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Achilles Tang

Senior Reefer
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Everything posted by Achilles Tang

  1. Don't get me wrong... the 2-pin plugs are those Euro plugs where the earth pin is actually on the power point itself where it connects to the plughead. You can actually see a hole in the plughead where the earth pin goes in. For two pin plugs, you can't ground them as they don't have a earth wire.
  2. Any filter media that traps detritus and functions as part of a wet/dry filter where lots of aerobic bacteria will grow will produce nitrates as an end result.
  3. Fully agree with you. Thanks for sharing! There were some things that could have been improved. 1. The URL should have been very prominent. Like our neighbour Arowanaclub.com, they had a very long banner across their backwall. 2. We should try getting a bigger booth too. I think we had more traffic at our booth than they did. IMO. 3. Being space restricted, there was very little space to move inside. Also, our neighbour across the aisle blocked the lane with their fish sale. Thus a lot of people were jammed up outside. 4. We did give out brochures. Those were so quickly snapped up that we had to go out and photocopy them... thanks Ian, Flubberina and Bum for your help. 5. Perhaps we could have also gotten better display shelvings or get even bigger LCD screens to be displayed more prominently next exhibition! Anyone else wish to give us feedback to better improve?
  4. Hurry up, people... let's get this order going!!! I want to close it by this weekend, so we can get our T-shirts by end of next week.
  5. Yazid, remember we discussed about a UPS to run a circulation pump in SRC before.... why don't you revive that thread?
  6. Actually the cure time should be extended to 10 days or 12 to be extra safe. Be generous with the spreading so that it will 'grip' more surface area as it can be rather soft when thin.
  7. Great links! Thanks for sharing! So now more people will be convinced that keeping jellyfish is really a specialized task with every special housing needs and troublesome feeding requirements. Better to leave them in the sea and don't support any trade in them. AT
  8. I think Daniel K is confused. He should be adding his name to the list. Not starting with his own.
  9. The 2nd movie explained that The One is the means to restart the whole process again as they weed out the bugs in the program. Something like that. It's the same happenings every cycle... the Architect said it. So everything is already pre-programmed. Just that the decision by The One at the end of each new cycle will decide whether it will carry on again or come to an end. Confused? I am.
  10. I have a bro from ISD, I'll ask him if he'll even bother about this issue... frankly they are too busy looking for JI operatives.
  11. IF you're facing your neighbour and he or she could see into your house (not peeking via binoculars), yes, potentially, it could be deemed as some form of sexual harassment.... like cases where wankers at windows will try to embarrass other people who happen to look at them. I am not too sure, but if there are complaints made, the police will be sure to look into it. Perhaps some of our reefers who are in the police force shed some light onto this matter?
  12. Thank you for sharing your views. We'll close the thread when enough people are aware of the issues at hand and spoken their piece. AT
  13. The average home aquarist is ill-suited to keeping a Jellies Tank. Trying to keep one in your rectangular tank means it'll be dead soon. Do a search on a 'Kreisel tank' here in SRC for more info on a proper jellyfish tank. Just forget the idea. Too much cost involved.
  14. Bwilly.... sigh.... you never change... trying to hit on Rumour's wife? JOKING!!!!
  15. How about some hobbyist who do not use RO/DI and don't get 'black algae' when topping up/changing water?
  16. Hi everyone, First off, I must say that this event would not have been possible without the help of many people especially Morgan and Phang. Special mention to Morgan because he was there from beginning to end of EVERYDAY including the day when I wasn't there to rush the poster designs for the last minute sponsors' sales of products for fund raising and getting the forum up JUST before the 1st public day of Aquarama. Also for the transportation help... You have my personal gratitude, Morgan. A big thanks also to our booth sponsors who came in with cash sponsorship and made possible the covering of costs towards the rental of the 2 computers and LCD screens and the laser colour printing, lamination and mounting of the many posters, stationary, transportation costs etc. The sponsors were eAquaNature (thanks Edmund), Titanium/Reef Relief Chillers (thanks Dr Chill), Reefez (thanks Ming), Reef Associates (thanks Pang), X-glare.com (thanks gary) and I-box (thanks Ian). The event was quieter on the Trade Days, althought it was good to meet up with industry people especially the LFS who came to look us up... eg. Henry from Marine Life, Thomas from Ocean Planet, Edwin from Paradise Reef, Steven from New Trio and Jon from Coral Farm. It was a surprise also to see many SRC reefers who came in as Trade Visitors! The weekends were much busier of course, and the sale & display of items from our sponsors brought the crowds in to check them out. The many SRC well-wishers who came in also made our day as we made many new friends and finally put faces to nicknames! To the many helpers who came and helped us out, Rumour, Bum, Flubberina, Victor... A BIG THANK YOU TOO! Overall, I deemed our participation in Aquarama a success because we promoted our club to quite a few marine hobbyists who have not found us yet and also helped promote our message of Responsible Reefing to the public...my seminar speech hopefully did bring across this message. We have also met quite a few people who proposed tying up some events together with the club. When the time is right, I'll announce them! I hoped this wouldn't be the first and last time we come together as a club and make things happen... especially with the one week downtime that came just before the exhibition and hampered our communication, and caused the T-shirt Fundraising Project to be shelved! Yet despite that, we DID IT! You SRC dudes and dudettes rock! At your service, Achilles Tang
  17. Well, its a male for sure.. but it has yet to develop better characteristics to qualify as an alpha male such as the upturned lip, longer finnage, brighter colours.... but only time will tell! Perhaps if it is within a school of males and females and establishes its dominance, then it'll develop into the Alpha? I like your mixed anthia school... looks like the tiger's a good buy!
  18. Morg, You're right... its a vast difference between wild specimens and those that end up in aquariums. You know what would be awesome? At least a hundred of these dispars in your 8 ft tank! I'll put my head in your tank everytime I visit!
  19. Not a very clear shot.. max zoom. Check out the length of the tail and its colours on this Alpha Male dispar, note the upturned upper lip too.
  20. Still long way off to becoming an Alpha Male. Take a look at this Alpha Male Dispar in my last dive at Sipadan.
  21. Bro, Take this kind of photo, how to help you ID?
  22. SPS dude.... your name isn't reflective of your knowledge... haha.. joking! Check out what T5 means... here!
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