while my Iwaki MX70 rated for less capacity actually was so powerful that I can T-off both to run my beckett skimmer effciently and provide the returns into my tank. oh... forgot to mention.. these pumps are also every expensive to run 24 x 7. AT
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